EPH - definitions, CDWG Flashcards
define environmental health (1)
1- Branch of public health that is concerned with all
aspects of natural factors (physical, chemical, and
biological) and the built environment that may affect
human health
define toxicology (1)
1- study of the adverse effects of chemicals on living organisms
define toxicity (1)
1- intrinsic ability of a substance to harm
living organism
define xenobiotic (1)
1- any substance foreign to the body
define toxico-dynamics (1)
1- dose-response effects of
xenobiotics on an individual (i.e. what a drug does
to your body)
define toxico-kinetics (1)
1- what the body does to the drug
what are 4 subtypes of toxico-kinetics (4)
1- absorption
2- distribution
3- metabolism
4- excretion
re: toxico-kinetics, what is absorption (1)
1- ability to pass into the body
re: toxico-kinetics, what is distribution (1)
1- transport throughout the body
re: toxico-kinetics, what is metabolism (1)
1- activation vs. detoxication
re: toxico-kinetics, what is excretion (1)
1- elimination from body
re: dose-response, what is dose (1)
1- amount of agent deposited within the body following an exposure, dependent on concentration and duration of exposure
re: dose-response, what is response (1)
1- biological reaction to an agent
what is no-observed effect level (NOEL) (1)
1- highest dose at which there is no effect
what are the layers/barriers of the multi-barrier approach to safe drinking water - LPR/SSGT/DM/A (10)
1- Legislative & policy frameworks
2- Public involvement & awareness
3- Research, science & technology
4- Source water protection
5- (Water) system management
6- Guidelines, standards & objectives
7- Treatment
8- Distribution systems
9- Monitor/respond to parameters
10- (Drinking water) advisories
what is the rationale for the multi-barrier approach to safe drinking water (1)
1- Ensures clean, safe, reliable drinking water by
understanding and protecting the water supply from
source all the way to the consumer’s tap
re: safe drinking water, what is the role of Environment Canada (1)
1- dictates federal water policy
re: safe drinking water, what are the relevant federal legislation - CEPA, FA, CWA (3)
1- Canada Water Act
2- Fisheries Act
3- Canadian Environmental Protection Act
re: safe drinking water, what is the role of P/T (3)
1- oversight of drinking water quality
2- oversight of compliance
3- performance monitoring
re: safe drinking water, what is the role of municipalities (2)
1- delivery of water
2- infrastructure funding
re: safe drinking water, what kinds of things should the public be made aware of/involved in - SRP (3)
1- safety guidance - Educate public on health risks, water disinfection,
guidelines, conservation
2- reports - Make monitoring reports available
3- private systems - Educate owners of private small drinking water
systems on their responsibilities
how should research/science/tech be involved with safe drinking water -SDC (3)
1- disease surveillance
2- science/tech development
3- collaboration done with all levels of government
what are types of source water - SAG (3)
1- surface water (river, lakes)
2- aquifers (sand/gravel bedrock saturated with water)
3- ground water (fresh water beneath Earth’s surface)
what are threats to source water - NEL (3)
1- natural
2- eutrophication
3- land use
re: threats to source water, what does ‘natural’ mean - RSSW (4)
1- rainfall
2- slopes
3- soil drainage
4- wildlife
re: threats to source water, what does ‘eutrophication’ mean (1 with example)
1- eutrophication: influx of nutrients causes increase in algae (e.g. cyanobacteria)
re: threats to source water, what does ‘land use’ mean - AMRUD (5)
1- agricultural runoff (pesticides, fertilizers, livestock)
2- mining
3- recreation
4- urban development
5- discharge of waste water
what are ways to protect source water, categories - GAFE (4)
1- General
2- Agriculture
3- Forestry
4- Engineering
re: protecting source water, what does ‘general’ mean LTIRR (5)
1- land acquisition
2- trespass control
3- inspection programs
4- reservoir use restrictions
5- restricting development (density, location)
re: protecting source water, what does ‘agriculture’ mean - CGW (3)
1- soil and water conservation
2- grazing restrictions
3- waste management
re: protecting source water, what does ‘forestry’ mean - ERB (3)
1- erosion control
2- road and trail
3- buffer zones
re: protecting source water, what does ‘engineering’ mean - RISSD (5)
1- retention basins (permanent ponds to deal with storm runoff)
2- infiltration devices (direct rainwater into ground)
3- storm water diversion
4- maintain septic systems
5- divert runoff from landfills
What kind of person does water safety management (1)
1- Qualified personnel follow standard operating
what do qualified personnel do for water safety management, what are they ensuring is done? - TC (2)
1- treatment and distribution systems are operating at optimum levels
2- contingency procedures in place (e.g. water main break, treatment plant failure)