Plasmodium Flashcards
most important parasitic disease
What stages are inoculated when the mosquito
bites human.?
process where Plasmodium divides
into many merozoites; where does this happen?
liver cells
of the sporozoites remain as schizonts in the liver cell;
do not undergo schizogony; what is this stage called?
Which Plasmodium species have hypnozoite stage?
differentiate Plasmodium microgametocyte fr macrogametocyte
micro: male
macro: female
What completes gametogenesis of gametocyte?
Anopheles mosquitoes bite infected humans,
Plasmodium: undergoes
fertilization to produce a/an ___ in the midgut of
the mosquito.
Some of the merozoites released do not invade RBC;
but develop into the __ stages
definitive host of Plasmodium
Anopheles mosquito
DNA Structure that is origin of flagellum
What completes gametogenesis of Plasmodium?
mosquito bite
What happens to the microgametocyte prior to gametogenesis?
microgametocyte exflagellates
Ookinete –> sporogony –> sporozoites go to ____ of mosquito
salivary glands
which is not an established mode of transmission for malaria A. congenital B. insect bite C. orofecal D. blood transfusion
Why are thin blood smears used for malaria?
RBCs far apart –> clearly see ring forms/trophozoites
Why are schizonts of P.falciparum rarely seen?
hiding at brain’s blood vessels
number of merozoites in P.falci schizont (range)
ring forms that are attached at RBC edge (for P.falci)
accole and applique
Ring form and trophozoite of P.vivax are the same. T/F
Sa P.falci yun
most commonly seen P.vivax devt stage @ thin blood smear A. schizont B. trophozoite C. gametocyte D. ring form
eosinophilic granules present @ cytoplasm of P.vivax: identify
Schuffner’s dots
False about P.vivax A. chromatin: smaller than P.falci B. schizont can cause relapse C. causes RBC enlargement D. less virulent than P.falci
bigger dapat
characteristic presentation of P.malariae schizont
rosette formation
characteristic presentation of P.malariae trophozoite
band form
P.malariae causes RBC enlargement
Which is not a similarity bet P.vivax and P.ovale? A. Schuffner's dots B. Rosette formation C. Enlarged RBCs D. Hypnozoite stage
Mosquito vector in PHL that transmits malaria
Anopheles flavisrostris
One of the prodromal symptoms of malaria is lasstude. What is lassitude?
walang gana
Malaria paroxysyms: what is the sequence
chills the fever then sweating
malaria paroxysyms are assoc with what part of life cycle?
ideal time to collect blood for malaria
during fever
chills/cold stage: pathophysio behind mild shivering??
muscle contractions that produce heat to increase temp
Why can’t malarial fever be sustained by the body for a long time?
proteins and multiplying cells may be destroyed
periodicity and type of malaria, P.falci
malignant tertian
periodicity and type of malaria, P.vivax
benign tertian
periodicity and type of malaria, P.malariae
72 hours
benign quartan
periodicity and type of malaria, P.ovale
48 hours
benign tertian
most malarious province in PHL
[Pathogenesis of Plasmodium]
What is Plasmodium falciparum histidine rich protein 1?
makes adhesion more effective
[Pathogenesis of Plasmodium]
Plasmodium falciparum erythrocyte membrane protein & rosettins complex with ___
intercellular adhesion molecule
[Pathogenesis of Plasmodium]
cytokine produced by macrophages assoc with fever
Tumor Necrosis Factor
cytoadherence of Plasmodium to vital organs causes anoxia, due to what phenomenon?
obstruction of blood flow
In what Plasmodium species is there pulmonary edema?
What happens exactly?
Plasmodium falciparum
excess fluid @ alveoli
macroscopic hemoglobinuria @ malaria - describe
bloody to black urine
hyperprexia @ malaria - describe
rectal temp is greater than 40 degC
acidosis @ malaria - describe
glucose not converted to carbon dioxide but to lactate
only endemic areas of malaria in the PHL: enumerate
Southern Palawan, Tawi-tawi, Sulu, Basilan
most successful intervention for malaria @ Visayas but banned bc of harmful effects
DDT Spraying
kind of breeding water of Anopheles mosquito
clean, shaded, slow running water
malarial incidence is higher @ post-rainy season for high altitude areas
water becomes fast-flowing –> not conducive for breeding –> larvae bought to sea –> larvae die
What equipment in rapid diagnostic test is used to detect P.falciparum?
Enumerate possibly detected antigens @ rapid diag test. Which can cause cytoadherence?
Histidine rich protein (causes cytoadherence)
Parasite lactate dehydrogenase
in rapid diagnostic test, this technique is used to show positive band in the reactive site
gold standard for malarial diagnosis
thin and thic blood smear
kind of blood smear used to identify species
thin blood smear
kind of blood smear used to identify positive fr negative
thick blood smear
in quantitative buffy coat: enumerate layers fr top to bottom
serum plasma
buffy coat
stain used in qty buffy coat
Acridine orange stain
serologic diagnosis of malaria is used to measure___?
period prevalence
T/F. PCR is used to diagnose malaria.
PCR used to monitor drug resistance
drug treatment that is only for P.falciparum
T/F Mass treatment works for malarial control.
F. bc drug resistaance
drugs used for malarial chemoprophy
Doxycycline & Mefloquine
3 strategies of global fund proj for malaria
Early diagnosis
Insecticide treated nets
Indoor residual spraying
Larvae of Anopheles get killed upon sunlight exposure.