Hematology - oncology Flashcards
“Starry sky” lymph nodes: which disease? prevalence in which ages? genetic mutation? Viral association lesion常见部位?
Burkitt lymphoma (non-hodgkin lymphoma of mature B cells) occurs in adolescents or young adults genetic mutation: t (8: 14) [c-myc (8) and heavy chain Ig (14), - constitutive overproduction of C-Myc] Viral association - EBV lesion常见部位: in endemic form in Africa: jaw lesions; in sporadic form: pelvis or abdomen
2 direct factor Xa inhibitors? clinical use? 是否需要监测?toxicity?
Apixaban, rivaroxaban bind to directly inhibit Xa clinical use: 和warfarin类似,用于预防:treatment and prophylaxis of DVT and PE (rivaroxaban), stroke prophylaxis in pts. with AF 口服, 一般不需要监测 toxicity:bleeding, [no specific reversal agent available]
5-fluorouracil (5-FU) 是什么药?机制 (target which phase of cell cycle)?用途?toxicity以及如何reverse?
抗肿瘤 机制 : pyramidine analog bioactivated to 5F-dUMP, which covalently complexes with folic acid; this complex inhibit thymidylate synthase ⇒ ↓ dTMP ⇒ ↓ DNA and protein synthesis target which phase of cell cycle: s phase-specific 用途: colon cancer, pancreatic cancer, basal cell carcinoma (topical) toxicity以及如何reverse: 1. 类似MTX有myelosuppression, 但和MTX不一样(不能用leucovorin亚叶酸)reverse: overdose rescued with uridine 2. photosensitivity
ACD (anemia of chronic disease)引起贫血的机理?Lab? 属于哪种贫血?
inflammation ⇒ liver release of hepcidin ↑ ⇒ binds ferroportin on intestinal mucosal cells and macrophages to inhibit iron transport ⇒ ↓ release of iron from macrophage Lab: ↓ iron, ↓ TIBC, ↑ ferritin 一般是nonhemolytic, normocytic, 也可以是microcytic, hypochromic
Acute intermittent porphyria: affect E? accumulated substances? Cx? Rx?
affect E: porphobilinogen deanimase accumulated substances: porphobilinogen, delta-ALA, urine coporphobilinogen Cx: 5 P’s Painful abdomen Port wine-colored urine Polyneuropathy Psychological disturbances Precipitated by drugs, alcohol, starvation Rx: glucose + heme (inhibit ALA synthase)
抗凝,inhibit platelet aggregation by binding to GIIb/IIIa on activated platelets made from McAb Fab fragments 用途: unstable angima, PTCA (经皮穿刺冠状动脉造影) toxicity: bleeding, thrombocytopenia
adult T-cell lymphoma: 发病年龄? specifically affect which populations? virus association? Cx?
发病年龄: adults specifically affect which populations: Japan, West Africa, Carribbean virus association: HTLV-1 (Human T-cell lymphotropic virus type 1), IV drug abuse Cx: lytic bone lesions, hypercalcemia
ALL: age? associated with other disease? Peripheral blood and BM see? Cx? Surface markers? does it respond to therapy? which gene translocation has better prognosis?
age: < 15 associated with other disease - downs Peripheral blood and BM see: ↑↑↑ lymphoblasts Cx- 如果是T cell ALL, 可表现为纵膈mass (infiltrate thymus) Surface markers: CD10+ (if pre-B cell only); TdT+ (pre-T and pre-B both) does it respond to therapy - yes which gene translocation has better prognosis: t (12:21)
AML: age? Peripheral blood smear? risk factors? genetic mutation? Rx? 常见的一个Cx?
age: median onset of 65 Peripheral blood smear: 1) 非常特征性的Auer rods (奥尔小杆:白血病患者成髓细胞胞浆中小杆状体), 2) peroxidase+ cytoplasmic inclusions seen mostly in M3 AML; 3) ↑↑↑ circulating myeloblasts risk factors: alkylating chemotherapy, radiation, myeloproliferative disorders, downs genetic mutation: t (15:17) - M3 Rx:所有AML 亚型都respond to AT-RA (VitA), which induces differentiation of myeloblasts 常见的一个Cx: DIC (can be induced by chemotherapy due to release of Auer rods)
Argatroban(阿戈托班), bivalirudin是什么药?
