Microbiology Flashcards
anaplasmosis [,ænəplæz’məusis] pathogen vector involved immune cells/ 病理特征
边虫病;无形体病 pathogen: Anaplama vector: tick involved immune cells/ 病理特征: Granulocytes with morulae in cytoplasm [diff with ehrlichiosis!!!] 边虫病(Anaplasmosis)又称无浆体病,是由立克次体目(Rickettsiales)无浆体科(Anaplasmataceae)无浆体属(Anaplasma)中各种病原寄生于牛羊红细胞内引起的一种疾病,呈急性或慢性病程,表现为发热、贫血、黄疸和渐进性消瘦,严重时常引起死亡。
↑ ↓ ⟹
Adenoviruses - envelope? - DNA or RNA? 基因组structure? -cause diseases?
- envelope: No - DNA or RNA? 基因组structure? dsDNA, linear - cause diseases: 1. sore throat 2. acute hemorrhagic cystitis 3. pneumonia 4. pink eye - conjunctivitis
Ascaris lumbricoides 什么虫 Cx? transmission? Dx: Rx
蛔虫 - giant roundworm Ascaris lumbricoides 肠子里面开小轿车As(car)is,拉着大虫子,蛔虫 vs: (entero肠子,bius公车),肠子里面开bus,拉着一群小虫子[pinworm] Cx: intestinal infection transmission: fecal-oral Dx: eggs visible in feces under microscope Rx: bendazoles (albendazole, or mebendazole) or pyrantel pamoate 双羟萘酸噻嘧啶 - 和pinworm治疗是一样的
Ancylostoma duodenale necator americanus 什么虫 Cx? transmission? Dx: Rx
钩虫属 Ancylostoma duodenale: 十二指肠钩虫 necator americanus: 美洲钩虫
Aspergillus fumigatus: 特殊的形态? cause which diseases? associated with? specific test? brain lesion 形态?
烟曲霉菌 特殊的形态: V-shaped at 45° angles 广泛存在,吸入肺里,由肺纤毛排出 cause which diseases: 1. Aspergillomas - NOT invade the lung tissue, but grow INSIDE old cavities formed by TB, CF or asthma -CXR: “radiopaque, shifts when pt changes position” 2. ABPA: wheezing, fever, migratory pulmonary infiltrates; in 5- 10% steroid-dependent asthmatics; ↑ serum IgE, eosinophilia, Ab against IgG+ IgE [考过诊断:哮喘病人,全血嗜酸性细胞↑, CXR见支气管扩张】 3. invasive aspergillosis - in immunosuppressed or neutropenic pts 肺部和肺外表现都多 associated with: hepatocellular carcinoma with the aflatoxins
babesia: disease? Cx? transmission? Dx Rx
巴贝西虫 - “Captain Babesia”
baby botulinum: Dx? Cause? Cx?
