Personality Disorders Flashcards
A pattern of recognizable behaviors, consistency in how people respond to situations, a psychological characteristic influenced by biological factors. How people see and respond to the world
Innate mental physical and emotional traits
Distinguishing quality or characteristic of a person including a tendency to feel perceive behave or think in a relatively consistent manner
Personality psychopathology
Dysfunctional and maladaptive personality patterns including Richard peters of responding that are flexible long-standing and entering and present in nearly all situations
Personality disorder
Enduring personality patterns involving behavior thoughts, emotions and interpersonal functioning that are extreme and deviate markedly from cultural expectations, are inflexible and pervasive across situations, evident in adolescence or early adulthood and stable over time, and associated with the distress and impairment. Characterized by impairment in self and interpersonal functioning and the presence of pathological personality traits that are relatively inflexible and long-standing. Lifetime prevalence is estimated to be 9 to 13%.
The DSM-53 behavioral clusters
Odd or eccentric, dramatic emotional or erratic, and anxious or fearful.
Cluster A
Disorders characterized by either or eccentric behaviors. Paranoid personality, schizoid personality, and schizotypal personality
Paranoid personality disorder
Characterized by just trust in suspiciousness regarding the motives of others. display unwarranted suspiciousness, hypersensitivity, and reluctance to trust others because they expect to be exploited or miss treated. Results in social isolation, Difficulties in working with others, and hostility. 2.3 to 4.4%. Failed to seek treatment because of suspiciousness and miss trust.
Causes of paranoid personality traits
Use of projection, in which unacceptable motives are denied and attributed to others. CBT perspective:May filter and interpret responses from others through a distrusting scheme.
Schizoid personality disorder
Pervasive detachment from social relationships and limited emotional expression. History of impairment in social functioning including social isolation emotional coldness and difference to others. They need or desire nor enjoyed close a peer peculiar in the loop. They stay single. 3.1 to 4.9%
Causes and treatment of schizoid personality disorder
Genetically associated with schizophrenia. Associated with the cold and emotionally impoverished childhood lacking in empathy. If you seek treatment. Only six treatment of experiencing stress or crisis but still challenging to treat
Schizotypal personality disorder
Characterized by peculiar thoughts and behaviors and poor interpersonal relationship a high degree of discomfort and reduced capacity for interpersonal relationships and add eccentric paranoid for kill your thoughts. May possess magical fox speech oddities for crown liberation by Christian or vagueness and conversation. Absence of close friends social anxiety 3.9%
Causes and treatment of schizotypal personality disorder
Abnormalities and cognitive processing may explain symptoms Problems in thinking and perceiving which leads to symptoms of social isolation,hypersensitivity,inappropriate emotional responding,and lack of pleasure from social interactions. Resemble schizophrenia although in less serious forms. Deficits in both exhibiting problems in social functioning and information processing. Genetic link between the two. Similar temporal lobe announced maladies. Use interpersonal psychotherapy and cognitive behavioral rotors as well this group psychotherapy. Few seek treatment
Cluster B
Disorders characterized by dramatic emotional or erratic behaviors including antisocial personality disorder or borderline personality disorder or histrionic personality disorder her and narcissistic personality disorder
Antisocial personality disorder
Primary characteristic is a pervasive pattern of just regard for in violation of the rights of others that has occurred since age 15 characterized by a failure to conform to social and legal codes a lack of anxiety and guilt and irresponsible behaviors. Behavior may include lying using other people and perpetrating aggressive sexual acts. They seek power over others and often manipulate to see you exploit and kind others relationships with others are superficial and fleeting and involve little loyalty. Do you have a pattern of emotional detachment lower level of the inside of your fear a bold interpersonal style and high levels of attention seeking. .6 to 4.5% more men than womenmore frequent in prison populations urban environments and I’m on lower incomes.
