Perspectives Flashcards
What are the 2 key concepts of the behaviours perspectives
Classical conditioning
Operant conditioning
What is classical conditioning
Learning new behaviour through the association between 2 stimuli - it is a nurture perspective of human behaviour
What study goes with classical conditioning
Pavlov - dogs salivating from food and then dogs salivating at the sound of the bell
What is operant conditioning
Behaviour is leant thought the consequences of actions - positive or negative reinforcement
What 2 studies link to the behaviourist perspective
What are 3 key assumptions of the behaviourist perspective
Psychology should study observable behaviours instead of internal events as it can be objectively and scientifically measured
We are products of our environment - no free will - born with tabula Rosa - a blank slate - environmental determinism
All behaviour is learnt through classical or operant condition or social learning theory
What is the social learning theory
Behaviour is learnt through observing and imitating role models that we identify with
What are is behaviourist perspective most similar to
Cognitive area - scientific and objective measures
What are is behaviourist perspective most different to
Individual differences area - subjective measures used and internal rather than external
What is a strength and weakness of the behaviourist perspective
What are the 3 defining principles of the psychodynamic perspective
Behaviour influenced by structure and the drives of the unconscious mind which is made up of ID Ego and Superego
Development is affected by early relationships - behaviours is result of interaction between early childhood experiences and unconscious innate sides
Conscious mind protects the unconscious mind from difficult and uncomfortable thoughts and feelings
What is the id ego and superego
The pleasure principle - gets what it wants
The ego - the reality principle mediates between impulsive demand of ideas and relationships of external world ie delay gratification
Superego - morality principle- punishes ego for wrong doing by guilt - determines permissible behaviour
What 2 core studies link to the psychodynamic perspective
Freud - psychosexual stages - unconscious mind protecting
Kohlberg - moral development - id ego and superego - the 6 stages
What is strength of psychodynamic perceptive
Practical applications (psychoanalysis)
And psychotherapy - treats person and whole not just the problem
What is a weakness of psychodynamic perspective
Non falsifiable - not scientific and problems with bias etc
What area is the psychodynamic perspective most similar to
Individual differences area (subjective measures )