抗凝血药(derivatives of hirudin 水蛭素)-inhibit thrombin directly used instead of heparin for anti-coagulating pts with HIT
associated patho basophilic stippling?
Basically, ACiD alcohol is LeThal. Basophilic stippling: anemia of chronic disease, alcohol abuse, Lead poisoning, Thalassemias
associated patho: acanthocyte?
liver disease, abetalipoproteinemia (cholesterol dysregulation)
associated patho: teardrop RBC Target cell
teardrop RBC - BM infiltration (RBC sheds a tear because it’s forced out of its home) Target cell: “HALT”, said the hunter to his Target (HbC disease - beta-globin mutation引起的贫血, asplenia, Liver disease, Thalassemia
associated patho: Heinz bodies
oxidation of Hb sulfhydryl group (硫氢基) → denatured Hb precipitation and phagocytic damage to RBC membrane → bite cells crystal violet可以把Heinz bodies染出来 seen in G6PD deficiency, Heizn body-like inclusions seen in a-thalassemia
associated patho: Howell-Jolly bodies
脾脏是个吞噬RBC的器官,嚎叫着(howell)吃Jelly (Jolly) Howell-Jolly bodies: basophilic nuclear remnants found in RBC, normally removed by splenic macrophages seen in functional hyposplenia, or asplenia
basophil function? granules contain? Isolated basophilia indicates?
basophil function - mediate allergic reaction granules contain: 1) heparin (anticoagulant) 2) histamine (vasodilator) 3) leukotrienes Isolated basophilia indicates myeloprolifeative diseases, especially CML
bevacizumab 什么药?mechanism? clinical use? toxicity?
北伐单抗 mechanism: McAb against VEGF ⇒ inhibit angiogenesis clinical use: solid tumors (colorectal cancer, renal cell carcinoma) toxicity: hemorrhage and impaired wound healing
bleomycin: 是什么药?机制 ?用途?toxicity:
博来霉素,抗肿瘤药 机制: induces free radical formation, to cause breaks in DNA strands (G2) 用途: tesicular cancer, Hodgkin lymphoma toxicity: 1) pulmonary fibrosis!! 2) skin changes, mucositis note: 和别的抗代谢药不一样:minimal myelosuppression
Cilostazol, dipyridamole是什么药?机制?用途?toxicity?
Cilostazol (西洛他唑), dipyridamole (双嘧达莫; 潘生丁):抗凝药 机制:PDE III inhibitor: 1) ↑ cAMP in platelets, thus inhibit platelet aggregation; 2) vasodilators 用途: intermittent claudication (PAD的上佳药物), coronary vasodilation, presentation of stroke or TIAs when combined with aspirin, angina prophylaxis toxicity: 因为扩张血管引起:nausea, headache, facial flushing, hypotension, abdominal pain
cisplatin, carboplatin: 是什么药?机制 ?用途?toxicity以及如果预防?
anti-tumor 机制: cross link DNA 用途: testicular, ovary, bladder, and lung carcinoma toxicity: 1)nephrotoxicity (prevented with amifostine 阿米斯丁, free radical scavenger) and chloride diuresis 2) acoustic nerve damage
CLL/SLL (small lymphocytic lymphoma): age? Peripheral blood smear? Cx? Surface markers? SLL和CLL鉴别?
age: > 60 Peripheral blood smear: “smudge cells” Cx: often无症状,进展很缓慢 Surface markers:CD20+/CD5+ B-cell neoplasm SLL和CLL鉴别: same as CLL except CLL has ↑ peripheral blood lymphocytosis or BM involvement
CML: age? Peripheral blood smear? risk factors? genetic mutation? E的变化? Cx? Rx?
