Physical Assessment Chp 21 Integumentary Flashcards
Physical Assessment: Integumentary
Skin Characteristics: -color -temperature -moisture -texture -turgor As does the color, temperature, texture, and turgor of the skin offers clues to the clients health status (Edema should also be checked)
Observe a Lesion
-Any lesion, variation in pigment, or break in continuous tissue requires assessment
-Evaluate for:
>surface relationship
Lesions Considered Normal and Not Harmful
- Milia
- Nevi
- Skin tag
- Striae
Skin Lesion: Milia
White raised areas on the nose, chin, and forehead of newborns
- resemble “whiteheads”
- due to retention of sebum in the maturing sebaceous glands
- disappear during infancy
Skin Lesions: Nevi
- moles
- freckles
- birthmarks
Skin Lesions: Skin Tags
tiny tags or fleshy buds of skin usually around skin creases, in middle-aged and older adults
Skin Lesion: Striae
silver-to-pink “stretch marks” in pregnant women, women who have had children, and anyone who has experienced significant weight fluctuations
Assessing the Hair
Use inspection and palpation to obtain data about: -color -texture -distribution (ex: alopecia (hair loss)) -condition of the scalp -clean and free of debris -free of pediculosis (head lice) >a client who does not properly groom her hair may need help with other self-care tasks
Assessment of the Nails
Healthy Nails Beds:
-similar to color of skin
-smooth and uniform in texture
>Examine both hands and feet
>Variations in color, shape or texture may indicate a health problem
-check capillary refill (indicates circulation)
-pale or cyanotic nail beds = circulatory or respiratory disorders–> result in anemia or hypoxia
Basic Assessments: Head
HEENT -Head, Eyes, Ears, Nose, Throat Head -size -shape -facial features -symmetry >skull should be rounded, face symmetrical >inspect head size, unusual measure it
Basic Assessment: Eyes
External eye
-visual acuity
-vision examination: acuity, distance, near, color, visual fields
-internal structures
>PERRLA; pupils equal, round, reactive to light and accommodation
>Pupils–> uniform in color, equal in size, round, accommodate equally (constrict + converge)
Assessing Extra Ocular Movements
inspect and palpate the external eye structures, assess vision, and examine the internal eye structure
Basic Assessments: Ears
Hearing + Equilibrium
-External ear: conducts sound waves to middle ear
-Middle ear: conducts sound waves to inner ear
-Inner ear: responsible for hearing + equilibrium
Test Hearing:
>Webers Test
>Rinne’s Test
Basic Assessment: Nose
- Smell
- Symmetry
- Sinuses
Basic Assessment: Mouth and Oropharynx
- lips
- buccal mucosa
- teeth
- gums
- tongue
- hard + soft palate
Basic Assessment: Neck
- Musculature
- Trachea
- Thyroid Gland
- Cervical Lymph Nodes
Basic Assessments: Breasts
- size
- shape
- nipple characteristics
- tissue
- include axillae
- mammogram- screen age 45-54 yrs
- ask about self breast exam
- only inspect (NURS 171)