9/20 Protista Flashcards
Domain Eukarya
a. Kingdom Protista
b. Kingdom Fungi
c. Kingdom Plantae
d. Kingdom ________
- Animalia
Domain Eukarya:
-Unicellular or multicellular
-Asexual and sexual
**Membrane bound
-Kingdom Protista
Not plants, animals, or fungi!
(______________ eukaryotes)
- Nucleus
- organelles
- simplest
Characteristics of Protists
- Eukaryotic
- Mostly ___________________
- Some algae multicellular (red and
Characteristics of Protists
* Some autotrophic (algae)
* Some heterotrophic
* Some decomposers
* Most are ________________
* Freshwater & marine
Characteristics of Protists
* Lack plant structures like ________, stems, and
_____________ – or structures that encase
developing embryos
* Lack animal features like __________,heart, nerve cells, & _____________________
- roots
- leaves
- limbs
- internal digestive tract
Characteristics of Protists
* Protists make up __________________________
– Heterotrophic plankton = zooplankton
– Autotrophic plankton = phytoplankton
* Some are free-living and motile; some are not
– Pseudopodia, flagella, cilia
* Some are parasitic
– Some cause disease (i.e. ___________________)
- plankton
- malaria
Modes of reproduction
Asexual (__________________________)
Sexual when environment _______________
- Allows recombination
- Genetically diverse offspring more likely
to survive
- most common
- stressful
Green Algae
* Green color due to presence
of chlorophyll a,b
* Mostly freshwater (few
– Grow in large mats on
surface of lakes and ponds
* Some on land (moist areas)
* Similar to plants
– Photosynthetic
– Cell walls made of
* Arose 500-600 mya (ancestor
to ______________)
2.plants (green algae is sister to plants)
* ______________________ unicellular organism in oceans
* Marine and freshwater
* Phytoplankton (Chlorophyll a & c)
* ________________ composed of silica
* Geometrical shapes and patterns
* Make ______% of O2 produced on earth each year
* Economic importance (filtering agents, gentle
- Most numerous
- phytoplankton
- 20%
serves as the foundation of many food webs in the ocean
Red Algae
* Reddish
* Pigments (phycobilin)
* Chlorophyll a
* Most are ___________ and
* Eaten in some parts of world
* Economic Importance
* Agar (drug/vitamin
capsules, jellies)
* Lab media for growing
bacteria and other
- marine and multicellular
Brown Algae
* Brownish
* Chlorophyll a, c and other
pigments (carotenoids)
* Most are marine,
multicellular, large (50-100m)
* Includes kelps and other
types of __________________
* Rocky coasts
– Don’t dry out (water
retaining material)
– Algin (smooth
* _____________________
- seaweed
- cream cheese, ice cream
* Marine & freshwater
* Very _______________
* Most are unicellular
* ______ flagella
* Chlorophyll a & c
* Some lack chlorophyll
and are heterotrophic
* Cellulose plates
covering with ________
- abundant
- two
- silica
What is red tide?
* Naturally-occurring
* Higher-than-normal concentration of microscopic ________
* __________________ blooms often result in dead marine life
(toxins in ___________________________)
* Neurotoxic shellfish poisoning (NSP) (ingestion of oysters)
- algae
- red tide blooms
- dinoflagellates
* Animal-like heterotrophic unicellular organisms
* Classified by ________________________________
* Freshwater & marine
* Heterotrophic & motile
* _________________-
cytoplasmic extensions
* No ____________________
* Move and ingest their food
with pseudopods
* Phagocytosis: ____________
by extending pseudopodia
around prey, cytoplasm
forms vacuole, enzymes
released to digest prey
- Pseudopods
- defined shape
- engulf
* Freshwater and marine
* Flagella – whip like structure for
* Solitary, colonial, or parasitic
* Heterotrophic and autotrophic
* Some contain ______________ –
_________________ (ex. Euglena,
Dinoflagelletes, Volvox)
* Some symbiotic: ex.
* Some parasitic: ex. Giardia,
African Trypanosoma
- locomotion and senses
- chlorophyll - photosynthetic
* Heterotrophic, freshwater
* Cilia: tiny ____________________,
move in coordinated rhythm
* Cilia used for locomotion,
feeding, & touch
* Have ____________: a large
macronucleus & one or many
small micronuclei
– Macronucleus: regulate
– Micronuclei: ____________________
* Ex. Paramecium, Balantidium,
Coleps, Vorticella, Stentor
- hair-like projections
- 2 nuclei
- cell functions
- sexual reproduction
* ______________ (no flagella,
cilia or pseudopodia)
* Unicellular
* _____________ to animals
* Forms spores that develop
into a mature adult
* Contain structure _______
_____________ – secretes
enzymes so sporozoans
can enter host
* Plasmodium parasite
(spread by mosquitoes)
causes _______________
- non-motile
- parasitic
- apical complex
- malaria