Anatomy Flashcards
cowdry type A inclusion bodies
intranuclear inclusions that are found in
neurons and glia in herpes simplex encephalitis.
locked-in syndrome (LIS): lesion location?
lower brainstem; no damage to the upper brain
may caused by: Brain stem glioma, ALS, MS, Medication overdose, TBI, etc
patient is aware and awake but cannot move or communicate verbally due to complete paralysis of nearly all voluntary muscles in the body except for the eyes. Total locked-in syndrome is a version of locked-in syndrome wherein the eyes are paralyzed, as well.
also known as cerebromedullospinal disconnection, and ventral pontine syndrome.
no treatment or cure
Rathke’s pouch
ectodermal diverticulum of the primitive mouth cavity; give rise to adenohypophysis
remnants can form craniopharyngioma (congenital cystic tumor) - this is the MC supratentorial tumor in children; MCC of hypopituitarism in children (compress optic chasm and hypothalamus)
What brain congenital malformation is associated with maternal CMV or toxoplasmosis infection?
Holoprosencephaly is associated with?
前脑无裂畸形;- the most severe manifestation of the fetal alcohol syn
associated with trisomy 13 (Patau syn);
laceration of which artery causes epidural hematoma?
for subdural hematoma (SDH)?
middle meningeal A
(supply most of dura; enter into the cranium via foramen spinosum 棘孔)
SDH: lacerated bridging veins; frequently associated by traumatic subarachnoid hemorrhages and cortical contusions
Lambert-Eaton syn
myasthenic: 肌无力的, 肌衰弱的
懒伯不吃syndrome: 懒到懒得吃饭(dry mouth as autonomic dysfunction), 懒得动弹的地步(proximal muscle weakness, abnormal tendon reflexes)
presynaptoc disorder of neuromuscular transmission; Ach release is impaired
homonymous hemianopia + Marcus Gunn pupil indicates?
(swinging flashlight test: a relative afferent pupillary defect in the contralateral eye): when a strong light is swung from the unaffected eye to the affected eye, the affected pupil appears to dilate (relatively constrict less)
lesion in the optic tract
注意:lesion in the optic radiation or lateral geniculate nucleus can also produce a contralateral homonymous hemianopia, 但是这2种病灶的瞳孔对光反射相对正常
常见于neuritis in MS
neurological deficits caused by transtentorial (uncal) herniation?
小脑幕疝,常由brain tumor or hematoma引起,
1。压迫ipsilateral CN III (动眼)引起:fixed and dilated pupil, ptosis, “down-and-out” eye
- 压迫corticospinal tract引起同侧偏瘫
Adie’s sym, Adie’s pupil
Adie syndrome, sometimes known as Holmes–Adie syndrome or Adie’s tonic pupil, is a neurological disorder characterized by a tonically dilated pupil that reacts slowly to light but shows a more definite response to accommodation (i.e., light-near dissociation). It is frequently seen in females with absent knee or ankle jerks and impaired sweating.
It is caused by damage to the postganglionic fibers of the parasympathetic innervation of the eye, usually by a viral or bacterial infection which causes inflammation, and affects the pupil of the eye and the autonomic nervous system.
Thalamus: afferent/efferent for anterior nucleus?
这是limbic system (Papez circuit)一部分
入:mamallio-thalamic tract (from hypothalamus
Thalamus: afferent/efferent for MD (medio-dorsal) nucleus?
if damaged, cause what disease?
MD很酷,都是和高级皮层打交道; 出了问题引起Wernick-Korsakoff syn
和prefrontal cortex (额前皮质)有双边关系
另外的input: 杏仁核,黑质,temporal neocortex
lateral/medial geniculate body传导的是什么?
input: optic tract (from retina)
project: primary visual cortex (Brodmann’s area 17)
medial: 听觉
circuit of Papez?
hippocampal formation - mamillary nucleus (of hypothalamus) - anterior nucleus (of thalamus) - cingulate gyrus (扣带回)- entorhinal cortex (内嗅皮质)- hippocampal formation
lesions for the following disease:
HD, Sydenham’s chorea, Chorea gravidarum (妊娠性舞蹈病)
Wilson’s disease
Kernicterus (核黄疸)
hemiballism (偏身抽搐)
PD: S. nigra
chorea, HD: striatum
WD: striatum + globus pallidus (合称corpus striatum 纹状体)
Kernicterus: Globus pallidus
hemiballism: vascular lesion from the sub thalamic nucleus
loss of knee jerk reflex (patellar reflex): compressed by which nerve root?
loss of ankle jerk reflex?
knee jerk: L4 (of femoral N)
ankle jerk: S1 (of sciatic N, 坐骨N)
N. for eye movement:
眼睛由4条直肌(rectal muscle), 2条斜肌(oblique)控制
CN III: 动眼N: 控制上、中、下直肌 + 下斜肌 + 提睑肌;受损引起ptosis (drooping eye lid), “in and out” eye, diagonal diplopia (对角线双视)
CN IV 滑车N: 控制上斜肌 (想象一个滑轮,吊索是往上拉的),受损引起眼睛往上翻(下部肌肉失去制衡)eye deviated upward, vertical & torsional diplopia
CN VI 外展N: 控制外直肌,眼球外展;受损导致眼球内聚(eye deviated medially) + horizontal diplopia
- Colchicine for gout?
- Vinblastine, vincristine in cancer therapy?
- Colchicine: prevent microtubule polymerization - inhibit NEUTROPHIL migration
- Vinblastine, vincristine: inhibit the formation of mitotic spindle
Significance of Lewy body?
Negri bodies?
Lewy bodies: in CNS degenerating neurons of the SN, pars compact - associated with PD and certain dementia
Negri bodies: eosinophilic cytoplamic inclusion in degenerating neurons in the hippocampus and cerebellar cortex - in rabies
Dx of p-tau?
phosphorylation of tau protein prevents cross-linking of microtubules; affected microtubules form helical faliments and neurofibrillar tangles / senile plaques
Cx of AD, ALS and Down’s
Pathological base for DM patients to have “glove-and-stocking” pattern of pain?
In DM, hyperglycemia causes an alteration of proteins that form microtubules, which disrupt axonal transport - develop axonal polyneuropathies in long axons - changed sensation and pain in the feet, and then in the hands