8/28 macroevolution Flashcards
Changes in the gene pool (aka microevolution)
are caused by:
1. ______________________
2. ______________________
3. ______________________
4. ______________________
5. ______________________
- mutation
- gene flow/ migration
- genetic drift
- nonrandom mating
- natural selection
Evolution in a genetic context:
Microevolution (small changes within a population)
can lead to BIG CHANGES (_______________________)
Evolution in a genetic context:
Large phenotypic changes at or above species level
(across _______________________ of the same species)
1.many populations
Often major morphological changes (__________________)
* Usually _________________ of ancestral feature
ex. Acquisition of ___________
Lampreys (jawless fishes)
Sharks (jawed fish)
- new features
- modification
- jaws
* Origin of ______________
* Origin of new lineages
* Long period of time
(but can occur rapidly)
1.new species
* Species: Latin for “kind” or “appearance”
* Speciation: process of creating ________________
- What is a species?
- Species
– is a ________________________ level in nature
– Each species has its own unique combination of
genes underlying its distinctive __________________ and
- new species
- fundamental
- appearance
- behaviors
Species Concepts:
1. Morphological Species Concept
* Individuals from same species share measureable traits that distinguish them (phenotypic differences)
* Uses diagnostic ____________________________
1.physical characters
Species Concepts:
1. Morphological Species Concept
___________ with using this species concept exclusively:
* Some species (ex. European garden snail)
have so much shell variation, it would be difficult to know if they just represented ______________
- Morphology may not help to distinguish two closely related species that are
nearly _______________ in appearance
- Issues
- one species
- identical
Species Concepts:
2. Biological Species Concept
* Members of different populations that can mate and produce fertile ______________ in a
____________ setting are the same species
* Issues with using this species concept exclusively:
– Not applicable to _______________ or
_________________ species
* Reproductive isolation is a central aspect of the speciation process under this concept
- offspring
- natural
- asexual
- extinct
Reproductive Isolating Methods:
Prezygotic Isolating Mechanisms Prevents reproduction attempts, and make it unlikely fertilization will be successful
Reproductive Isolating Methods
1. Ecological isolation
2. Temporal isolation —–>_____ mating
3. Behavioral isolation
- Mechanical isolation
- Gamete isolation —–> prevent _____
- prevent
- fertilization
- Ecological/Habitat Isolation
Ecological isolation
* Species occur in the ______________ but occupy different habitats and rarely ________________ each other
* If they live in the same place, they can’t mate with each other if they do not come in contact with one another
- same area
- encounter
- Temporal Isolation (prevents mating)
Species living in same area that mate at _____________ ____________ of day or different times of the year
- different times
- Behavioral Isolation
(prevents mating)
Behavioral isolation
* When signals of one species are
_______________________________ by another
* Courtship rituals are critical for mating within a species, but ineffective for attracting members of other species
- not recognized
- Mechanical Isolation
(prevents fertilization)
Mechanical isolation
* Differences in _____________ make mating
– Difference in reproductive organs
– Difference in sizes of organisms
- physical structure
- Gametic Isolation
(prevents fertilization)
Gametic isolation
* When individuals of different species mate but fertilization does not because of incompatibility between _________________
1.sperm and egg
Reproductive Isolating Methods
Postzygotic Isolating Mechanisms Prevents hybrid offspring from developing or breeding
1. Hybrid inviability
* Fusion of gametes but fail to _______________
* Die as embryos or at ___________________
2. Hybrid sterility
(ex. mule = horse x donkey)
3. Hybrid breakdown
(second generation hybrids reduce survival or fertility)
2.early age
Modes of speciation
1. Allopatric speciation (vicariance)
* (allo=other, patria=homeland)
* Occurs when one population is geographically ____________ from other _____________________
- isolated
- populations
1) Allopatric speciation:
- One initial large population
- Divided by phyiscal ___________________
- ____________________ on both sides of the barrier and subsequent genetic differentiation
- ______________________
- barrier
- natural selection
- 2 species
2) Sympatric Speciation
- (sym=together, patria=homeland)
A population develops into two or more reproductively isolated groups ______________ geographic isolation
* Disruptive selection
* Chromosomal changes
- without
- Adaptive Radiation
* Many new species evolve from a ____________
ancestral species
* Adapted to different environments and exploit
* Relatively _______________________
- single
- different niches
- fast evolution
- Adaptive Radiation Promoted by:
- New and varied niches
- provide new ______________________________ - Absence of interspecific competition
- enables species to invade niches ______________
______________________ by others
1.source of resources
2.left or inhabited