organising animals and plants Flashcards
four comonents of blood
what do RBC do
carry oxygen around the body from the lungs as it binds to their haemoglobins
how is RBC adapted
no neucleas so more space for haemoglobin and oxygen
bioconcave shape which increases SA for diffusion of oxygen
the haemoglobin binds to oxygen easily
what do WBC do
protect against pathogeons
three types of WBC
phagocytes which engulf pathogeons
antibodies which bind to and destroy
anti toxins which neutralise
what do platlets do
they are fragments of cells that bind to wonds making sure blood doesnt escape and bacteria doesnt get in
what do arteries do
carry oxygenated blood away from the heart
theyre elastic at the rush of blood and stretch forming a pulse
they have thick walls
dangerous if cut as blood rushes every heart beat
what do viens do
carry low oxygen and pressure blood back to the heart
much larger lumen and thinner walls.
what does a valve do
prevent the blood in the viens from flowing backwards
what do capillaries do
huge network of very tiny vessels which can be very easily diffused through
they are how things diffuse into and out of the blood and link the arteries and veins
whatd oes a human double circulatory system mean
there are two transport systems, one from the heart to lungs and back which allows oxygen and co2 exchange, then that blood when oxygenated can join the other system which carries it arround the body
what are the top chambers of the heart
what are thr bottom chambers of the heart
explain the blood cycle trough the heart GO
blood from the body is deoxygenated and comes in through the vena carva to the RIGHT artia
it contracts and drops to the right ventricle and then is forced out into the pulmorary atery and to the lungs, it reenters oxygenated on the LEFT through the pulmonary vien
it drops to the left ventricle and then exits oxygenated through the artery the aorta
how is conorary heart disease solved
because the arteries and often clogged stopping blood travelling
they put a metal stent in it so it opens the artery up, you inflate a balloon to open the vessel, place the stent in and remove the balloon
what does bypass surgery do
replace blocked arteries with viens from the rest of the body
what does an artificial pacemaker do
when the cells that act as this stop working you can insert a device which sends electrical signalsto the heart telling it when to contract.
whaat controls the resting heart rate
a group of cells in the right atrium
what are artifical hearts used for
a short preriod of time while the person waits for a transplant
a chnce for their diseased heart to rest and gain strength
hwo does the gas exchaneg system work
when you breathe in a large amount of oxygen is concentrated in the alveoli in the lungs. it will then diffuse intothe bloodstream
whlist any co2 there will diffuse into the alveloi and be breathed out
how is the alveoli adapted
there are a huge amount so a huge SA
thin space between alv and capillaries so easy to diffuse
many capillaries
rich supply of capilaries and blood, the blood is usually co2 rich so good for xoygen to diffuse into and good for co2 to diffuse out of
what do epidermal tissues do
they cover the top and bottom of a leaf and are often waxy to waterproof them
upper is transparetn so light can pass to the paliside for photosynthesis
what do palisade mesophyll tissues do
contrains lots of chloroplasts which carry out photosynthesis
what do spongy mesophyll tissues do
large SA to make diffusion easier and also some chloroplasts
what are xylem and pholem jobs
transport food around
what does meristem do
contains loads of stem cells which are dividing and differenciating in growing parts like shoots and roots
what exactly does phloem do
transport sugars made by photosynethesis to the rest of the plant such as growing areas and storage for darker times.
what does xylem do exactly
takes water and minerals from the ground up to te stem and leaves, their solid structure means they are actually dead.
what is the stomata
small openings in the leaf that allow air in, controlled by guard cells
it can be opened and closed to limit loses
what is transpiration
the loss of water vapour from the surface pf the leaves
what is the transpiration stream
when water is transpired out the xylem pulls more in frlm the ground to maintain the structure/turgidity
factors that affect rate of transpiration
all that effects photosynthesis so light, temp because the more co2 needed the more the stomata has to open
heat and dry conditions are better for evapouration
how are plants adapted against water loss
stomata is on the underside so light doesnt affect it
wiltimg reduces SA if too much water is lost
cuticles are the waxy layer
what is plasma and what does it do
its a yellow liquid that transports your blood
it also- transports the broken down products of digestion from the small intestine, carries waste co2 to the lungs
what do statins do
reduce cholesterol levels and slow the rise of fat disposal in coronary arties
how to fix a leaky valve
valves can become stiff or leaky so struggle to control the flow of blood in the viens
metal mechanical vlaves work well but need medication to stop clotting, biologogical ones from animals only work for about a decade but work well
sandwhich of layers on a leaf
u please stop laughing
Upper epidermal
Spongy mesophyll
Lower epidermal
movement of dissolved sugars from leaves to rest of plant