Pharmacology Flashcards
inversely related to the affinity of the enzyme for its substrate
directly proportional to the enzyme concentration
Line-weaver burk plot
X intercept = 1/-Km
Y intercept = 1/Vmax
slope = Km/Vmax
Volume of distribution
Vd = amount of drug in body/ plasma concentration
- Vd low if drug is in the blood only, med if in the interstitial space, and high if in all tissues including fat
half life
- drugs infused at a constant rate take 4-5 HL to reach steady state
- takes 3.3 HL to reach 90% steady state levels
zero vs. first order elimination
- zero = constant amount cleared per unit time
- PEA - phenytoin, ethanol, aspirin
- first = constant fraction cleared per unit time
weak acid drugs and urine pH
- phenobarb, methotrexate, aspirin
- trapped in basic environment, treat overdose with bicarb
weak base drugs and urine pH
- amphetamines
- trapped in acidic environment, treat overdose with ammonium chloride
therapeutic index
median toxic dose/median effective dose
parasympathetic innervation of cardiac smooth muscle, gland cells and nerve terminals
- Ach at nicotinic receptor at ganglion
- Ach at muscarnic receptor at tissue
sympathetic innervation of sweat glands
- Ach at nicotinic receptor at ganglion
- Ach at muscarinic receptor at tissue
sympathetic innervation of cardiac smooth muscle, gland cells and nerve terminals
- Ach at nicotinic receptor at ganglion
- NE at alpha/beta receptor at tissue
sympathetic innervation of renal vasculature and smooth muscle
- Ach at N receptor at ganglion
- Dopamine at D1 receptor at tissue
sympathetic innervation of adrenal medulla
- Ach at N receptors stimulates it to release Epi and NE
somatic innervation of skeletal muscle
- Ach directly at N receptors at tissue
alpha1 receptor
- Gq receptor
- inc vascular smooth muscle contraction, inc pupillary dilator contraction, inc intestinal and bladder sphincter muscle contraction
a2 receptor
- Gi receptor
- decreases sympathetic outflow, dec insulin release, dec lipolysis, inc platelet aggregation
b1 receptor
- Gs receptor
- inc HR, contractilty, renin release, lipolysis
b2 receptor
- Gs receptor
- vasodilation, bronchodilation, inc HR, contractility, lipolysis, insulin release
- decreased uterine tone, ciliary muscle releaxation, inc aqueous humor production
M1 receptor
- Gq receptor
- CNS, enteric nervous system
M2 receptor
- Gi receptor
- decreased HR and contractility of atria
M3 receptor
- Gq receptor
- inc exocrine gland secretions, inc gut peristalsis, inc bladder contraction, bronchoconstriction, inc pupillary sphincter muscle contraction, ciliary muscle contraction
D1 receptor
- Gs receptor
- relaxes renal vascular smooth muscle
D2 receptor
- Gi receptor
- modulates transmitter release, esp in brain
H1 receptor
- Gq receptor
- inc nasal and bronchial mucus production, inc vascular permeability, contraction of bronchioles, pruritis and pain
H2 receptor
- Gs receptor
- inc gastric acid secretion
V1 receptor
- Gq receptor
- inc vascular smooth muscle contraction
V2 receptor
- Gs receptor
- inc H20 permability and resorption in the collecting tubules of the kidney
- V2 is found in the 2 kidneys
which receptors are paired with which G proteins
HAVE 1 M and M --- Gq - H2, a1, V1, M1 and M3 MAD 2s ----- Gi - M2, a2, D2 all the rest work on Gs
- cholinomimetic drug used for post op ileus, neurogenic ileus and urinary retention
- activates Bowel and Bladder smooth muscle, resistant to AchE
- “bethany call me maybe if you want to move your bowel or bladder”
- cholinomimetic agent used for glaucoma, pupillary constriction, and relief of intraocular pressure
- “CARBon copy of AcetylCHOLine”
potent stimulator of sweat, tears and saliva
- used for open and closed angle glaucoma
- “you cry, drool and sweat on your PILOw”
- postop and neurogenic ileus and urinary retention, myasthenia gravis, reversal of NMJ blockade
- inc endogenous Ach
- Neo = No CNS penetration
-myasthenia gravis (long acting), does not penetrate the CNS
- anticholinergic tox (crosses BBB)
donepezil, rivastigmine, galantamine
- inc endogenous Ach
- diagnosis of MG
- increases endogenous Ach
cholinesterase inhibitor poisoning (organophosphates)
- diarrhea, urination, miosis, bronchospasm, bradycardia, excitation of skeletal muscle and CNS, Lacrimation, Sweating, Salivation
atropine, homatripine, tropicamide
muscarinic antagonists that act on the eye
- produce mydriasis and cycloplegia
- muscarinic antagonist that acts on the CNS
- parkinson’s disease/pyramidal SE of psych meds
- muscarinic antagonist that acts on the CNS
- motion sickness
- muscarinic antagonist that acts on GU
- reduces urgency
- muscarinic antagonist that acts on GI and resp
- parenteral: preop use to reduce airway secretions
- oral: drooling, peptic ulcer
- muscarinic antagonist. used to treat bradycardia and for ophthalmic applications