often due to honey consumption (12% honey samples contain botulinum spores). symptoms caused by toxin release into stool and in blood; toxin inhibits Ach release at neuromuscular junction Cx: 特征性neuromuscular paralysis; 其他症状包括weakness, reduced feeding, weakened suck, swallowing, etc; severe case: generalized muscle weakness + loss of head control “floppy baby” 注意与成人botulinum重要区别:成人case因为是直接吃入preformed toxin (typically from canned food), 都会非常严重;婴儿case可比较轻 Rx: ELISA and PCR for toxin
Bacillus anthracis G? 下面的分类? colonies? on microscope 致病因素?Mx (2nd messager) history Cx, -分类 -特征性病灶? -扩散途径
炭疽杆菌 Large G+ rods; aerobic, form non-hemolyzing adherent colonies; on microscope: “serpentine” 蜿蜒的, or “medusa head” 致病因素: edema factor, - mimic the AC to ↑ cAMP history: contact with animal (extremely important) !!! Cx: 1.MC form is cutaneous anthrax; edematous wound with central necrosis - form black eschar sore: adj. 疼痛的,n. 溃疡 eschar [‘eskɑː] 痂; 焦痂(烧伤后的疮痂) 扩散途径: spread via lymphatics to the bloodstream, multiply in the blood and tissue 2. pulmonary anthrax accounts for 5%) : “wool sorters disease” - 接触动物皮毛病史 spore is very small - ingested by macrophage in the alveoli - move to mediastinal lymph nodes - cause hemorrhagic mediastinitis 肺炭疽的致病因素:anti-phagocytic capsule, unique in that it contains D-glutamate instead of polysaccharide Cx: myalgia, fever, malaise, - rapid progress to hemorrhagic mediastinitis (widened mediastimun on CXR), spetic shock and death
bacterial vaccine对应的细菌: 1. heat-killed bac 2. bacterial outer membrane protein 3. capsular polysaccharide 4. inactivated toxin (toxoid) 5. live attenuated bacteria (LAB)
- Hk (香港)有很多PCP: heat-killed bacteria: Pertusiss (百日咳), Cholerae, Yersinia pestis (鼠疫) 2. bacterial outer membrane protein: Borrelia burdgorferi (包柔氏螺旋体, 引起Lyme disease) - 螺旋体螺旋起来水泼不进,只能target outer membrane protein 3. capsular polysaccharide: neiserria meningococca 4. inactivated toxin (IT): 搞IT的都是Day trader (diphtheriae, 白喉), tetani 5. LAB里培养3个T: TB和伤寒(typhi), Francisella tularensis
Bacillus cereus G? form spore or not? cause what syn 起病速度?
蜡样芽胞杆菌 Gram-positive rod, motile, beta hemolytic bacterium food poisoning 重要的致病源: “reheated rice syn” 起病速度很快,吃完rice or pasta之后几小时就恶心呕吐,由于”preformed toxin - cereulide”引起,所以发病这么快
Bordetella pertussis G? 下面的分类? 致病因素?Mx (2nd messenger) Cx, 引起什么疾病?
G- “coccoid” rods 致病因素: pertussis toxin: inhibit phagocytic ability Mx (2nd messenger): disable Gi - over reactivate AC - ↑ cAMP - impair phagocytosis Cx, 引起什么疾病: “Whooping cough”
blastomycosis cause which disease? 流行区域 病理细胞和特征 diff
芽生菌病 dimorphic fungi: cause which disease: 肺炎,可以血行扩散到bone and skin; form granulomatous nodules in immunocompromised pts 免疫缺陷病人,出现慢性肺炎,肺部有肉芽肿,要考虑blastomycosis 流行区域: Missisippi, central America (和Histoplasmosis 组织胞浆菌病流行区域一样)/ found in soil 病理细胞和特征: 25 C - branching hyphae: large, round yeast, doubly refractive wall and single broad-base budding (BBB)
bloody diarrhea, daycare outbreaks, pseudoappentitis: caused by?
Y. enteroclitica [Yersinia enterocolitica, 小肠结肠炎耶尔森氏菌 G分类: G- rods, lactose non-fermentor, oxidase - 通常来自于: pet feces
bug hints: asplenic pts
外科切除脾脏,或者sickle cell anemia SHiN
bug hints: branching rods in oral infection + sulfur granules
Actinomyces israelli
bug hints: Currant jelly sputum 醋栗冻痰
bug hints: dog and cat bite
Pasteurella multocida 多杀巴斯德菌 出血败血性巴斯德氏菌 注意!!在美国被猫狗咬并不容易得狂犬病,而是容易得多杀巴斯德菌
bug hints: organ transplant recipient
bug hints: PAS +
Periodic acid–Schiff (PAS) Whipple disease
bug hints: sepsis/meningitis in newborn
Group B strep
C. perfringens致病机制?
产气荚膜杆菌 produce Lecithinase卵磷脂酶 (also known as “alpha toxin”, to degrade lecithin (component of cell phospholipid membranes) - lead to membrane destruction, necrosis and hemolysis
Catalase+ organisms: 包括哪些?口诀
You need PLACESS for your cat (catalase 过氧化氢酶) catalase degrades H2O2 Pseudomonas Listeria Aspergillus Candid E. coli S. aureus Serratia 灵杆菌 考点是CGD (chronic granulomatous disease - NAPDH oxidase deficiency)
Campylobacter jejuni: G? 下面的分类特点 cause which disease transmission from? 是什么疾病的前驱?
