Philosophy - Energetics Flashcards
- means wheel or vortex
- refers to circular energy centres in the body
- 7 main chakras in the body
Root chakra
Right to be
Blocked by fear
Sacral chakra
Right to feel
Blocked by guilt
Solar plexus chakra
Right to dare
Blocked by shame
Heart chakra
Right to love
Blocked by grief
Throat chakra
Right to a speak
Blocked by lies
Third eye chakra
Right to see
Blocked by illusion
🎵 Om
Crown chakra
Right to know
Blocked by attachment
- meridian lines
- means “flow”
- refers to channels responsible for the carrying of prana through the physical & subtle bodies
- means “sheath”
- consists of energetic layers of a being
- means “wind”
- refers to type of movement of prana in the body
3 main bandhas
Mula bandha
Uddiyana bandha
Jalandhara bandha
> Maha bandha
+ Pada bandha
+ Hasta bandha
Jalandhara bandha
Throat lock
Jalan = network Dhara = stream
Main muscles: deep flexors of the neck
Maha bandha
Great lock
Enhances the benefits of all 3 bandhas
Mula bandha
Pelvic floor lock
Mula = root
Main muscles: pubococcygeal muscles (PC) & muscles of the levator ani
> grounding
Uddiyana bandha
Diaphragm lock
Uddiyana = to lift, fly upward
Main muscles: transversus abdominis & illio-psoas
> strong inner core, lightness
Pada bandha
Soles of the feet lock
Hasta bandha
Palms of the hands and fingers lock
Types of Pranayama
- Exhalation
- Inhalation
- Transition (suspension)
(4. breath retention)
5 types of vayu
- Prana Vayu: reception
- Apana Vayu: elimination
- Samana Vayu: digestion
- Udana Vayu: cognition
- Vyana Vayu: circulation
3 categories of Koshas
- Material:
- physical body (Annamaya Kosha) - Astral:
- breath body (Pranamaya Kosha)
- emotional body (Manomaya Kosha)
- mental body (Vijnanamaya Kosha) - Causal:
- bliss body (Anandamaya Kosha)
Annamaya Kosha
Physical body
DNA, cells, tissues, nerves, organs, body systems
Pranamaya Kosha
Breath body / energy
aura, electo-magnetic energy field, chakras, nadis, prana, chi, ki
Manamaya Kosha
Mind / Emotional body
thinking, feelings, fears, doubts, motivations
Vijnanamaya Kosha
Mental body / wisdom
higher consciousness, intellect, values, intuition
Anandamaya Kosha
Bliss body
connection to the collective unconscious, God, Divine Spark within
3 main Nadis
- Ida
- Pingala
- Sushumna