Pharmacology Flashcards
扑热息痛,对乙酰氨基酚 reversibly inhibits COX, mostly in CNS (inactivated in peripheral) clinical use: antipyretic (扑热), analgestic (熄痛), NOT anti-inflammatory! used instead of Aspirin to avoid Reye’s syn in children with viral infection toxicity: 肝毒性(deplete glutathione in liver) antitode: N-acetylcystine (to regenerate glutathione)
competitive antagonist at M2 (post-junctional muscarinic receptor in the heart) increase HR by blocking vagal firing
ALL (acute lymphoblastic leukemia) drugs: activated by? inhibited by?
6-mercaptopurine, 6-thioguanine purine analogs to inhibit de novo purine synthesis activated by HGPRT (hypoxanthine-guanine phosphoribosyl transferase) degraded by XO (xanthine oxidase) and thiopurine methyltransferase (TPMT) in the liver
- ↑ 【NE] in the synapse: 1) ↑ its release (Bupropion) 2)↓ its re-uptake (SNRIs, TCAs) 3) inhibit metabolism (MAOI) 4) 去抑制:mirtazapine 2. ↑ 【5-HT] in the synapse: 1) ↑ its release (Bupropion) 2)↓ its re-uptake (SSRIs, SSNIs, TCAs, trazodone 三唑酮) 3) inhibit metabolism (MAOI)
atypical antipsychotics包括哪些?
“It’s atypical for Old Closets to Quietly riser from A to Z” Olanzapine 奥兰氮平 (significant weigt gain) Clozapine: 氯氮平 1. agranulocytosis - requires weekly WBC monitoring!!! (must watch clozapine closely!!!) 2. seizure 3.significant weigt gain Quetiapine 喹硫平 risperidone: ↑ prolactin (lactation + gynecomastia) ⟹ ↓ GnRH, LH, FSH ziprasidone 齐拉西酮 prolong QT interval
Benzodiazepines: 机制?用途?side effects? tolerance和什么相关? 分类?
机制: bind and enhance the inhibitory effects of GABAa 用途: 1. hypnotics 2. anxiolytics (for panic attacks, anxiety disorders) 3. anticonvulsants (seizures with alcohol withdrawal) 4. general anesthesia side effects: daytime drowsiness tolerance: the shorter the duration of action of a drug, the more likely withdrawal sym occur 分类
Benzodiazepines有2种用于epilepsy: which 2? for what kind of epilepsy? clinical use? mechanism? side effects? notes?
diazepam, 地西泮; 安定 lorazepam 劳拉西泮 for what kind of epilepsy: status (DOC: lorazepam) mechanism: ↑ GABAa action side effects: sedation, tolerance, dependence, respiratory depression notes: also for for eclampsia seizure (子痫; DOC: MgSO4)
Bethanechol: 什么药?用途? 同种药物还有哪些?
氨基甲酰甲基胆硷(胆硷能药) “Bethany, call me if you want to activate your bowel and bladder” - work on SMCs in the intestine and bladder; used to treat o.p. ileus, neurogenic ileus, urinary retention
苯甲托品,苄托品 muscarinic antagonist, treat PD (Park my Benz)
溴苄胺 inhibit NE release
antidepresant, has no side effect on sexual performance (while sexual dysfunction is seen in 50% patients treated with SSRIs) side effects: agitation, insomnia,
抗焦虑药, “I am always anxious if the “bus” will be “on time” with minimal to no hypnotic, sedative or euphoria effects; selective 5-HT1A R; safe and effective
卡巴胆碱, 拟胆碱药 在青光眼和缩瞳中使用,降低球内压
buspirone: 什么药?机制?
考塞来西,抗关节炎药 COX2 specific inhibitor spare COX-1, which helps maintain the gastric lining (NSAIDs and Aspirin: inhibits both COX1/2, decrease PG , which protects gastric lining) spares platelet function
cholinesterase inhibitor poisoning : syn, antidote?
Sym: DUMBBELSS (diarrhea , Urination Miosis, bronchospasm , bradycardia , lacrimation , sweating, salivation) Antidote : atropine + pralidoxime (解磷定Regenerate active AchE)
CNS stimulants: 包括哪些?机制?用途?
MMDP ↑ Catecholamines at synapes ADHD, narcolepsy, appetite control
clomiphene 同类药物还包括? Mx Use Toxicity
二硫基丙醇 chelator of arsenic, treat arsenic posioning
Diphenhydramine: 什么药?机制? 副作用?
苯海拉明, 1st generation anti-histamine (H-1 blocker) anti-allgery drug, 第一代抗组胺药(Diphenhydramine, chlorphe’niramine 扑尔敏)副作用很多: 1) anti-muscarinic (pupillary dilation, dry mouth, urinary retention, constipation) 2) anti- alpha adrengenic 3) anti-serotonergic
DOC for absence seizure?
1st line: ethosuximide 2nd line: valproate
DOC for complex partial?
DOC for eclampsia seizure?
子痫 DOC: MgSO4 can also use benzodiazepines (diazepam, lorazepam)
DOC for myoclonic seizures?
Valproic acid (sodium valprote)
DOC for myoclonic?
valproic acid
DOC for simple seizures?
DOC of trigeminal neuralgia? mechanism? toxicity? 对P450影响?
carbamazepine inhibit Na+ channel toxicity: aplastic aneima, agranulocytosis (have to check CBC regularly) P450 inducer to ↑ metabolism of many drugs, so ↓ the drugs’ effectiveness
DOC for tonic-clonic?
phenytoin, carbamazepine, valproate
多奈哌齐 (益智药) anticholinesterase, 增强胆碱能药物,treat AD
drug choice for HTN and BPH (benign prostatic hyperplasia)?
“osin” a1 blockers: relax VSMCs in arteries, also relax muscles around bladder neck and prostate
腾喜龙 [氯化腾喜龙试验诊断重症肌无力] Cholineasterase inhibitors
Epinephrin: receptor?
a1, a2, b1, b2 a1: constrict VSMCs in skin and viseral - increase BP b1: in heart, increase HR b2: dilate VSMCs in skeletal muscles - decrease diastolic BP (和a1作用正相反) Epi at low dose: b2 > a1 - decrease in diastolic BP Epi at high dose: a1 > b2 - increase in both systolic and diatolic BP
eplerenone: what drug is this? side effect?
newer generation of aldosterone inhibitor, most common side effect: gynecomastia (男子女性型乳房)
甲基酪氨酸,美替罗星 (降压药) 抑制tyrosine代谢为DOPA
氟尼缩松,9-去氟肤轻松 for asthma
9-去氟肤轻松[糖皮质激素] 用于inhalar for persistent bronchial asthema
Fluoxetine [flu:’oksetine]
氟西汀,百忧解 serotonin reuptake inhibitor, elongate the effect of serotonin, treat depression