空肠弯曲杆菌 G-, comma shaped, oxidase+, grow at 42 C (“camp-fire”) cause which disease: MC of bloody diarrhea, especially in children fecal-oral transmission from food 是什么疾病的前驱 (考点): 格林巴利,reactive arthritis (HLA-B27)
Candida albicans: 特点? local/superficial or systemic各自是那种免疫细胞削弱? 引起什么病?各自怎么治疗?
白色念珠菌 - 典型的机会病原体,免疫削弱的病人 特点:dimorphic yeast [20 C: pseudohyphae 假菌丝 and budding yeast; 37C: germ tubes (真菌丝) - “念珠菌所具有产生胚芽管(germ tubes)的能力,可作为拟予确认的标志”】 superficial: deficient Th (especially Th1) - 艾滋病人中特别多见,杨芳都收过一个白色念珠菌性食管炎的病人 1. thrush in oral and esophageal in immunocompromised 2. diaper rash 3. vulvovaginitis 外阴阴道炎 [DM, use of antibiotics] [“cottage cheese” discharge] - 阴道酸性减弱 systemic: deficient in neutrophils 4. disseminated candidiasis 5. endocarditis in IV drug users (right-sided) 6. chronic mucocutaneous candidiasis 7. liver and kidney abcesses Rx: 1. oral/esophageal: fluconazole, caspofungin [卡泊芬净(Caspofungin)是第一个批准用于抗真菌的一线药物,也被称作棘白菌素.近来被FDA批准其用于治疗曲霉属真菌和念珠菌病的感染.] 2. vaginal: topic azole 3. systemic: amphotericin B, fluconazole, caspofungin,
Chagas disease - caused by?
Trypanosoma cruzi 客氏锥虫 流行于南美, transferred by “kissing bug”, neurotoxin paralysed SMCs; cause secondary achalasia, megacolon, megaureter
Chlamydia (summary) intra- or extra- cellular? cell wall unusual in? forms? major types? lab Rx:
衣原体(Chlamydia)是一类专性细胞内寄生,有奇特发育周期,能通过细菌滤器的原核细胞性微生物。 intra- or extra- cellular:intracellular 【can’t make ATP] cell wall unusual: lack muramic acid 胞壁酸 forms: 1. Elementary body 2. Reticulate body major types? 1. Chlamydia trachomatis 沙眼衣原体 - Reactive arthritis (Reiter syn), conjunctivitis, urethritis, PID 2. C. pneumoniae 肺炎衣原体, chlamydia psittaci 鹦鹉热衣原体: - atypical pneumonia, transmitted by aerosol 鹦鹉热衣原体 - avian reservoir lab: cytoplasmic inclusions on Giemsa or fluoresencet Ab-stained smear Rx: Azithromycin or doxycycline
chancroid pathogen
软性下疳 STD haemophilus ducreyi 杜克雷嗜血杆菌
Chlamydia trachomatis: G intra or extra- cellular 分型和常见疾病
沙眼衣原体 G - obligate intracellular 分型和常见疾病: 1. serotypes A - C: ocular infection (trachoma) in children 2. serotypes D - K: urogenital (STD) infection, inclusion conjuctivitis 3. serotypes L1 - L3: LGV (lymphogranuloma venereum 性病性淋巴肉芽肿) ; Rx with doxycycline 强力霉素
Clonorchis sinensis 什么虫 transmission Cx? Rx
华支睾吸虫 胆结石,胆管癌
Clostridia with exotoxins: 包括哪些? G? do they form spore? 有氧还是无氧菌?
