2/25 Fungi Flashcards
What is a fungus?
* Eukaryotic
* Heterotrophic
* Lack ____________________
* Obtains nutrients by ______________
* Reproduce by ______________
* Glycogen – ___________ storage
* Most multicellular, few unicellular
* >80,000 species described
* Estimate up to ___________ species
- chlorophyll
- absorption
- spores
- energy
- yeasts
- 1.5 million
Modes of nutrition
Despite their diversity, fungi share some key traits:
* Heterotrophs, but do not ____________ their food
* Secrete digestive ______________ into surroundings that break down molecules. Then, they absorb the smaller ________________ compounds
* Diverse lifestyles exhibited by fungi:
– Decomposers
– Mutualistic symbionts
– Parasites (invade living ________ cells and absorb nutrients __________________)
- ingest
- enzzymes
- organic
- host
- directly
Fungi chart:
- Dont move
- chitin
- oxygen
- Glycogen
- animals
Structure of Fungi
Fungal cells different from plant cells. Fungi:
* __________ chloroplasts (plants: chloroplasts)
* Cell wall: __________ (plants cell wall: ____________)
* Energy reserve is ___________ (plants: ___________)
* Some animals possess exoskeletons of chitin
* Energy reserve in animals is glycogen
- lack
- chitin, cellulose
- glycogen, starch
Structure of Fungi
* Mycelium:
– a mass of connected ______________ , increases
surface area for nutrient absorption
– ___________of multicellular fungi (in soil, wood, host)
* What we see above ground (i.e. mushrooms,
toadstools) are the ___________________ structures
- hyphae
- main body
- reproductive
Many fungi can reproduce
sexually or asexually
* Produce _________________
of spores
* Spores are very small
– Can be carried long
– Suspended in air for a long
time, can spread rapidly
* If they land in acceptable
area, will germinate and
produce new mycelia
- high number of spores
Asexual Reproduction
* Many fungi reproduce _______________________
– Grow as mold on fruit, bread, and other foods
– Clones produced by mitotic production of spores
* Yeasts (__________________fungi) can reproduce
asexually by simple ____________________
- asexually
- multicellular fungi
- budding
* Chytrid found in aquatic or
terrestrial habitats
* Decomposers or parasitic
* Some chytrid live symbiotically in
the ___________________________
– Can digest cellulose and lignin
of plants eaten by sheep, cow,
* Some cause are animal
pathogens and attack keratin on
– Amphibian decline worldwide
– Causes suffocation
– Affect animal behavior
- gut of herbivores
- amphibian skin
Chytridiomycota (cont.)
* Unique to other fungi,
produce flagellated spores
called ____________________
- zoo spores
* ___________ species
* High diversity of life histories
* _________ in soil, dead plant
materials, decomposing
organic materials
* Include some of the_________
growing fungi
(ex. __________________)
* Used to produced tempeh
(fermented soybeans)
* Some species are
plant/animal pathogens
- 1000
- Thrive
- fastest
- bread molds
Zygomycetes reproduction
* _____________________ reproduction more common
* Produce stalks, tip contains bulbous sporangia (each
can produce up to _________________ spores)
* Hyphae _________________ food & absorb nutrients
* Spores disperse when nutrients deplete
- Asexual
- 10,000
- penetrate
* Over 64,000 species, make up
_______% of known fungi
* Include many ________________
important fungi: morels,
bread/alcohol _______, truffles
* Penicillium chrysogenum (used
to make Penicillin
* Also include plant pathogens
(chestnut blight)
* Digest resistant materials
(cellulose, lignin)
- 75%
- economically
- base
- antibiotic
Ascomycetes reproduction
* Sac and cup fungi
referring to ascocarp
(fruiting body)
* Spores produce
internally in sac (ascus)
* Ascus: fingerlike sac that
develops during
* Some are unicellular
_________ that reproduce
asexually by ___________
- sexual
- yeasts
- budding
* Over ______________ species
* Defined by clublike structure
(a basidium) a transient
diploid stage in life cycle
* Important _______________ of
wood and other plant
* Include many _____________
mushrooms (portabello,
button mushrooms)
* Shelf and jelly fungi, molds,
mycorrhizae, some poisonous
or hallucinogenic, some
cause diseases in animals
and plants
- 31000
- decomposers
- edible
* Cap and stalk make up only a
_____________ of total mass
* Fruiting body = basidiocarp
* Basidiospores produced in _____
* Spores produce externally at
end of specialized cells
- fraction
- gills
* Also called imperfect fungi
* Not a true group, refers to
_____________ reproducing members of
ascomycota and basidiomycota
* Antibiotic penicillin discovered from
colony of Penicillium fungi
* ___________ cheese, alcohol, soy sauce
* Can cause:
* Respiratory tract infections
* Athlete’s foot
* Yeast infections
* Blights and rots on plants
- asexually
- ferments
Fungi involved in symbiotic relationships with
organisms of ____________________
_________________ – when both species benefit
- different species
- Mutualism
* Often mistaken as mosses
* Partnership of fungus and _________________organism
* Fungus + _________________ (or cyanobacteria)
* Resistant to ____________can survive extended periods
without water, can break down rocks for soil
* Do not tolerate ________________ well, may be absent
in cities, indicators of environmental quality
- photosyntheic
- algae
- desiccation
- pollution
* Fungi that live on plant _______
(found in ___% of plant families)
* Hyphae increase absorptive
surface area of plant roots
– Plants able to absorb more
___________and _____________
because of fungus
– Fungi receives _____________
from plant
* Also helps to maintain soil
structure, preventing erosion
- roots
- 90%
- water and nutrients
- sugar
Leaf cutter ants & fungi
* Leaf cutter ants are ________
* Grow basidiomycete fungi
* Ants cut leave to fertilize their
______________ and protect
them from pathogens and
* The ants maintain their
fungal gardens and eat the
fungi as a _________________
- farmers
- fungi
- food source
Fungi and health issues
Fungi can cause health issues in
humans by:
1. Allergens that trigger immune
2. Direct infection, usually of
________________ (mycoses)
– Ex. ___________, athlete’s foots,
vaginal yeast infections
3. Produce toxins that are
- slern or nail
- ring worm
- ingested
-Decomposition Keep the _____________________ going
-Mutualists with _____% of plant roots (mycorrhizal)
-Tree _____________ (dutch elm disease, chestnut blight,
whitebark pine blister rust)
1. carbon cycle
2. 90%
3. disease
-Crop disease (especially wheat, corn, barley, rice)-costs _______
-Spoilage of food (vegetables, fruits, grains)
-On wood, timber (houses, telephone poles, porches, boats, etc)
-Yeasts: making bread, beer, wine, alcohol
Medical fungi
-fungal diseases – on the rise, often mis-diagnosed. Many AIDS
patients die from ____________________________
-antibiotics – penicillin, cephalosporins produced by _________
-cyclosporin– for organ transplants, immunosuppressant
-bioprospecting – looking for new medicines
1. billions
2. fungal infections
3. fungi