EXAM - Familiy Of Postures Flashcards
Physical aspects of twisting postures
- improving blood flow and nutrients to spine and vertebral discs
- making spinal column more flexible and stimulating spinal nerves, improving back pain
- compressing abdomen and pelvic region increasing circulation to abdominal organs, rejuvenating the tissues
- detoxifying internal organs, stimulating digestive system
Energetic aspects of twisting postures
- flushing the stomach and internal organs with fresh life, blood & prana
- elimination of toxins, managing knots and problems in life
Key cues of twisting postures
- stabilize and elongate the spine
- engage core muscles before moving
- use inhale to lengthen the spine, exhale to deepen the rotation
- take care not to over rotate
Contraindications of twisting postures
- careful with back pain or injury
- avoid during pregnancy (or open twist)
- avoid with hernia or abdominal injuries
Physical aspects of forward folding postures
- stretching calves, hamstrings, releasing lower back
- calming effect on nervous system and mind, allows restoration after more physically challenging postures.
- compressing abdominal cavity has stimulating effect on internal organs, results in improved digestion
Energetic aspects of forward folding postures
- allowing to look inward
- activates parasympathetic nervous system
Key cues of forward folding postures
- lengthening torso and engage core muscles before moving
- fold from the hips
- bend knees if hamstrings and adductors are tight
- consider skeletal differences
- keep the breath moving to facilitate lengthening/deepening
Contraindications of forward folding postures
- careful with students trying to reach their toes and round through lumbar spine, they cause injury to discs or ligaments of the spine (bend knees!).
- careful with low back pain or injury, to avoid lumbar disc herniation.
Physical aspects of standing postures
- building a strong foundation
- creating firmness in the muscles and awareness around joints
- grounding down with feet, ankles, knees and hips aligned, rebounding upward force into the spine
- building strength and endurance
Energetic aspects of standing postures
- connecting with the earth and sky
- get rid of dullness and depression
- refreshing and creating enthusiasm
- stability and presence
Key cues of standing postures
- connect to the earth to have a firm foundation
- positioning the feet dictates how far to move further into a position (opening the posture from the base)
Contraindications of standing postures
avoid when:
- high blood pressure, heart problems
- nervous system disorders
- pregnancy
Physical aspects of hip opening postures
- increasing ROM & flexibility in hip joints
- stretching & lengthening muscles around (quads, adductors, hamstrings)
- improving circulation in pelvic region and reproductive organs
- increasing awareness of pelvic floor
- reducing risk of lumbar and sacral strain by improving forward flexion
- releasing tension (physical & emotional)
Energetic aspects of hip opening postures
- grounding our seat into the world
- opening to our creativity
- releasing tension and emotions stored in the hips
Key cues of hip opening postures
- avoid pushing to open
- protect the knees
- open the hips only after body is warm
- keep awareness of breath (inhale expand, exhale relax)
- being aware of skeletal differences
Contraindications of hip opening postures
- lower back problems
Physical aspects of inverted postures
- invigorating every system in the body
- improving blood circulation and respiration
- strengthening upper body, back and abdominals
- benefiting cardiovascular aspects
Energetic aspects of inverted postures
- increasing blood flow to brain and head, which brings mental clarity and change the way you view the world
- overcoming fear
- fun and childlike play
Contraindications of inverted postures
- avoid with high blood pressure
- avoid with neck or shoulder injury and eye problems
- choose partial inversion when overweight, menstruating or pregnant
- careful when teaching a large class
Physical aspects of back-bending postures
- improve posture and stimulate the nervous system
- strengthening deep back muscles
- stretching hip flexors to open up shoulders and chest
- building strength and power in legs, arms and back muscles
Energetic aspects of back-bending postures
- opening heart, lungs, chest, bringing in lightness and vitality
- energizing
- may bring about fears and vulnerabilities
- alleviating feelings of lethargy or depression
Key cues of back-bending postures
- shoulderblade slide down the back and hug ribcage
- supporting the spine with strong core by activating mula bandha and uddiyana bandha
- keeping length in the lower back
Contraindications of back-bending postures
- avoid with acute back pain
- avoid with spine problems or hernia
- take care with neck injury, knee injury, high blood pressure
- avoid backbends on stomach with pregnancy
- do not overexert when menstruating
Why would you do inverted postures?
- to improve circulation of blood flow
2. to improve breathing
Why would you do hip opening postures?
- to relieve tension
- to improve lower back pain, balance and posture
- to maintain a healthy ROM