Piggott grids Flashcards
Collection of key facts spanning breadth of testable topics
what are the four components of the precautionary principle - CARD (4)
1- Cause & effect uncertain
2- Acceptable, proportionate, targeted measure
3- Reasonable suspicion of harm
4- Duty to prevent potential harm
what are some food safety controls (environmental conditions that can impact microbial survival), i.e. if you modify these factors you can reduce/eliminate pathogen growth - FAT TOM (6)
1- food: reduce food source for pathogen (proteins/carbs)
2- acidity: pathogens grow well in acidic-to-neutral zone (pH 0-7)
3- time: pathogens need time to grow
4- temperature: the danger zone is 5-60 degrees C (pathogens grow best here)
5- oxygen: some pathogens need oxygen to grow
6- moisture: pathogens need moisture to grow
what are the microbiological parameters as part of the Canadian Drinking Water Guidelines - TTEEE (5)
1- enteric viruses
2- enteric protozoa
3- turbidity
4- total coliform
5- E. Coli
what is the process for integrated pest management - IMPACtEd (6)
- Identify: pest, its enemies, damage
- Monitor: pest pop’n, environment
- Prevention: of pest pop’n
- Action threshold: for control action
- Control: pest pop’n
- Evaluation
what is a risk assessment (1)
1- systematic and scientific evaluation to determine if exposure to a hazardous agent may cause harm to human health
what are the steps to the risk assessment framework - HI DR EARC (4)
1- hazard identification
2- dose-response
3- exposure assessment
4- risk characterization
what are the components to the multi-barrier approach to safe drinking water (10)
1- legislative and policy frameworks
2- public involvement and awareness
3- research, science and technology
4- guidelines, standards and objectives
5- water system management
6- source water protection
7- treatment
8- distribution system
9- monitoring/responding to parameters
10- drinking water advisories
what is the AQHI - what do the letters stand for (1)
1- air quality health index
what is the goal of AQHI (1)
1- reports on the health risk posed by a specific level of air quality, due to a mixture of pollutants
what pollutants are included in AQHI calculation - PON (3)
1- ground-level ozone - O3
2- particulate matter - PM 2.5/10
3- nitrogen dioxide - NO2
what scale is the AQHI measured on (1)
1- Scale ranging from 1 to 10+ indicating air quality getting worse with higher numbers
what are the health risk categories aligning with the AQHI index reading (4)
1- Low
2- Moderate
3- High
4- Very High Health Risk
how are health messages/steps to take tailored for each AQHI health risk category (1)
1- Health messages are customized to each category for both the general population and ‘at risk’ populations
why are SO2 and CO not part of the AQHI (they were part of AQI) (1)
1- they were not associated with additional health risk once the effects of O3, NO and PM 2.5/10 were accounted for
what is the main difference between AQI and AQHI (2)
1- AQI presents the air quality based on worst pollutant
2- AQHI looks at the sum of health risks of each of the 3 pollutants
what are types of indoor air contaminants - BC-RT (4)
1- Biological: mould, fungi, bacteria, house dust
mites, pollen, spores
2- Chemical: NO2, CO, formaldehyde, lead,
asbestos, ozone, VOCs, ammonia
3- Radiological: radon (≤200 becquerels is goal)
4- Tobacco smoke: NO2, CO, VOCs