Pathology - part 2 Respiratory, GI, etc Flashcards
PH (pulmonary hypertension)
cause, mechanism, patho,
mean PA pressue > 25/30 mm Hg at rest/exercise
mechanism 2° PH: respiratory acidosis/hypoxemia → vasoconstriction PAs
MCC 2° PH: left-sided valvular disease
Patho: atherosclerosis in main PAs
MC sym: exertional dyspnea
tapering PAs/RVH (right ventricular hypertrophy) on chest X-ray: cor pulmonale (= PH + RVH, 肺心病)
Goodpasture syn
cause? presentation?
Ab attack basement membrane in pulmonary cap and glomerular cap (type II hypersensitivity)
hemoptysis (咯血)followed by renal failure
RLD (restrictive lung disease)
defination? cause? 表现?
defination: ↓ TLC (total lung capacity)
cause: chest wall disorders (ie: kyphoscoliosis, mesothelioma, obesity, acute/chronic ILDs - interstitial lung diseases. ILD的一种,idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis: most MCC of RLD; sarcoidosis)
dry cough, inspiratory crackles (湿罗音)in lower lung fields, exertional dyspea
favor shallow, fast breath to ↓ work of breathing
Pathogenesis of interstitial fibrosis? Dx?
earlist manifestation: alveolitis [leukocytes release cytokines → fibrosis] → interstitial fibrosis
↓ compliance (↓ expansion during inspiration)
↑ elasticity (↑ recoil during expiration
Pulmonary function test: all volumes and capacities are equally ↓; normal to ↑ FEV1/FVC ratio (normal is 80% = 4L/5L), respiratory alkalosis (PCO2 < 33 mmHg), ↓PaO2
X-ray: diffuse bilateral reticulonodular infiltrates
silicosis: X-ray特征改变?
胸片见egg-shell calcification in hilar nodes
MC occupational disease
opacities contain collagen and quartz (highly fibrogenic)
↑ risk for lung cancer/TB [differentiate: CWP (coal worker’s pneumoconiosis): no risk for lung cancer/TB]
if lung is encased, likely Rx?
mesothelioma (arise from pleura serosa)
no relationship with smoking
etio? patho? Dx?
immune regulation disorder: CD4 Th cells interact with unknown Ag
noncaseating granulomas: Dx is exclusion (rule out other granulomas diseases)
lung is the target organ: dyspnea is the MC sym [patho: granulomas contain multinucleated giant cells]
UW case: 35-yr black woman, arthralgias+tender, deep nodules on legs, hepatomegaly (scattered granulomas), chest X-ray: enlarged hilar lymph nodes, serum ACE ↑[note: important lab for sarcoidosis]
Caplan syn?
cavitating rheumatoid nodules in the lung + pneumoconiosis
emphysema 肺气肿
how can smoking produce emphysema?
MCC: smoking; α1-AAT (α1 antitrypsin: antielastase) deficiency
patho: ↑ compliance, ↓ elasticity (能张开,但是无法recoil)
inbalance between elastase vs. antielastases; free radicals vs. GSH
cigarette smoke: chemotactic to neutrophils and macrophages ➞ release free radicals ➞ inactivate AAT/GSH
分为centriacinar vs. panacinar:
centriacinar: destruction of distal terminal bronchioles /upper lobe; panacinar: entire respiratory unit, lower lobe, no α1-globulin peak on serum protein electrophoresis
early dyspnea + late hypoxia (take time to destruct respiratory unit)
X-ray: ↑ hyperlucency, ↑ anterior-posterior diameter, vertically oriented heart, depressed diaphraghms
↓ PaO2, normal to ↓ arterial PCO2 (pink buffer)
bronchial asthma
extrinsic (most, autoimmune) vs intrinsic (nonautoimmune)
extrinsic: type I HSR: allergen stimulates CD4 TH2 cells ➞ release IL4, IL-5 ➞ IL-4 stimulates isotype switching to IgE (release histamine, etc from mast cells), IL-5 stimulates production and activation of eosinophils (major basic protein and cationic proteins to damage epithelial cells)
other mediators: leukotrienes (LTC-D-4, acetylcholine)
intrinsic (ie, viral infection, etc): normal IgE, negative skin tests to allergens
Bronchial asthma: alkalosis or acidosis?