梭状芽胞杆菌 包括哪些: C. tetani, botulinum, perfringens, diffcile G+ do they form spore - yes “ATP” A: anthracis T: tetani (Clostridia 梭状芽胞杆菌) P: C. perfringens Clostridia 梭状芽胞杆菌) 有氧还是无氧菌: 严格无氧菌
Clostridium botulinum G? 下面的分类? 致病因素?Mx Cx, 引起什么疾病?
G? 下面的分类: 致病因素:botulinum toxin Mx: (和破伤风杆菌毒素一样):protease to cleave SNARE - inhibit neurotransmitter release Cx, 引起什么疾病: flaccid paralysis, floppy baby - inhibit stimulatory (Ach) signal
Clostridium difficile - colitis risk factors? Pathogenesis? Cx Dx Rx
risk factors: 1. recent antibiotics; 2. hospitalization; Pathogenesis: 2 toxins are produced: cytotoxin B: most important pathogenetic factor, causes colonic epithelial cell necrosis & fibrin deposition; Enterotoxin A causes watery diarrhea Cx: fever, abdominal pain, watery diarrhea + leukocytosis; 可出现fulminant colitis (toxic megacolon); 结肠镜检查有特征性”white/yellow pseudomembranes” Dx: PCR of toxin genes in the stool Rx: metronidazole, oral vancomycin, or fidaxomicin (bactericidal)
Clostridium perfringens 致病因素?Mx Cx, 引起什么疾病?
产气荚膜梭状芽胞杆菌 G+ Rods (bracilli) [MLCB之一】 致病因素?Mx - exotoxin (Alpha toxin) : phospholipase (lecithinase) degrades tissue and cell membranes Cx, 引起什么疾病? - gas gangrene - double zone of hemolysis on blood agar - delayed watery diarrhea (caused not by toxin but spores germinating in the GI) - 当考到“水样腹泻”时和S. aureus, B. cereus的鉴别点!
Clostridium tetani: 致病因素?Mx Cx, 引起什么疾病?
致病因素:tetanospamin Mx: (和肉毒杆菌毒素一样):protease to cleave SNARE - inhibit neurotransmitter (GABA, glycine) release from Renshaw cells in spinal cord bac cell lyse - release toxin to travel from wound - motor neurons - spinal cord and medulla Cx, 引起什么疾病: -“Lock jaw - trismus”, -characteristic smile - risus sardonicus - backward arching - opisthotonos [,ɔpis’θɔtənəs] 角弓反张
Coccidiodomycosis cause which disease? 流行区域 病理细胞和特征 (和什么病鉴别)
Coccidiodomycosis 球孢子菌病 cause which disease: pneumonia, meningitis 流行区域: Southwestern US, CA [非常特别的一点:↑ after earthquakes - House里紧追house的一个加州小姑娘的case] 病理细胞和特征: - “thick-walled spherule filled with endospores” much larger than RBC 【diff: Histoplasma capsulatum 荚膜组织胞浆菌 - smaller than RBC; blastomycosis: same size as RBC Paracoccidioidomycosis: much larger than RBC]
conjugation: 2种方式?
- F+ / F- 2. Hfr / F-
condylomata acuminata pathogen
尖锐湿疣 HPV-6, 11
Cryptococcus neoformans 特殊的形态? agar? 染色? specific test? brain lesion 形态?
新型隐球菌 土壤中广泛存在,鸽子是自然宿主,培养呈酵母样,外有宽厚荚膜,经呼吸道感染,可引起隐球菌性肺炎和脑膜炎组图 特殊的形态: very thick capsules agar: Sabouraud agar 染色: India ink, mucicarmine 粘蛋白胭脂红 specific test: Latex 乳胶 agglutination test brain lesion 形态: “soap bubble”
cryptosporidium Cx Dx见? prevention
隐孢子虫 人兽共患的寄生性原虫,主要寄生于人和动物的胃肠道,由其引起的疾病称为隐孢子虫病,该病的主要临床症状为持续性腹泻 Dx见:oocysts [无脊椎] 卵囊on acid-fast stain
CSF viral pattern
lymphocytic pleocytosis, normal glucose, elevated protein levels (e.g.: HSV-1脑炎)
Diphyllobothrium latum 什么虫 Cx? transmission? Rx
阔节裂头绦虫 (di, both = 2, phyllo= 头,2个头 = 阔节裂头) raw freshwater fish, ingest larvae 幼虫 VitB 12 deficiency!!!! Rx: Praziquantel 吡喹酮
DNA vs. RNA viral genomes: 1. ss or ds? 2. linear?
