Pharyngeal Apparatus Flashcards
1st Pharyngeal/Aortic Arch
1st Arch -> Chew with (Trigeminal/CN V2,3)
Pharyngeal part -> Mandible, Malleus incus, Muscles of mastication, Mylohyoid
Aortic part -> Maxillary Artery (portion)
2nd Pharyngeal/Aortic Arch
2nd Arch -> Smiling with (Facial/CNVII)
Pharyngeal pt. -> Stapes, Styloid process, Smile muscles (facial expression), Stapedius m., platySma
Aortic pt. -> Stapedial A. (usually regresses)
3rd Pharyngeal/Aortic Arch
3rd Arch -> Swallow with (Glossopharyngeal/CN IX)
Pharyngeal pt. -> Stylopharyngeus m., greater horn hyoid
Aortic pt. -> Common Carotid & Prox. Internal Carotid (Carotid body reflex -> IX)
4th Pharyngeal/Aortic Arch
4th Arch -> Speak and Cough with Vagus/CN X (superior laryngeal)
Pharyngeal pt. -> Muscles of the pharynx/soft palate and a few laryngeal(cough reflex)
Aortic pt. -> True aortic arch (baroreceptor reflex -> X) & Subclavian Arteries.
5th Pharyngeal/Aortic Arch
…Trick question, 5th Pharyngeal and Aortic arches are completely obliterated
6th Pharyngeal/Aortic Arch
6th Arch -> Speak and Cough with Vagus/CN X (recurrent laryngeal)
Pharyngeal pt. -> Most of the muscles of the Larynx(cough reflex).
6th Aortic Arch -> Pulmonary Arteries & Ductus Arteriosus
1st Pharyngeal(branchial) Pouch & Cleft(groove)
1st Organ/Space -> Ear
Pouch -> Middle ear cavity, eustachian tube, mastoid air cells
Cleft -> External Auditory meatus
2nd Pharyngeal(branchial) Pouch & Cleft(groove)
2nd Organ/Space -> Tonsils
Pouch -> epithelial lining of palatine tonsil
Cleft -> Temporary cervical sinus (normally obliterated by 2nd arch)
3rd Pharyngeal(branchial) Pouch & Cleft(groove)
3rd Organ/Space -> Deep neck
Pouch -> INFERIOR parathyroids & thymus
Cleft -> Temporary cervical sinus (normally obliterated by 2nd arch)
4th Pharyngeal(branchial) Pouch & Cleft(groove)
4th Organ/Space -> Mid neck
Pouch -> SUPERIOR parathyroids
Cleft -> Temporary cervical sinus (normally obliterated by 2nd arch)