initially: respiratory alkalosis (work hard to expell air, 过度通气)
If bronchospasm is not relieved, progress into respiratory acidosis
[normal pH or acidosis: indicates need for intubation !!!!]
FEV1 is the best measure of severity
MCC of bronchiectasis?
worldwide: TB
CF: cause? symptoms?
AR, MC fatal heretidary disorders in whites in US
3-nucleotide deletion in chr#7, coding for Phenylalanine: mutation causes defective protein folding in CFTR (CF transmembrane conductance regulator)➞ degraded in Golgi
CFTR is regulated by cAMP/ATP
CF: loss of NaCL in sweat (for Dx) /luminal secretion (dehydrated, thickened secretion)
nasal polyps in children, respiratory infections (MCC death in CF), chronic pancreatitis producing malabsorption, type I DM), infertility in males,
3 (patho/histological) types of pneumomia?
- bronchopneumonia: locally, involve lower or right middle lobe; pathy areas of consolidation
- interstitial pneumonia: inflammatory infiltration is confined to the alveolar walls
- lobar pneumonia: involve an entire lung lobe
stages and patho characteristics of lobar pneumonia?
- congestion (充血):< 24 hrs [vascular dilation, alveolar exudate contains mostly bacteria], affected lobe is red, heavy and boggy
- red hepatization: 2-3 days [alveolar exudate contains RBCs, neutrophils and fibrin]; red, firm lobe, liver-lie consistency
- grey hepatization: 4-6 days [RBCs distegrate, alveolar exudate contains neutrophils and fibrin]
- resolution: enzymatic digestion of the exudate, restore the normal architecture
work of breathing change in obstructive vs. restrictive pulmonary disease?
obstructive (asthema, COPD): compliance ↓, airflow resistance ↑: favor lower rate/higher TV (tidal volumes): show, deep breath
restrictive (fibrosis, asbestosis): elasticity ↓, elastic resistance ↑: favor faster rate/low TV: fast, shallow breath
most sensitive test to rule out asthma?
Bronchial challenge test: test bronchial hypersensitivity. Give an aerosolized bronchoconstrictive substance required to produce a 20% ↓ in FEV1
usually use Methacholine
this test is sensitive but not specific. Used to exclude asthma
complication of give premature newborns concentrated O2?
retinopathy of prematurity: concentrated O2 ⇒ VEGF ↑ ⇒ abnormal retinal neovascularization
asbestosis: sym? light microscope? cancer related?
formation of fibrocalcific plaques on the parietal pleura, Subsequent diffuse pleural thickening and fibrosis of the lower lung lobes,
clinic: dyspnea, ↓ lung volumes (restrictive lung disease)
light microscope: interstitial fibrosis, asbestos bodies (ferruginous bodies, 铁锈色体): asbestos fibers coated with protein-iron matrix
risk for bronchogenic carcinoma ↑↑↑, MC cause of death; the 2nd leading cause of death is mesothelioma
TB: 病原体隐藏在what kind of cells? virulence factor? 肺部病理表现(分为primary vs, reactivation TB)?
