Planning and Development Management L1 Flashcards
Talk me through your understanding of the Government’s planning policies for England and their applicability.
The National Planning Policy Framework sets out the Government’s planning
policies for England and how these should be applied.
Talk me through your understanding of how the Government’s planning policies for England contribute to sustainable developments.
The NPPF states that the planning system has three overarching objectives, which are interdependent and need to be pursued in mutually supportive ways:
- Economic Objective
- Social Objective
- Environmental Objective
What information is required in support of a planning submission and where is this defined?
There are national requirements which include:
- Application Form
- Ownership Certificate
- Location Plan
- Site Plan
- Design and Access Statement
There are also local requirements (Such as Tower Hamlets) which include:
- Existing and Proposed Elevations, floor plans, roof plans & site levels
- GIA Assessment
- CIL Form
- Affordable Housing Statement
- Air Quality Assessment
- Biodiversity Survey Report
- Daylight / Sunlight Assessment
- Development Specification
- Drainage Strategy
- Energy Assessment
- Environmental Impact
- Financial Viability Assessment
- Fire Statement
- Flood Risk Assessment
- Utilities Assessment
- Health Impact Assessment
- Heritage Impact Statement
- Infrastructure Impact Assessment
- Accessible Housing Statement
- Land Contamination Assessment
- Lighting Assessment
- Noise Impact Assessment
- Parking and Access
- Planning Obligations
- Planning Statement
- Retail Impact Assessment
- Transport Assessment
- Tree Survey
- Wind Impact Assessment
What does Town and Country Planning Act set out?
This Act concerns spatial and development planning at a national and local level. It establishes the legal basis for local authorities to create development plans, regulate development through planning permission, and control the use of land and buildings.
Explain the management process of a scheme’s development.
Scheme development management involves coordinating project activities from inception to completion.
It involves:
- Defining a scope
- Planning
- Design
- Procurement
- Construction
- Monitoring
- Stakeholder Engagement
- Quality Assurances
- Health and Safety
- Commissioning
What is planning appraisal and how is it used?
It assesses the feasibility and viability of the proposed development.
It is used to help stakeholders understand the potential challenges and opportunities associated with the development. It also informs decision making for the projects planning permission.
How does a planning appraisal fit within the development process?
It is conducted within the early stages of development to assess the projects feasibility and compliance with planning policies.
What is development control?
It involves assessing planning applications against relevant policies, considering potential impacts for local planning authorities.
What is development management and why do we have it?
Development management involves overseeing the planning and development process to ensure compliance with regulations and community needs, promoting sustainable development, and balancing various interests.
Who are the key stakeholders in development management?
- Local Authroity
- Residents
- Developers
- Consultants
How do you go about undertaking pre-application consultation and why?
Engauge with relevant stakeholders (LA’s, Residents) to enable feedback, concerns and expectations.
Ultimately, pre-application consultation fosters better communication, collaboration, and transparency throughout the development process.
What is the process involved in obtaining appropriate planning permission?
- Fil in an application form
- Initial Consultation
- Site Assessments (land use, environmental impacts, access, infrastructure)
- Preparation of Planning Application (site plans, architectural drawings, impact assessments, viability)
- Submission following discussions with the relevant government officials.
- Public consultation
- Assessment and Decision
- Decision Notification
What information is required in support of a planning submission and where is this defined?
There are national requirements which include:
- Application Form
- Ownership Certificate
- Location Plan
- Site Plan
- Design and Access Statement
There are also local requirements (Such as Tower Hamlets) which include:
- Existing and Proposed Elevations, floor plans, roof plans & site levels
- GIA Assessment
- CIL Form
- Affordable Housing Statement
- Air Quality Assessment
- Biodiversity Survey Report
- Daylight / Sunlight Assessment
- Development Specification
- Drainage Strategy
- Energy Assessment
- Environmental Impact
- Financial Viability Assessment
- Fire Statement
- Flood Risk Assessment
- Utilities Assessment
- Health Impact Assessment
- Heritage Impact Statement
- Infrastructure Impact Assessment
- Accessible Housing Statement
- Land Contamination Assessment
- Lighting Assessment
- Noise Impact Assessment
- Parking and Access
- Planning Obligations
- Planning Statement
- Retail Impact Assessment
- Transport Assessment
- Tree Survey
- Wind Impact Assessment
Tell me about site/building surveys and details you are familiar with?
- Site Planning History
- Flood Risk Assessments
- Biodiversity Assessment
- Archaeological Character Analysis
- Conservation Area Impacts
- Accessibility Audit
Highways Assessment
Services and Utilities Survey
Where would you source information on one of these?
The local authority in which the development is taking place in would highlight on their website the different applications, surveys and guidance that would need to be met.
How do you analyse environmental features and issues?
- Data collection
- Environmental assessment
- Regulatory compliance
- Mitigation measures
- Stakeholder engagement
- Monitoring
This ensures compliance with regulations, minimizes adverse impacts, and promotes environmental sustainability.
How long does it take to obtain a planning decision?
8-13 weeks from submission to decision.
What will be the main issues in determining if planning consent is granted?
Within London:
- Affordable Housing Provision
- Daylight and Sunlight issues
- Visual Impacts
- Noise Impacts
- Traffic
- Pollution
- Flood Risk
How can interested parties get involved in planning determination?
- Public consultations
- Submitting comments
- Attending planning meetings
- Joining local planning forums
- Seeking legal representation
What is a Planning Performance Agreement?
Voluntary agreement between a developer and the local planning authority.
How are planning decisions made and by whom?
Local Authority Planning Officers would review the application and make recommendations to the planning committee. They will then decide whether to approve or reject the proposal.
When and why would an application by ‘called-in’ by the Secretary of State and what does this mean?
When it’s deemed to be of national significance or raises important issues. This means the decision-making authority is transferred from the local planning authority to the Secretary of State or their department for determination.
When are applications referable to the Greater London Authority?
When they fall within specific categories outlined in the Mayor of London’s powers, such as developments of a certain size or those that affect strategic infrastructure or planning policies.
What is the role of local councillors and planning officers in the planning system?
Local Councillors: They represent the interests of their constituents and communities. They review the application, attend committee meetings and make decisions.
Planning Officers: They provide professional advice and guidance to the councillors and recommend.