- inc pupil dilation, dec airway secretions, dec acid secretion, dec GI motility, dec urgency in cystitis (blocks DUMBBELSS)
- tox: hot as a hare, dry as a bone, red as a beet, blind as a bat, mad as a hatter
- beta > alpha
- anaphylaxis, open angle glaucoma, asthma, hypotension, alpha effects predominate at high doses
- inc HR, SBP, dec DBP at low doses, inc DBP at high doses
- if alpha blockers given before, net depressor effect
- alpha1 > alpha2 > beta1
- hypotension (but dec renal perfusion)
- B1 = B2
- electrophysiologic eval of tachyarrhythmias, can worsen ischemia
- D1 = D2 > beta > alpha
- unstable bradycardia, HF, shock, inotropic and chronotropic alpha effects predominate at high doses
- B1 > B2, alpha
- heart failure (inotropic > chronotropic), cardiac stress testing
alpha1 > alpha2
- hypotension, ocular procedures, rhinitis
- if alpha blockers given before, no pressor effect
albuterol, salmeterol, terbutaline
- B2 > B1
- asthma, COPD control, and reduce uterine contractions, respectively
- indirect general sympathomimetic, reuptake inhibitor, also releases stored catecholamines
- applications in narcolepsy, obesity, ADD
- indirect general sympathomimetic, releases stored catecholamines
- used for nasal decongestion, urinary incontinence, and hypotension
- indirect general sympathomimetic, reuptake inhibitor
- vasoconstriction and local anesthesia
- a2 agonist for hypertensive urgency, ADHD, severe pain
- tox: CNS depression, bradycardia, hypotension, respiratory depression and small pupils
- HTN in preggos
- tox: direct coombs +, SLE-like syndrome
irreverible nonselective alpha blocker
- used to treat pheo
- tox: orthostatic hypotension, reflex tachy
reversible nonselective alpha blocker
- give to pts on MAOis who eat foods with tyramine
prazosin, terazosin, doxazosin, tamsulosin
selective alpha 1 blockers used for BPH
- prazosin for PTSD
- tox: 1st dose orthostatic hypotension, dizziness, headache
selective alpha 2 blocker for depression
- increases sedation, serum cholesterol and appetite
b1 selective beta blockers
- acebutolol, atenolol, betaxolol, esmolol, metoprolol
- A–> M (1st half of alphabet)
non-selective beta blockers
nadolol, pindolol, propranolol, timolol
- N to Z, second half of alphabet
non-selective alpha and beta antagonists
cavedilol and labetalol
dont end in the typical olol
antimuscarinic OD treatment
physostigmine salicylate, control hyperthermia
AchE inhibitors, organophosphate OD treatment
atropine followed by pralidoxime
copper, arsenic, gold OD treatment
digitalis OD treamtnet
anti-dig Fav fragments
cyanide OD treatment
nitrite + thiosulfate, hydroxocobalamin
iron OD treatment
deferoxamine, deferasirox
lead OD treatment
EDTA, dimercaprol, succimer, penicillamine
methanol, ethylene glycol poisoning
fomepizole > ethanol, dialysis
tPA, streptokinase, urokinase OD treatment
aminocaproic acid
drugs that cause flushing
- vancomycin, adenosine, niacin, Ca channel blockers
drugs that cause hyperglycemia
Taking Pills Necessitates Having Blood Checked
- tacrolimus, protease inhibitors, niacin, HCTZ, B blockers, corticosteroids
drugs that cause hypothyroidism
lithium, amiodarone, sulfonamides
drugs that cause hepatic necrosis
Liver “HAVAc”
- halothane, Amanita phalloides (death cap mushroom), Valproic acid, Acetaminophen
drugs that cause agranulocytosis
Dapsone, Clozapine, Carbamezapine, Colchicine, Methimazole, Propylthiouracil
- Drugs CCCrush Myeloblasts and Promyelocytes
drugs that cause hemolysis in G6PD
hemolysis IS D PAIN
- INH, sulfonamides, dapsone, primaquine, aspirin, ibuprofen, nitrofurantoin
drugs that cause photosensitivity
SAT For Photo
- sulfonamides, amiodarone, tetracyclines, 5FU
SLE-like syndrome
- having lupus is “SHIPP-E”
- sulfa drugs, hydralazine, INH, procainamide, phenytoin, entanercept”
- also methyldopa
drugs that cause seizures
with seizures, I BITE My arm
- INH, buproprion, imipenem/cilastatin, tramadol, enflurane, metoclopramide
P450 inducers
Chronic Alcoholic Mona Steals Phen-Phen and Never Refuses Greasy Carbs
- chronic alcohol use
- modafinil
- St. John’s wart
- phenytoin
- phenobarb
- Nevirapine
- Rifampin
- Griseofulvin
- Carbamezapine
P450 inhibitors
A cute Gentleman "Cipps" Iced Grapefruit juice Quickly and Kept Munching on Soft Cinammon Rolls acute alcohol abuse gembifrozil cipro isoniazid grapefruit juiice quinidine amiodarone ketoconazole macrolides sulfonamides cimetidine ritonavir
P450 substrates
anti-epileptics, antidepressants, antipsychotics, anesthetics, theophylline, warfarin, statins, OCPs
– Always, Always, Always, Always Think When Starting Others
sulfa drugs
- probenecid, furosemide, acetazolamide, celecoxib, thiazides, sulfonamide abx, sulfasalazine, sulfonureas
Clearance calc
CL = rate of elimination/plasma drug conc
= Vd x Ke
dosage calculations
loading dose = Cp x Vd / F
maintenance dose = Cp x CL x t / F
Cp = target plasma concentration t = dosage interval F = bioavailability