DNA: 1. all ds (except parvo is ss) 2. HHAPPPP viruses 3. linear (except PP are circular supercoiled - 屁股是圆的) 4. icosahedral 二十面体的 5. replicated in the nucleus (except pox) RNA: 1. all are ssRNA (except reovirus 呼肠病毒(一组抗醚性RNA病毒) 2. “I went to a retro toga party to drink flavored Corona and ate hippy California pickles”
Dx: 34-yr immigrant from Africa, skin anesthesia + hypo pigmentation ; bac. in Schwaan cells 病原体?哪种免疫?传染途径?Cx?
Dx: Leprosy (Hansen disease) 病原体:Mycobacterium leprae cell (Th1)-mediated immune response route: respiratory, maybe skin contact; armadillo contact in southwest US Cx: diffuse skin thickening, cutaneous hypo pigmentation in plaques (with hair loss), leonine face, paresis, regional anesthesia of both motor and sensory nerves
Dx: viral esophagitis + pneumocystis pneumonia 卡氏肺囊虫性肺炎 - pt很有可能什么感染?
E.coli 总领 G? virulence factor 4 types, 分别cause diseases?
G- rods, lactose fast fermenter (MacConkey agar) virulence factor: 1. fimbriae 菌毛;伞毛 - cystitis, pyelonephritis 2. K capsule - pneumonia, neonatal menigitis 3. LPS endotoxin - septic shock 4 types, 分别cause diseases? ITPH 1. EIEC: invasive dysentery 痢疾 2. ETEC: t = traveler’s diarrhea 3. EPEC: p = pediatrics, 小儿腹泻 4. EHEC: h = hemolytic (HUS) O157: H7
EBV:又名 DNA or RNA v? disease? associated with transmission Dx
又名HPV-4 DNA or RNA v: HPV (herpes)都是ds DNA, linear disease: mononucleosis 单核细胞增多症 - infect B.c [fever, 颈后淋巴结肿大,肝脾肿大,咽炎】 associated with ↑ 1) Hodgkin lymphoma, 2) endemic Burkitt lymphoma,3) nasopharyngeal carcinoma transmission: respiratory -“kissing disease” Dx:
Echinococcus granulosus 什么虫 Cx? transmission? Rx
细粒棘球绦虫 tapeworm ingest eggs from dog feces Cx: liver cyst - 治疗非常特殊!先用酒精注入cysts
EHEC: G? 下面的分类? 致病因素?Mx Cx, 引起什么疾病?
Enterohemorrhagic E. coli 肠出血性E.coli including O157: H7 strain G? 下面的分类: Gram-negative rod, lactose fast fermenter (MacConkey’s agar fermenter) Mx: Shiga-like toxin (ST: aToxin) - inactivated 60S ribosome by removing adenine from rRNA [与白喉毒素的机制区别!!diphtheria toxin: inactivate EF-2] O157:H7 Shiga-like toxin-producing E.coli strains和别的E. Coli有2大区别: 1)do NOT ferment orbital -containing MacConkey agar, (different from other other ~ 80% E. coli strains) 2) do not produce glucuronidase Cx, 引起什么疾病: 1. enhance cytokine release to cause HUS (Cx: HUS is the MCC for ARF in children: diarrhea + hemolytic/anemia + oliguria/anuria) note: unlike Shigella: not invade host GI mucosa
ehrlichiosis pathogen vector involved immune cells/ 病理特征
埃立克体病(Ehrlichiosis)是由埃立克体感染引起的人畜共患的新发现传染病,通过蜱叮咬传播。主要表现为不明诱因发热、肌肉酸痛、恶心。 pathogen:Ehrilichia vector: tick involved immune cells/ 病理特征: monocytes with marolae (berry-like inclusion)
Encapsulated bacteria: 口诀 Why is capsule important? 这类细菌怎么清除?如果这个清除机制受损,怎么预防感染?
