Plant pt:3 Flashcards
What is the stigma of a plant, and what’s its purpose
It’s the tip of the pistil and it collects pollen by being waxy or sticky
What is the style of the plant
It is the stalk that supports the stigma and connects it to the ovary, it contains the pollen tubes that travel to deliver the sperm cells to the egg. This assists in fertilization of the plant.
What is the ovary of the plant
The part of the plant that is the female reproductive organ of the flower. It holds the ovules and is located above or below the point of connection with he base of the petals and sepals.
What is the anther of a plant
The part of the stamen that produces pollen
What is the filament of the stamen
It is the part of the stamen that holds that anther up so it can spread it’s pollen better
What is the petal of a flower
The highly colored part of the flower that is used to attract pollinators. It can contain perfume or nectar glands
What is the sepal of a flower
Small green structures on the base of a flower that protect the flower bud
What is the embryo of a seed
It is the fertilized ovule of a seed