organisms reside in phagasomes of alveolar macrophage! Produce ‘cord factor” (a protein to prevent fusion of lysosomes with phagosomes)
[note: humoral immunity plays no role in TB, because TB is an intracellular parasite in macrophages!】
TB特征:strict aerobe (like to be in upper /apex lobe), acid-fast 抗酸
primary TB: upper part of lower lobes, or lower parts of upper lobes; Ghon focus (= casecous necrosis: yellow-tan subpleural granuloma); Ghon complex (冈氏病灶):caseous necrosis in hilar nodes
secondary (reactivation) TB: in immunosuppressed patients (HIV, corticoids, etc): upper lobe cavitary lesions (due to release of cytokines from memory T cells)
cough, hemoptysis, weight loss;
acid-fast bacillion a sputum culture, cavitary upper love pulmonary lesion on X-ray:
reactivation TB
lung cancer histology: ovoid cells smaller than resting lymphocytes, immunostaining positive for chromogranin: Dx?
small cell carcinoma
strongly associated with smoking, centrally located;
round or oval cells with scant cytoplasm and large hyperchromatic nuclei; resemble lymphocytes, but smaller
Goodpasture syn?
IgG directed against basement mem. in pulmonary cap and glomerular ca. (type II HSR)
clinic: hemoptysis followed by renal failure
Churg-strauss syn?
autoimmune medium and small vessel vasculitis.
It usually (but not always) manifests in three stages. The prodromal stage is marked by airway inflammation: almost all patients experience asthma and/or allergic rhinitis; the second stage is characterized by hypereosinophilia: abnormally high numbers of eosinophils, which causes tissue damage — most commonly to the lungs and the digestive tract. The third and final stage consists of vasculitis, which can eventually lead to necrosis and is potentially life-threatening.
Dx: insidious-onset progressive exertional dyspnea, restrictive pulmonary function test, extensive interstitial fibrosis, “honeycomb lung”
Dx: idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis
Kaposi sarcoma口腔累及部分?caused by which virus?
hard palate; HHV-8
Behcet syndrome: cause? clinic? patho?
cause: enviromental + genetic factor (HLA-B51, HLA-B27 associated) 多见于土耳其人,地中海地区
clinic: triad (recurrent aphthous ulcers 口疮, uveitis 眼色素层炎,genital unclers)
patho: immune complex systemic small vessel vasculitis
can be fatal due to aneurysms or severe neurological complications
treatment: antiinflammatory medications, corticosteroids
Wickham striae: associated with?
squamous dysplasia/SCC
dentigerous cyst: associated with?
3rd molar, ameloblastoma (成釉细胞瘤)
benign tumors of the oral cavity?
squamous papillomas 鳞状细胞乳头状瘤:MC benign tumor in oral cavity
ameloblastoma 成釉细胞瘤)
oral SCC metastasis site?
superior jugular node (tonsillar node)
TE (tracheoesophageal) fistula 气管食管瘘
proximal esophagus ends blindly, and the distal esophagus arises from the trachea.
polyhydraminos (羊水过多;swallowed amniotic fluid can’t be reabsorbed in the small intestine); NB with stomach distention/feeding problem
verterbral abnomalities
A: anorectal
TE: tracheoesophageal fistula
R: renal disease + absent radius
Plummer- Vinson syn
chronic iron deficiency
intermittent dysphagia for solids
due to esophageal web (食管蹼)or stricture (狭窄)
↑ risk for SCC: pre-malignant condition
Zenker diverticulum (憩室)
MC pulsion diverticulum (食管压入性憩室), mucosa/submucosa, located in upper esophagus, area of weakness is the cricopharyngeus muscle (环咽肌)
painful swallowing, halitosis (口臭)
Dx: surgery
define “Barrett esophagus”? complication?
seen in GERD (Gastro-esophageal reflux disease)
glandular (intestinal) metapliasia in distal esophagus due to acid injury
↑ risk for distal adenocarcinoma, stricture
Boerhaave syn: defination? cause? Dx?
rupture of distal esophagus
caused by retching/bulimia (贪食)/endoscopy (~ 75%)
air in the subcutaneous tissue in anterior mediastinum, crunching sound in physical exam; pleural effusion contains food, acid, amylase
Hematemesis; ↓ BP
Diagnosis: Often can be seen on X-Ray
Achalasia: cause? presentation?