“SHiNE SKiS” Strep. pneumina H. influenza Neisseria menigitidis E. coli Salmonella Klebisiella pneunomia group B Strep Why is capsule important - capsule serve as anti-phagocytic virulence factor capsule + protein conjugate serves as Ag in vaccines 这类细菌怎么清除: opsonized, then cleared by spleen 如果这个清除机制受损,怎么预防感染: Asplenics have ↓ opsonizing ability; risk for severe infection; give S. pneumo + H.influ + N. menig vaccines
Endotoxin: define involve 炎性介质?作用? Cx?
Endotoxin: LPS in outer mem of G- bac (both cocci and rods) involve 炎性介质: 1. activate macrophage: IL-1, TNF, NO 2. activate complement: C3a, C5a 3. activate tissue factor: DIC Cx: “ENDOTOXIN”
Entamoeba histolytica disease transmission Dx Rx
痢疾阿米巴 disease: Amebiasis 1.bloody diarrhea - dysentery 痢疾 2. liver abscess “anchovy paste” exudate 凤尾鱼汁样的渗液 3. RUQ pain transmission:cysts in water Dx: 1. serology and/or trophozoites with RBCs in the cytoplasm (阿米巴吞噬红细胞), 2. or cysts in stool Rx: metronidazole 灭滴灵; iodoquinol for asymptomatic cyst passers
Enterobius vermicularis: 什么虫 Cx? transmission? Dx: Rx
pinworm 蛲虫 (nematodes - roundworm) (entero肠子,bius公车),肠子里面开bus,拉着一群小虫子[pinworm],用阿苯达唑,两片 vs: Ascaris lumbricoides 肠子里面开小轿车As(car)is,拉着大虫子,蛔虫 Cx: 孩子肛门瘙痒,尤其是晚上 transmission:粪口 Dx: scotch tape test Rx: 一线药: bendazoles (albendazole, or mebendazole) or pyrantel pamoate 双羟萘酸噻嘧啶 in pregnant women
Enterococci (Group D Streptococcus ): G? 下面的分类? Cx, 引起什么疾病 notes: VRE
G+ cocci, catalase - (chains), no-hemolysis; grow in bile and 6.5% NaCL 肠道正常菌群,penicillin G-resistant 引起什么疾病: - UTI 2. bilitary tract infection 3. subacute endocarditis [和Virindans strep引起的亚急性心内膜炎鉴别:后者常常是瓣膜已经有损伤!】 VRE: vancomycin-resistant, important cause of nosocomial infection
ETEC: G? 下面的分类? 致病因素?Mx Cx, 引起什么疾病?
G? 下面的分类: Gram-negative rod, lactose fast fermenter (MacConkey’s agar fermenter) Mx: LT vs. ST “traveler’s diarrhea” - watery, self-limited, abdominal cramping, nausea, vomiting, possibly low fever in infants and poor countries bugs have to cololize in the small intestine, and subsequent ↑ the LT and/or ST enterotoxin (exotoxins) - both are plasmids encoded LT: similar to cholera toxin! (Gs- increase cAMP) ST: ↑ cGMP Fimbriea (pili) are responsible for bac adhesion to gut mocusoa
floppy baby syn - caused by?
Clostridia botulinum 肉毒杆菌 preformed, heat-labile toxin to inhibit Ach release at the neuromascular junction In adults: disease caused by ingestion of preformed toxin in babies: ingestion of SPORES in honey causes disease
foul-smelling discharge from vagina: differential?