Impulse control problems
Different then antisocial personality disorder her. They include pyromania kleptomania an intermittent explosive disorder. This group can’t quite keep up with for meaningful interpersonal relationships and can experience the guilt
Intermittent explosive disorder
Recurrent episodes of loss of control over aggressive impulses that result in physical assaults or property damage, display aggressiveness grossly out of proportion to precipitating stressor, and show no signs of general aggressiveness between episodes mayfeel remorse for actions
Chronically failed to resist impulses to steal, do not need stolen objects for personal use or monetary value and typically discard them, feel irresistible urge is the tension before stealing followed by a feeling of relief for gratification after
Deliberately set fires, are fascinated by and get pleasure or relief for setting fires watching things burn or watching firefighters, have fire setting impulses driven by this fascination rather than by motives involving revenge sabotage or financial gains
Borderline personality disorder
Characterized by intense fluctuations in mood self image and interpersonal relationships. Volatile emotional reactions impulsive responding. Lack of strong sense of self identity, fragile self-concept easily disrupted by stress. Intense fluctuations in mood hypersensitivity to social threat volatile interactions with friends familyand strangers. May engage in binge eating substance-abuse self injury verbal aggression or impulse shopping maybe friendly one day hostile the next. May show dysfunctional moods interpersonal problems poor coping skills and cognitive distortion’s and also every current suicidal behaviors. Suicide attempts in completions are higher than average. Sometimes I have transient psychotic symptoms. Unlike schizophrenics they realize their symptoms are abnormal and they are usually transient. From 1.6 to 5.9% more common in women. 10% died by suicide. Progressive remission of symptoms over six years or more recovery is slow
Biological causes of bpd
Difficulty with mood regulation is central feature. Biologically-based vulnerability to emotional dysregulation also an inability to moderate this hyperactivity. Structural abnormalities in the prefrontal cortex and lambic regions and a typical pattern of activation in the amygdala.
CBT theory of borderline personality disorder
Individuals basic assumptions about the world play a central role in influencing perceptions interactions interpretations in behavioral and emotional responses individuals with BP do you have three basic assumptions the world is dangerous, I am powerless and vulnerable, and I am inherently unacceptable makes them fearful guarded, vigilant defensive and reactive
Early experience causes of BPD
Concerned about being abandoned by love ones as a result of unmet childhood needs abuse or neglect. Also support for maladaptive family functioning in childhood trauma such a sexual abuse.
CBT for individuals with BPD
Identify negative thoughts replace them with more adaptive cognitions. Effective in reducing suicidal asked to sponsor believes in Zaidi and emotional distress
Schema therapy
Combines CBT therapy with psychodynamic techniques. Approach teaches clients to identify and modify maladaptive interpersonal schemas in behaviors. Promising results.
Dialectical behavior therapy
Develop my Linehan specifically for BPD. Strengthens the therapist client relationship teacher skills such as emotional regulation distress tolerance and interpersonal effectiveness. The goals of DBT into sending order our address suicidal behaviors, address behaviorthat interfere with their PE, address behaviors that interfere with quality-of-life, I just reacted behaviors, address post dramatic stress behavior, and self-respect behaviors. Positive treatment outcomes there for DBT is increasingly viewed as the treatment of choice for BPD
Histrionic personality disorder
Pervasive pattern of excessive emotionality and attention speaking. Histrionic refers to intensely Drammatic emotions and behaviors used to draw attention to oneself. They engage in self dramatization exaggerated expression of emotions and attention seeking behaviors. The desire for attention may lead to flamboyant or flirtatious behaviors. Superficial warmth and charming the person is typically shallow and self-centered.4 to 1.8% gender differences not Avenue although sometimes more frequent and females
Causes and treatment of histrionic personality disorder
Biological factors such as autonomic or emotional excitability, and environmental factors such as parental reinforcement of a child’s attention seeking behaviors, or histrionic parental models may influence the development very little research on this. Establish a therapeutic alliance with the client and determine why the client craves attention
Narcissistic personality disorder