MC neuromuscular disorder of esophagus, ↑ risk for esophageal cancer;
failure to relax LES (low esophageal spinkler): ↓ NO, VIP (vasoactive intestinal peptide)
Autoimmune destruction of myenteric (肠肌层)nerve fibers/inhibitory neurons in myenteric plexus
症状:1)nocturnal regurgitation undigested food; 2)dysphagia for solids + liquids (from High LES Opening pressure and uncoordinated Peristalsis leading to Aperistalsis)
3) chest pain, heartburn
4) nocturnal cough from aspiration
Dx: barium swallow shows “birds-beak”:narrowed esophagogastric junction
MC esophagus cancer in US?
distal adenocarcinoma
Barret esophagus is precursor lesion (not involve smoke)
MC primary esophageal cancer in developing countries?
MCC: smoke cigarettes
Alcohol abuse, lye strictures
dysphagia for solids + weight loss
tracheal invasion: dry cough + hemoptysis
hoarseness (invasion of recurrent laryngeal nerve)
hypercalcemia (↑PTH)
MCC for hematemesis (呕血,与咯血区别!!)
PUD (peptic ulcer disease)
esophageal varices (静脉曲张)
hemorrhagic gastritis
melena (黑粪症): cause? indicator of?
Hb converted into hematin (black pigment) by acid,
signify bleed proximal to duodenojejunal junction (controlled by ligament of Treitz)
sign for upper GI bleed
Gastric analysis:分析什么指标?
BAO/MAO ratio (normal is 0.2 : 1)
BAO: basal acid output (acid output of gastric juice collected via nasogastric tube over 1 hr on an empty stomach
MAO: maximal acid output (acid output collected over 1hr after pentagastrin stimulation)
gastroparesis: cause?
↓ stomach motility: autonomic neuropathy (eg: DM)
early satiety (饱满感),vomit undigested food
acute hemorrhagic gastritis: MC cause? clinic findings? treatment?
MCC: NSAIDs; alcohol second
H. pylori
smoking; burns (“Curling ulcers); CNS injury (“Cushing ulcers”)
Clinics: hematemesis, melena, iron deficiency
H. pylori
mechanisms of injury
Type B chronic atrophic gastritis
gram-negative rod; live in the mucus overlying the epithelium of the gastric antrum and fandus; produce urease (convert amino groups in protein to ammonia) - rapid test, turn urea solution (with pH indicator) into pink (pH ↑, due to more alkaline produced: urea converted into CO2 and ammonia)
colonizeds mucous layer, noninvasive
1) urea breath test: does NOT distinguish active vs. old infection
2) stool Ag test: positive = active infection; negative: no infection
3) gastric biopsy to detect urease: gold standard
H.pylori-associated antral gastritis ➞ somatostatin (inhibit gastrin) -producing antral cells ↓ ⇒ gastrin ↑ ⟹ histamine ↑ ⟹ gastric parietal cells secret more acid
NOTE: acid ⟹ duodenal ulceration, NOT gastric ulceration! H.pylori-associated gastric ulceration results from its destruction of the local mucous layer and the local inflammatory response; normal acid level is sufficient to cause ulcer if the mucus is degraded.
PUD (peptic ulcer disease): MCC?
MCC: H.pylori
duodenal > gastric
duodenal ulcers never malignant (do not need to biopsy)
gastric ulcers: small percentage malignant ➞ biopsy
4 layers in sequence are noted in histologic section of ulcers: necrotic debris ➞ inflammation (predominance of neutrophils) ➞ granulation tissue ➞ fibrosis
ZE syn (Zollinger-Ellison syn)
malignant tumor: ↑ gastrin, ↑ acid (loss of negative feedback)
duodenum MC site (NOTE: in distal, not proximal duodenum, different from most duodenum ulcer), pancreatic islets 2nd; single or multiple ulcers
PUD+diarrhea, family history of MEN type I syn (parathyroid or pituitary tumors), or PUD without H.pylori or history of NSAIDs
epigastric pain + weight loss, heartburn from GERD, peptic ulceration, acid hypersecretion with diarrhea, maldigestion of food (acid interferes with pancreatic E activities)
Lab: ↑BAO/MAO, ↑ serum gastrin
Dx: ulcer in distal duodenum or other atypical location, multiple ulcers, refractory to therapy, recurrence of ulcers after acid-reducing surgery
1° stomach adenocarcinoma: types? association with H.pylori?