age: 45-85, median 64 Peripheral blood smear: ↑ neutrophils, metamyelocytes, basophils genetic mutation: Philadelphia chromosome ( t (9:22), bcr-abl) E的变化: very low LAP (leukocyte alkaline phosphatase) (vs. leukemoid reaction, in which LAP ↑) Cx: 肝脾肿大,may transform to AML or ALL (blast crisis) Rx: imatinib (small-molecule inhibitor of the bcd-abl tyrosine kinase)
CO poisoning对O2 delivered to tissue有什么影响? 这些指标怎么变化:PaO2? carboxyhemoglobin? methemoglobin?
CO poisoning对O2 delivered to tissue有2大影响: 1. 对Hb有超过O2 250倍的affinity, 占据Heme位点后,O2无法再和heme结合 ⇒ O2 content of blood ↓ (这一点和hypoxia一样) 2. 使Hb-O2 dissociation curve left shift!!! [非常重要的变化,意味着即使氧气好不容易结合上血红蛋白被运送到了组织,也很难被释放出来 - 这是一般hypoxia中没有的变化】 CO中毒时: PaO2: 不变(这是partial pressure of O2 dissolved in the plasma, 是氧气的溶解度,和CO中毒一点关系都没有) carboxyhemoglobin:↑ methemoglobin 高铁血红蛋白:不变(这是由Fe2+被氧化为Fe3+时升高,出现在nitrites, dapsone【麻风病中的抗生素】中毒时)
corticosteroids对neutrophil, eosinophil, lymphocytes的影响?
corticosteroids对neutrophil的影响:cause neutrophilia 中性白细胞增多, 但是这些中性粒到不了感染部位:corticosteroids ↓ activation of neutrophil adhesion molecules, impair their migration out from the vasculature to the site of inflammation corticosteroids对eosinophil的影响: eosinopenia [sequester eosinophils in lymph nodes] corticosteroids对 lymphocytes的影响: lymphopenia [cause apoptosis of lymphocytes
Cytarabine 是什么药?机制 (target which phase of cell cycle)?用途?toxicity
pyrimidine analogs ⇒ inhibit DNA polymerase taget S-phase (和MTX, 5-FU不同的地方是:与叶酸代谢无关) 用途: lymphoma, leukemias toxicity: CYTarabine causes panCYTopenia leukapenia, thrombocytopenia, megaloblastic anemia
dactinomycin: 是什么药?机制 ?用途?toxicity
放线菌素D = actinomycin D 机制: intercalates in DNA 用途: childhood tumors (“children act out”) Wilms tumor, Ewing sarcoma (10 - 20 yrs old, sarcoma in pelvis or long tubular bones); rhabdomyoscarcoma 横纹肌肉瘤 toxicity: myelosuppression
cyclophosphamide, ifosfamide(IFO): 是什么药?机制 ?用途?toxicity (如何预防)?
alkylating agents (anti-tumor) 烷化剂 机制:covalently X-link (inter strand) DNA at guanine N-7; [require liver bioactivation] 用途: solid tumors, leukemia, lymphomas, some brain cancers toxicity (如何预防): 1) myelosuppresson 2) hemorrhagic cystitis - partially prevented with mesna [美司钠,巯乙磺酸钠: its thiol group binds toxic metabolites]
define: dendritic cells? function? surface marker? what is it called in the skin?
dendritic cells function - highly phagocytic APCs; link innate and adaptive immune systems surface marker: MHC II, Fc receptor what is it called in the skin - Langerhans
DIC: causes? Labs?
causes: “STOP Making New Thrombi” (widespread activation of clotting - deficiency in clotting factors, - a bleeding state S: sepsis (gram-negative) Trauma Obstetric complications (例如羊水栓塞) acute Pancreatis Malignancy Nephrotic syn Transfusion Labs: schistocytes, ↑ D-dimer (fibrin split products), ↓ fibrinogen, ↓ factors V and VIII. ↓ PC, ↑ BT, PT, PTT
define: tumor stage? grade?
tumor stage: how far the tumor spread to the adjacent tissue, lymph nodes, metastasis, grade: differentiation
Down syn pts: 儿童期死因?成人死因?