Characterized by an exaggerated sense of self importance and exploitive attitude and a lack of empathy. Maybe flamboyant seeking attention well known for bragging about them self super special and self-centered would often talks about accomplishments even if mediocre. Unconcerned with the feelings of others. A pervasive pattern of grandiosity in fantasy or behavior, need for admiration, and lack of empathy. Difficulty excepting personal criticism lack of interest in others, frequently overestimate their talents fantasize about having power or influence. Traits common in adolescence.0 to 6.2%
Causes and treatment of narcissistic personality disorder
Very little research. Psychodynamic serious hypothesize that extreme self focused and lack of empathy is due to lack of parental modeling of empathy during childhood. According to CBT, cognitive schema such as other people should satisfy my needs are thought to underlie. And very difficult to treat. Try to increase empathy skills help them understand the needs of others and decrease self involvement. None with much success have to show some improvement
Cluster c
Anxious or fearful behaviors include avoidant personality disorder dependent personality disorder and obsessive-compulsive personality disorder
Avoidant personality disorder
A pervasive pattern of social in addition feeling 70 adequacy and hypersensitivity to negative evaluation. Fear of rejection and humiliation produce a reluctance to enter into social relationships. They have a negative sense of self low self-esteem and a strong sense of it in adequacy. They avoid social situations in our office socially and apt shy and withdrawn. If your humiliation or overly sensitive to criticism blame themselves for things that go wrong and find a little pleasure in life.they crave but fear social contact. Many engage in intellectual pursuits are active in the artistic community.their need for contacts and relationships is woven into their activities. 1.4 to 5.2% no gender differences. Lifelong pattern of feeling inferior in adequate depressed or anxious.
Causes and treatment for avoidant personality disorder
Some believe avoidant personality disorder’s on a continuum with social anxiety disorder, where as others see it as a distinct disorder that happens to include the trait of social anxiety. May result from a complex interaction between early childhood and environmental experience and inmate temperament :parental rejection and censure reinforced by rejecting peersmay lead to the development of mental schema such as I should avoid unpleasant situations at all costs. Leads to vicious cycle because they’re constantly on alert for signs of negativity causing them to avoid others which may prevent forming social skills that invites cr
Treatments for avoidant personality disorder
May use CBT psycho dynamic, interpersonal, and pharmacological treatments. CBT effectively reduce symptoms and improve quality-of-life
Dependent personality disorder
A pervasive in excessive need to be taken care of that leads to submissive and clinging behavior and fear of separation. Inability to take responsibility for life’s decisions result in depression helplessness and suppressed anger they lack self-confidence and often subordinate their needs two of the others that they depend on. May appear understanding and tolerance but are actually fearful they are at high risk of becoming victims of relationship violence. Prevalence rate is .5 gender on clear
Causes and treatment for dependent personality disorder
Psychodynamic perspective: the order is a result of maternal deprivation which causes fix Seshan at the oral stage of development. Behavioral learning theorists believe that a family or social environment that rewards dependent behaviors and punishes independence may promote dependency. Research shows the dependency is associated with overprotective authoritarian parenting. The styles prevent the child from developing a sense of autonomy and self-efficacy
Cognitive theorists attributes of dependent personality disorder
Distorted believes that the Scrooge independence. It is not a matter of being passive in on assertive. Rather those with dependent personalities have two deeply ingrained assumptions that affect their thoughts perceptions and behaviors. First they see themselves as inherently inadequate and unable to cope second they conclude that the course of action should be to find someone who can take care of them. More success treating this than others personality disorders
Obsessive-compulsive personality disorder
Pervasive pattern of perfectionism preoccupation with orderliness a tendency to be interpersonally controlling devotion the details and rigidity at the expense of flexibility openness efficiency . Heightened focus on being in control over aspects of one’s life and once emotions, strong devotion a minor details and the need to control other people. They are found to be demanding and flexible and perfectionistic there often ineffective on the job. Prevalence is from 2.1 to 7.9% of the US. Twice is frequently in males
Causes and treatment of OCPD
Occurs more frequently among family members maybe due to genetic or early childhood and very mental factors CBT has helped some clients.