2 types:
1)intestinal type of gastric adenocarcinoma (MC, due to H.pylori: most important; nitrosamines, smoked foods in Japan)
lesser curvature pylorus /antrum MC sites
2) diffuse type of gastric adenocarcinoma: NOT associated with H.pylori; “linitis plastica” 皮革胃,
signet ring cells infiltrate the stomach wall ➞ Krukenberg tumor of ovaries
metastasis to left supraclavicular (Virchow) node; acanthosis nigricans (黑色棘皮症); seborrheic keratoses (脂溢性角化症; Leser-Trelat sign)
signet ring cells
diffuse type of gastric adenocarcinoma: mucin produced by the cancer cells pushes the nucleus to the periphery
spreads to both ovaries hematogenously
MCC for extranodal malignant lymphoma?
stomach: low-grade B-cell lymphoma, related to H.pylori
types of diarrhea? differentiate?
invasive (pathogens invade enterocytes); secretory loss of isotonic fluid - laxative), osmotic (hypotonic: lactase deficiency: disaccharidase deficiency in brush border)
to diff: 1) fecal smear for leukocytes (+ for invasive)
2) stool osmotic gap: normal = 300 mOsm/kg
< 50 mOsm/kg from normal: isotonic loss: secretory
> 100 mOsm/kg from normal: hypotonic - osmotic
MCC for pancreatic insufficiency
in adults: alcohol
in children: CF
malabsorption of fat + proteins, but NOT carbohydrates (amylase in salivary glands, disaccharidases in brush border epi cells in intestine)
pancreatic lipase: hydrolyzed TG to MGs (monoglycerides) + FAs
tests to differentiate sites of malabsorption
D-Xylose [zailouse] screening test: ↓ indicates small bowel disease (does NOT involve pancreatic E for absorption)
serum immunoreactive trypsin: specific for pancrease
↓ in chronic pancreatitis (note: ↑ in early CF)
Celiac disease
autoimmune to gluten in wheat
greatest association with dematitis herpetiforms (疱疹样皮炎)
Patho: multiorgan autoimmune disease; T-cell and IgA-mediated response against gluten in genetically predisposed people
tTG (tissue transglutaminase) plays pivotal role ⟹ atrophy/flattened intestinal villi, lengthening of crypts, inflammation infiltration
Dx: ↑ anti-tTG IgA, EMA-IgA (antiendomysial IgA, antigliadin IgA, IgG
clinics: steatorrhea, weight loss, fail to thrive (in children)
Whipple disease
caused by Tropheryma Whipplei
Whipple病是一种罕见的传染性疾病,Tropheryma whipplei是一种革兰氏染色阴性的细菌,也是基因组最小的细菌。它所引起的Whipple病主要症状包括体重减轻、腹泻、关节疼痛等。此外,Whipple病无孔不入,心、肺、神经系统均有累及。归类在malabsorption中。
Dr. Whipple因为发现肝脏在恶性贫血中的作用而获得1934年的诺贝尔生理学奖。
microscope: blunting of villi, foamy macrophages in lamina propria (特征性形态,和Neiman picks鉴别)
Clinic: steatorrhea, fever, polyarthritis, generalized lymphadenopathy, ↑ skin pigmentation
Rx: antibiotics
direct hernia: location?
triangle of Hesselbach (黑塞尔三角)
area of the anterior abdominal wall bounded by the inferior epigastric vessels (腹壁下AV), inguinal ligament (腹股沟韧带)and the lateral border of the rectus abdominis (腹直肌). Direct inguinal hernias leave the abdomen through this triangle.
area blood supplied by SMA (superior mesenteric artery)? IMA (inferior mesenteric A)?