- Gardnerella vaginalis 阴道加德菌: caused by gram-variable rod; gray vaginal discharge, fishy smell, non-painful, NOT a STD; 特征性“clue cells: vaginal epithelial cells covered with bact. 显微镜下可见。 口诀:”I don’t have a clue why I smell fish in the vagina garden!” Rx: metro 2. Trichomonas vaginalis: 毛滴虫性阴道炎 foul-smelling, greenish discharge, STD, itching and burning; 性传播, Dx: trophozoites 滋养体(原虫) on wet mount Rx: metronidazole for patient and partner (prophylaxis)
genome of Coxsackie virus?
Picornaviridae family icosahedral nucleocapsid + ss RNA genome This RNA has 5’ protein acting as the primer for RNA-dependent RNA pol
genome of HBV?
partially ds, circular DNA genome released into host cytoplasm and then enter into nuclei - repair the partially ds DNA - transcribe into mRNA - encapsulation - RT of RNA template into partially dsDNA - envelop required via budding into ER
Giardia lamblia disease buzz word Dx Rx
贾第鞭毛虫 bloating, flatulence, foul-smelling, fatty diarrhea [“fat-rich Giardia” chocolate] “campers/hikers” Dx: Trophozoites 滋养体 or cysts in stool (这2个要会看) Rx: metronidazole 灭滴灵;甲硝哒唑
Haemophilus influenzae: G? 传播途径 virulence factor / vaccine agar cause disease? Rx 预防
G- “cocciod” rods, small 传播途径: air virulence factor: capsular type B vaccine: capsular type B polysaccharide 【注意!这是多糖类疫苗】conjugated with a protein such as diphtheria toxoid agar: chocolate agar + factor NAD+ and factor X (hematin) cause disease: heEMOPhilus, NOT FLU! Rx: 1. muscosal: amoxicillin +/- clavulanate 克拉维酸 [做成一个药:诺可(NUOKE)每瓶装有500mg阿莫西林(Amoxicillin)和100mg克拉维酸(Clavulanate)无菌粉末】 2. meningitis: ceftriaxone 预防: rifampin in close contact
HAV: 哪种病毒 transmission carrier incubation HCC risk Notes
哪种病毒: RNA picronaviruses (微小病毒;肝炎病毒只有乙肝是DNA病毒!) transmission: 粪口(甲肝和戊肝) carrier- no incubation: short (wks) HCC risk: no Notes: AAA for HAV (asymptomatic), acute, alone
HBV: 哪种病毒 transmission carrier incubation HCC risk
哪种病毒: DNA hepadnavirus (微小病毒;肝炎病毒只有乙肝是DNA病毒!) transmission: - sexual - parenteral, - maternal-fetal carrier- yes incubation: long HCC risk: yes (嵌入宿主基因组,act on oncogenes)
HCV: 哪种病毒 transmission carrier incubation HCC risk note
哪种病毒:RNA flavivirus transmission: blood carrier: yes incubation: long HCC risk: yes notes: CCCC chronic, cirrhosis, carcinoma, carrier
HDV 哪种病毒 transmission carrier incubation HCC risk note
哪种病毒: RNA delta virus (HDV = delta, deficient, dependent on HBV) transmission: [same as HBV, 常常和乙肝一起感染] - sexual - parenteral, - maternal-fetal carrier: yes incubation: - after HBV: superinfection - 很短的incubation - co-infection with HBV: long (和乙肝的潜伏期一样) HCC risk: yes note: 和乙肝一起感染,预后差
Helicobacter pylori G分类? 引起哪个部位溃疡? risk factor for Dx Rx
G分类: G - rods, curved, 3个酶阳性: catalse +, oxidase +, urease + (诊断) 引起哪个部位溃疡: 十二指肠(不是胃溃疡!!!)年轻病人,空腹痛,PUD >95% 是由幽门螺旋杆菌引起,5%由NSAID引起 cause alkaline environment (note: 不是酸性环境!!) risk factor for:gastritis, peptic ulcer, gastric adenocarcinoma, lymphoma Dx: urease breath test (13C-labeled urea) Rx: 3联疗法:proton pump inhibitor + clarithromycin 克拉霉素 + amoxicillian (or metronidazole) 其中最能provide long-term relief 是antibiotics
Herpadnaviruses - envelope? - DNA or RNA? 基因组structure? - 包括哪些?cause diseases? - 特点?
