Plant Diversity (Vascular Plants) Flashcards
Vascular Plants
Plant successes
* Water conservation
* ___________________
* ___________________
* Vascular systems
- waxy cuticle
- stomata
Vascular Plants
* Xylem( moves water)
* Conduct __________ and
minerals from ________
* Flow is “___________” only
* Dead hollow stacks of cells
* Phloem
* Conduct ___________ and
nutrients throughout plant
* ___________________ flow
* Live tube for transport
* Lignin
* _____________ cells walls of
* Provides _______ resistance
- water
- “upward”
- sucrose
- bidirectional flow
- strengthen
- decay
Vascular Plants
* Sporophyte is __________________ generation
* _________ and ___________(than nonvascular plants)
- dominant
- taller and larger
Seedless Vascular Plants
* Reproduce sexually, release ________
* Flagellated sperm (limited to
like _______________
- Sporophyte ____________ from
gametophyte - Well developed vascular tissue
like _______________ plants
- moist
- bryopthyes
- separates
- seeded
Spore-dispersed Plants
* ____________________, dispersion by spores
* Advantages of spores
* Cheap, small, __________________ investment
* Produced in _______________ numbers
* Can result in high number of ________________
* Disadvantages
* ______________, most spores unsuccessful
* Must land on good moist soil
* Low resource to support growing _______________
- seedless
- low resource
- very high
- offspring
- wasteful
- gametophyte
Seedless Vascular Plants
* Appeared _______ mya (earliest seedless vascular)
- 427 million years ago
Fossil Fuels = Coal = Organic remains
300 mya Great Swamp Forest existed
Seedless Vascular Plants _____________
Seedless Vascular Plants
Club Mosses
Division Lycophyta
* 1,000 species
* Formerly very _______ in
size: >30m, Now: <30 cm
* Now: all herbaceous
* Formerly ______________
* Relicts of _____________
vascular plants
- large
- woody
- earliest
Seedless Vascular Plants
* 15 species
* Rhizome produces tall
aerial __________
* Whorls of slender,
___________ branches
* Small, scalelike
___________ at joints
____________ for over 300 million years(their fossils look identical to now)
- stems
- green
- leaves
- unchanged
Seedless Vascular Plants
Whisk Ferns
(Division Psilophyta)
* 12 species
* Many extinct species known
* Lacks roots and leaves!
– ____________of seedless vascular
– _____________ photosynthetic
- simplest
- branches
Seedless Vascular Plants
(Division Pterophyta)
* __________ species (_____% in tropics)
* Small floating ferns to large tree-like
- 12000 (75%)
* True roots, stems, and leaves
* Sporophyte separate from
* Large conspicuous fronds (________)
– Divided into leaflets
– Fiddlehead (____________ frond)
Ferns: Fronds with sporangia on __________________
- leaves
- young fond
- underside
* Prothallus: heart shaped
* Rhizoids as anchor
* Antheridium and
- gametophyte
* Arose in _______________
period (360 – 300 mya)
* Radiated during ___________
period (300 – 250 mya)
* Mesozoic Era: age of the
________________ and
* Range from tropical forests
to deserts
* Mostly found in cool
temperate zones in N. and
S. hemispheres
- Carboniferous
- Permian
- dinosaurs
* _______________ sporophyte, _________________, seed coat (protection)
* Develops from “____________” gametophyte
* Immature male ___________________
- embryo soporophyte, food reserves
- female
- gametophyte
* Heterosporous
* Sharp _____________ between male microspores (pollen
grains) and female megaspores
* Pollen grain contains entire male gametophyte, including
- differences
(Division Cycadophyta):
185 species
* Short, palm-like trees
* Unbranched
* _____________ per tree, either
* **Dioecious: Male and female
structures on __________________
* Flourished during Mesozoic (with
* Monoecious: Male and female
structures on ________________
- 1 cone
- male or female
- different plants
- same plants
* _______ surviving species
(Gingko biloba)
* Unchanged for ________
million years
* ____________, some trees
produce seeds and
others produce pollen
* ____________ tree
typically planted
- one
- 200
- Diecious
- male
Ginkgo biloba
* Considered ___________________________
* Improve mental functioning, ability to
concentrate, and circulation of blood
* Chinese believe: strengthen lungs,
kidneys, relieves cough, improves
- oldest living tree
(Division Gnetophyta)
* 70 species
* __________ genera (very different from each other)
* Ephedra (35), Gnetum (30), and Welwitschia (1)
Welwitchia mirabilis
Some >__________ years old
Most below ground (>meter)
- 3
- 1,500
Ephedra sinica
Dietary supplement promoted to
accelerate metabolism = ____________
- weight loss
Female Cone:
* _____________________ seed bearing cone
* Produces ovule (megaspore, female gametophyte with
archegonia and eggs)
Male Cone:
* __________________, inconspicuous, lower branches
* Produces microspores (give rise to pollen grains with two non-
motile sperms)
- larger
- Small