儿童期死因:acute lymphoblastic (or myelogenous) leukemia 成人死因: AD
doxorubicin: 是什么药?机制 ?用途?toxicity: which drug to prevent the toxicity?
阿霉素, 羟基柔红霉素 【抗肿瘤药】 机制: 1) intercalates in DNA ⇒breaks in DNA ⇒ ↓ replication (for G2 phase) 2) generate free radicals 用途: solid tumors, leukemias, lymphomas toxicity: 1) cardiotoxicity - dilated cardiomyopathy - prevented by Dexrazoxane 右旋丙亚胺(主要用于保护阿霉素引起的心脏毒性) 2) myelosuppression 3) alopecia 脱发 4)toxic to tissues following extravasation 外渗
Dx: neutrophils with bilobed nuclei (2 nuclear masses connected with a thin filament of chromatin)?
Pelger-Huet anomaly, or Pseudo Pelger-Huet anomaly Pseudo Pelger-Huet anomaly: typically seen after chemotherapy 真性的话是良性genetic disorder (AD)
依替巴肽 和abciximab,tirofiban 一类, inhibit platelet aggregation by binding to GIIb/IIIa on activated platelets 用途: unstable angima, PTCA (经皮穿刺冠状动脉造影) toxicity: bleeding, thrombocytopenia
VP-16, 依托泊苷,鬼臼毒素(抗肿瘤药) 机制: inhibit topoisomerase II (target cell cycle S and G2 phases) 用途?toxicity
etoposide, teniposide 是什么药?机制 ?用途?toxicity以及如果预防?
VP-16, 鬼臼毒素 替尼泊苷; 鬼臼噻吩苷 机制: Etoposide inhibits DNA topoisomerase II - ↑ DNA degradation 用途: 1. solide tumors (particularly testicular and small cell lung cancer) 2. leukemias, lymphoma toxicity: 1. myelosuppression 2. GI irratation 3. alopecia
G6PD deficiency是什么遗传?病因?lab? Cx?
[Stress makes me eat bites of fava beans with Heinz ketchup] X-linked recessive (XR) MC RBC酶缺陷 defect in G6PD ⇒ ↓ glutathione ⇒ ↑ RBC susceptibility to oxidative stress 病因: 增加oxidative stress的因素:Fava beans!!, sulfa drugs, antimalaries, infections Cx: oxidative stress后几天出现back pain, hemoglobinuria Lab: blood smear shows RBCs with Heize bodies and bite cells
Glanzmann thrombasthenia 血小板机能不全 发病机理?能被哪个抗凝药物模拟?
deficiency in GpIIb/IIIa Cx: childhood muccotaneous bleeding Dx: peripheral smear shows no platelet clumping = abciximan (inhibit GpIIb/IIIa directly)
Hairy cell leukemia: B or T cells? age? Peripheral blood smear? Dx? 骨穿症状? Rx?
mature B-cell tumor age: elderly Peripheral blood smear: hair-like projections Dx: 不再用FLOW, 改用TRAP诊断 (tartrate-resistant acid phosphatase + ) 骨穿症状: marrow fibrosis, dry tap on aspiration Rx: Cladribine (2-CDA) 克拉屈滨,2-氯脱氧腺苷, an adenosine analog to inhibit ADA (adenosine deaminase)
heme synthesis中得限速酶?associated disease?
ALA synthase (delta-aminolevulinic acid) associated disease: sideroblastic anemia (X-linked)