- envelope: yes - DNA or RNA? 基因组structure? DNA, partially DS, linear - 包括哪些?cause diseases? HBV - 特点:虽然不是retrovirus, 却有自己的RT酶
Histoplasmosis: cause which disease? 流行区域 病理细胞和特征
组织胞浆菌病 考过 Histoplasma capsulatum 荚膜组织胞浆菌: Cause pulmonary sym in only immunocompetent hosts - low grade fever, cough, hepatosplenomegaly, tongue ulcer 流行区域:Missisippi, Ohio river valleys, in birds/bats droppings (buzz words: “explore caves”) 病理细胞和特征: macrophage filled with Histoplasma - 考点是一定要认出“石榴子样的巨噬细胞”
Herpesviruses - envelope? - DNA or RNA? 基因组structure? - 包括哪些?cause diseases?
疱疹病毒 - envelope: yes - DNA or RNA? 基因组structure: ds, linear - 包括哪些?cause diseases 1. HSV-1: oral, spontaneous temporal lobe encephalitis, 角膜结膜炎 2. HSV-2 : genital 3. VZV (= HSV-3) 4. EBV (= HSV-4) 5. CMV (= HSV-5) 6. HHV 6-8
HEV: 哪种病毒 transmission carrier incubation HCC risk note
哪种病毒: RNA hepevirus transmission: 粪口【肝炎病毒里甲肝和戊肝是粪口传播】 carrier : no incubation: short HCC risk: no note: high mortality in pregnant women
HIV :encephalopathy caused by
encephalopathy caused by 以前感染的病毒激活
HIV Dx: 1. CD4+ normal range? Dx for AIDS 2. Rule-out/in tests? FP in? FN in? 3. which test to determine to viral load? viral load can monitor?
- CD4+ normal range: 500 - 1500 CD4+/mm3 Dx for AIDS: < 200 2. Rule-out test: ELISA Rule-in test:WB both FP in: neonates born to infected mother (anti-gp120 透过胎盘) FN in: 感染的头1 - 2个月(针对病毒的抗体还没出来) 3. which test to determine to viral load? viral load can monitor? - PCR, monitor drug therapy
HIV: chronic, watery diarrhea caused by Dx
chronic, watery diarrhea caused by cryptosporidium spp. 隐孢子虫 人兽共患的寄生性原虫,主要寄生于人和动物的胃肠道,由其引起的疾病称为隐孢子虫病,该病的主要临床症状为持续性腹泻 (chronic, water diarrhea in AIDs vs. non-immunocompromised) Dx见:oocysts [无脊椎] 卵囊on acid-fast stain
HIV: brain abbesses caused by
Toxoplasma gondii
HIV: dementia caused by
dementia: directly associated with HIV 要把其他病因排除
HIV: genome and structure proteins how many structural genes, encode which protein? which protein is responsible for - attachment to host cells - fusion and entry capsid protein virus binds to which Rs on CD4+ Tc? on macrophage?
how many structural genes, encode which protein? 3 1. env: gp160 precursor cut into gp120 (docking protein on mem.; responsible for attachment) and gp41 (fusion) 2. gag: p24 caspid protein 3. pol: RTase, asparte protease, integrase which protein is responsible for - attachment to host cells: gp120 - fusion and entry: gp41 capsid protein: p24 virus binds to which Rs on CD4+ Tc: CCR5 (early) or CXCR4 (late) co-R with CD4+ on macrophage: CCR5 + CD4 CCR5非常重要!-/- mutation = immunity; +/- mutation = slower course
HIV: hairy leukoplakia caused by
[口腔] 毛状白斑 hairy leukoplakia caused by EBV
HIV: stages of untreated infection
Four stages of untreated infection
HIV: superficial vascular proliferation caused by biopsy
HIV: superficial vascular proliferation caused by: Bartonella hensae biopsy: neutrophilic inflam