Photosyjnthesis Flashcards
what happens during photosynthesis
energy is tranferred from the outisde to chloroplasts by light and then it converts the carbon from the air and the water from the soil into glucose for food and oxygen to breathe out
whats an endothermic reaction
it takes in the imput of the outside for a product to be made
where does the glucose go
it is either used as fuel for respiration or stored as starch
photosynthesis number equation
6CO2 + 6H20 = C6H12O6 + 6O2
HOW ARE LEAVES adapted for photosynthesis
large so big SA
thin so diffusion is easy
chlorophyll absorbs light
waxy layer is see through so light can pass to the palaside layer
the viens brings water from the xylm and removed the products of photosynthesis in the phloem
guard cells open and close the stomata
what do plants need for photosynthesis
how does light intesnity affact
its obvs very proportional, more light = more photosynthesis. graph shows it increases and then flattens as it cant be too fast- another factor becomes the limiting one
how does temp affect
temp rising increases photosynthesis but the enzymes that control photosynthesis will denature at about 45c
how does chlorophyll affact
clorophyll is needed for the absirbation of light so if its gone plants will grow much slower. it needs minerals to make chlorophyll
explain required practical photosynthesis
place a boiling tube 10cm away from an led loght, LED so it doesnt affact the temp of the tube which can change photosynthesis. Fill it with sodium hydrogen carbonate which produces co2 and then add a pond weed. as its a plant it will soon make oxygen bubbles showing photosynthesis is happening. start a stopwatch and count every bubble for a minute x3. then repeat at 20 30 40cm away
problems with this practical and solution
bubbles can be hard to count
bubble size differes- you can use a funnel and measuring cylinder to count the bubbles
at some point the light itensity being closer stops increasing the rate- thats because ther eis now a dif limiting factor eg temp
what is the relationship between light intenity and photosynthesis
every time the distance away is doubled the light intensity is divided by four, also decreasing the rate of photosynthesis by four
light is inversely prop to distance squared
how is glucose used
converted into insoluable starch for storage, it were stored as glucose it is soluable with water
used to respire with oxygen- oposite of photosynthesis
made into cellulose to strengthen the cell wall
combined with nitrate ions that can become enzymes as amino acids
where is starch stored
leave cells for when its dark or bad conditions
areas such as tubes and bulbs, eaten as potatoes etc
how do plants make amino acids/ protiens
they combine glucose with minerals from the soil
how and what do plants do with fats and oils/ lipids
plants use energy from respiration and glucose to build them up and use them to strengthen the cell wall, energy stores in their seeds which helps provide energy
how do greenhouses affect photosynthesis
the atmosphere is warmer inside as it traps out the cold, and is much more easily controlled
what is hyperponic system
a system that controlls all the factors affacecting the rate of photosynthesis
co2 levels can be changed as well as light and temp, also theyre grown in water with the right neutrients which means that they dont need to waaste energy removing it from soil
what are limiting photosynthesis factors at dif times
at night there is low temps usually and no light, but in the morning as those increase the co2 levels are quickly used up. in summer the rate will be faster than winter
how dies co2 levels affect photosynthesis
its the lowest factor so usually limits the rate esp wehn its sunny and humid- co2 levels are stored and night and usually used up n the mornings.
ways plants adapt to low nitrate areas
venus fly traps get their food and nutrients frpm insects they eat