SMA: most of small bowel + ascending and transverse colon up to the splenic flexture
IMA: descending and sigmoid colons + proximal rectum + upper half of the anal canal
SMA and IMA junction: watershed area (splenic flexture)
causes for acute ischemia of small bowel?
- Acute mesenteric ischemia:1) embolism from left side of heart to the SMA (AF: MC predisposing arrhythmia); 2) thrombosis of the SMA
- nonocclusive ischemia:
1) hypotension (2° to HF)
2) hypovolemic shock
3) taking digitalis - mesenteric vein thrombosis
SB (small bowel) infarction: clinic? radiographic?
sudden onset of diffuse abdominal pain (全腹痛), bloody diarrhea, absent bowel sounds, distention, NO rebound tenderness (反跳痛,腹膜炎体征)early in infarction
on CT: 1) “thumbprint sign” -edema in bowel wall
2) bowel distention with air-fluid levels similar to bowel obstruction
ischemic colitis: location? clinic?
splenic flexture pain (SMA ends and LMA begins: watershed of blood supply)-mesenteric angina after eating ➞ fear of eating and weight loss; bloody diarrhea
Barium study shows thumbprinting of the colonic mucosa
angiodysplasia: location? clinics?
dilation of cecal (盲肠的;cecum) submucosal venules; hematochezia (便血), 2nd MMC hematochezia (1st MCC is sigmoid colon diverticula)
more likely to bleed if genetic/required vWD present
Meckel diverticulum:
vitelline (卵黄的) (omphalomesenteric 脐肠系膜的) duct remnant
Most common congenital anomaly of the GI tract
5 2’s: 2 inches long, 2 feet from ileocecal (回盲肠)valve, 2% of the population, Presents in first 2 years of life, Can have 2 types of epithelium (gastric and pancreatic - maybe even endometrial)
BUZZWORDS: Contains Ectopic Gastric, Pancreatic or Endometrial Tissue
Kid with massive anal bleeding with no obvious upper GI, colon or hemorrhoid cause; NB with fecal material in umbilical area
clinically can’t distinguish from acute appendicitis
Dx: 99mTc (technecium, 鍀)nuclear scan identifies parietal cells in ectopic gastric mucosa
Sigmoid colon diverticular disease
herniation mucosa/submucosa thru muscularis (sigmoid colon is the most common site for diverticula in the entire GI): mesenteric border; area of weakness where vasa recta penetrate.
MCC; constipation
MC complication: diverticulitis
clinic: fever, initial diarrhea ➞ constipation, left lower quadrant pain (“left-sided appendicitis”)
best Dx: CT-scan
MC for hematochezia and fistulas
IBS (irritable bowel syn)
intrinsic colonic motility disorder, responsible for > 50% referral to gastroenterologists
alternating constipation/diarrhea; ↑ mucus in stool
Rx: adequate fiber intake
carcinoid tumor
MC SB tumor, malignant neuroendocrine tumors
depending on the location and size, they either invade or metastasize
MC location: vermiform (蠕虫样)appendix (bright yellow)-rarely metastasize
If in terminal ileum: metastasis to liver➞ cause carcinoid syn.
