Entamoeba, Blastocystis Flashcards
Centrally located karyosome Ingested RBC (proof of invasion)
True for what devt stages of what species?
Entamoeba histolytica
The cysts of E.histolytica are not yet infective when they are excreted in the stool. T/F?
Infective na sila
Most common method of transmission for E.histolytica
Contam drinking water/food
How is water contam by E.histolytica?
Sewage water and drinking water are parallel
How is food contam by E histolytica via mech vector?
They have sticky hairs to which the infective cysts attach.
Gold standard for E histolytica diagnosis
PCR (DNA detection)
[E histolytica]
excystation. The cyst excysts producing __ metacystic trophozoites.
Main pathology of E histolytica
Lysis of cells and tissues
In the large intestine/colon, trophozoites invade the mucosal and submucosal cells, forming the basic pathology of ___
flask-shaped ulcer
[E histolytica]
From the large intestines, they can go to the liver and produce abscess. Trophozoites in the liver can go up, cross the diaphragm and into the lower right lobe of the lung producing pulmonary abscess. Why?
[E histolytica]
It causes dehydration because of ___This is the triggering factor for the trophozoites to protect themselves; .
[E histolytica]
Bc diarrhea, the trophozoites undergo ___ –> feces
In stained fecal smears the cigar shaped chromatoidal bar can be seen.true for what devt stage and what species?
Entamoeba histolytica
most common form of Blastocystis hominis in stool specimen
vacuolar form
only difference of Entamoeba hartmanni with E histolytica
Which is false about E.histolytica diagnosis?
A. Mini gel electrophoresis separates DNA molecule
B. Mucosal scrapes are examined from small intestine.
C. Both are false.
Large dapat
most common cause of amebic liver abscess in developing countries - what mode/s of transmission?
has a glycogen vacuole that occupies the whole cyst, pushing nucleus to periphery
Iodameba butschlii
Entameba coli has chromatoidal bar
False about Acathameba
A. acanthopods: reproductive cells
B. treatment: Amphothericin B
C. both are false
spine-like processes dapat
false about diagnosis of Acanthameba
A. trophozoites in stool
B. cysts in brain tissue & corneal scrapings
C. both are false
CSF dapat
Difference between Naegleria and Acanthameba in terms of disease caused.
Acanthameba: with granuloma
special clin manif @ Naegleria
Kernig’s sign
Naegleria diagnosis: trophozoites @ CSF, char by ___
blunt pseudopodia
False about Naegleria & Acanthameba
A. enter nose of human while swimming @ contam water
B. migrate @ trigeminal nerves
C. both are false
Olfactory dapat
infective stage of Naegleria & Acanthameba
Which part of the liver usually has abscess c/o E histolytica?
right lobe of liver
false about amebic dysentery
A. diarrhea is always with blood and mucus
B. manif of intestinal amebiasis
C. tumorlike in 1% of population
pwede walang dugo
@ extra-intestinal amebiasis, where can there be pulmo abscess
lower lobe of right lung
E histolytica may cause ___ in the brain
[E histolytica]
freshly voided stool must be seen within 30 mins to view ___
[E histolytica]
culture used in diagnosis
Robinson’s culture
[E histolytica]
most commonconcentration method used for stool exam
Formalin Ether Concentration
[E histolytica]
describe aspirate of liver infected with E histolytica
anchovy sauce-like
[E histolytica]
indirect fluorescent AB test: what antigen is used?
trophozoite of E histo
[E histolytica]
stool ELISA detects ___
adherence lectin
[E histolytica]
DNA is extracted fr stool via what method?
phenol chloroform extraction
[B hominis]
enumerate signs and symptoms
diarrhea, abdominal pain, bloating