5’-HIAA is excreted in the urine ➞ for Dx
clinic: 1) flushing (serotonin ➞ vasodilation in skin)
2) diarrhea (serotonin ➞ bowel motility ↑)
3) wheezing, dyspnea (serotonin ➞ bronchospasm)
4) tricuspid regurgitation, pulmonary stenosis (serotonin ➞ collagen production in the valves)
5) facial telangiectasia
Dx: ↑ urine 5’-HIAA, CT scan of liver, Scanning for 1° location and metastasis
acute appendicitis
1) children: lymphoid hyperplasia 2° of a viral infection
2) in adults: fecalith obstruction (similar to acute diverticulitis)
pathogens: E coli, Bacteroides fragilis
特征性疼痛(转移):initially colicky periumbilical pain (afferent C fibers on viseral pertitoneal surface: refer pain to midline) ➞ then shifts to RLQ in 12-18 hrs (Aδ fibers localize pain)
pain PRECEDES nausea and vomiting (important to Dx children!!)
MC complication: periappendiceal abscess
pyelophlebitis (肾盂静脉炎):infection of the portal vein, danger of portal vein thrombosis
-subphernic abscess: persistent postoperative fever
Dx: spiral CT
congenital pyloric stenosis (CPS)
may associated with genetic factors (if parents affected, ↑ risk for child); male > famale baby
patho: caused by progressive hypertrophy of the muscles in the pyloric sphincter (↓ NO synthase)
NOT present at birth: occurs at 3-5 wks
projectile vomiting of non-bile-stained fluid; hypertrophied pylorus can be palpated in the epigastrium, “olive-sized” mass if felt in the right upper abdomen
chronic mesenteric ischemia: cause? characteristics? Dx?
atherosclerosis, ↓ blood flow (patho similar to angina pectoris)
1) epigastric (上腹部)or periumbilical pain, 30-60 min after meals: very severe pain, patients fear to eat, but no findings on physical exams
2) weight loss
Abetalipoproteinemia: cause? clinics? microscope?
microscope: normal intestinal mucosal architecture, but the enterocytes contain clear or foamy cytoplasma prominent at the villi tips: accumulation of lipids (此病特征);
cause: impaired formation of ApoB-containing lipoproteins
AR, loss-of-funciton of MTP gene (microsomal triglyceride transfer protein, chaperon for ApoB folding and tranfer lipids to chylomicrons and VLDL). Lipids absorbed by the SB can’t be transported to blood, so accumulate in the intestinal epithelium ⟹ enterocytes with clear or foamy cytoplasm
lab: very low serum TG and cholesterol; absent chylomicrons, VLDLs, apoB
clinic: < 1yr发病,malabsorption (abdominal distention, foul-smelling greasy stool); ↓ fat-soluble vit ⟹ acanthocytes, neurological abnormalities
adenoma-to-carcinoma sequence
adenomatous polyps: premaligant
> 50 yr patients, mutation of APC gene
stepwise progression with gene mutation: PAC inactivation ⟹ COX2 overexpression ⟹ K-ras acivation, DCC, p53 inactivation
↑ COX2 activity in some colon adenocarcinoma, and in inherited polyposes syn; Aspirin (COX inhibitor) can ↓ adenomas
Mallory-Weiss syn
longitudinal mucosal tear in esophagus-gastric junction
due to severe retching, often associated with alcoholism or bulimia (暴食). tear occur 2° to rapid ↑ of intraabdominal /intraluminal gastric pressure
differentiate ulcerative colitis vs Crohn’s diease
both can have bloody diarrhea (both are inflammatory bowel disease). They are inherited as a complex, multigenic disorder (non-Mendelian manner). Candidate genes: HLA association (HLA-DR1/DQW5 in Crohn’s, HLA-DR2 in ulcerative colitis) and NOD2 (triggers NF-kB pathway ⟹ cytokines)
ulcerative colitis:
1) rectum always involved
2) inflammation: limited to mucosa and submocosa ONLY
3) mucosal damage is continous
4) . bloody diarrhea, with or without pain, is HALLMARK
collection of neutrophils within crypt lumina
Crohn’s disease:
transmural inflammation, perianal fistulae, non-caseating granuloma
serological findings for HAV: IgM? IgG?
anti-HAV IgM: infeciton
anti-HAV IgG: recovery/vaccination