Biological dimension of antisocial personality disorder
They tend to have an inborn tendency towards sensation seeking impulsivity aggressiveness and disregard for others. Genetic factors are implicated including behavioral characteristics observe during childhood. MZT twins have a higher concordance rate for antisocial tendencies delinquency and criminality.adopted children born to biological parents with antisocial personality is still exhibit higher rates of anti-social characteristicsgenetic factors do not directly affect antisocial behavior but be influenced characteristics such as risk-taking and impulsivity and increase the probability of such behavior will occur. Genetic disposition affects people’s level of fearlessness. These people are fearless or display low levels of anxiety see-through and adventure and engage in risky criminal activities
Family patterns associated with the disorder of anti-social
Severe parental discord, parents maladjustment or criminality, overcrowding, large family size especially if they do not have a loving relationship with at least one parent
Lack of fear conditioning in emotional responsiveness
Abnormalities in processing emotions in those with APD. MRI and pet scan’s have revealed that individuals with APD have a neurological differences in the prefrontal cortex and the limbic amygdala circuitry. These regions underlying emotional processing. Fear conditioning in response to stimulisuch as punishment and helps us learn to inhibit antisocial behavior when we are young. The fish and functioning of the amygdala may make it difficult for some people to recognize cues that signal threats making them fearless and I’m concerned about consequences
The results of fear conditioning and emotional responsiveness studies
Those with criminal records in early adulthood failed to show fear conditioning in early childhood at age 3. APD may not become conditioned to fear stimuli and therefore fail to acquire avoidance behaviors, experience little anticipatory anxiety and consequently have fewer inhibitions. Also youth showed the diminished activity in the amygdala when shown pictures depictingfearful facial expressions. may partially explain the lack of compassion limited emotional responsiveness. Youth with psychopath traits show less activity in the anterior cingulate cortex and the amygdala when they were imagining injuries of another person therefore have lower levels of emotional empathy
Arousal and sensation seeking in APD
Lower levels of physiological reactivity and generally under aroused. Some people require more stimulation to reach optimal level of arousal people with EPT may seek excitement grows in a more intense stimulus to elicit a reaction in them they result in pulse of stimulus seeking behaviors in response to boredom
Psychological dimension of APD
Fall into three camp psychodynamic, cognitive and social learning
Psychodynamic a PD
Little guilt, more prone to violation of moral and ethical standards. Faulty super ego development. Dominated by in impulses. And people with APD presumably did that adequately identify with parents and did not internalize morals and values of society. Also frustration rejection or inconsistent discipline may have resulted in fixation at an early stage of development
Cognitive APD
Core believes that operate on an unconscious level of her automatically and influence emotions and behavior. Back and colleague summarize typical cognitions with APD. I have to look out for myself. Force or conning is the best way to get things done. Lying and cheating are OK as long as you don’t get caught. I have been unfairly treated and am entitled to get my fair share by whatever means I can. Other people are weak and deserve to be taken. I should do whatever I can get away with. I can get away with things so I don’t need to worry about bad consequences. This is referred to as a predatory strategy and a worldview revolving around I need to perceive themselves as strong and independent so they can survive in a competitive hospital and unforgiving world
Learning perspectives on APD
People with APD have inherent neurobiological characteristics that impede their learning and they lack positive role models that would help them develop prosocial behavior. Learning to fission seas are caused by the absence of fear or anxiety and by lowered autonomic reactivity. A study in which some injected with adrenaline to increase arousal tended to perform better and learn from negativeconsequences while aroused. APD reacted equally when the punishment was monetary loss as opposed to shock or social negative feedback
Social dimension of APD
Poor parental supervision and limited parental involvement can increase antisocial behaviors. Rejection or neglect by one or both parents reduces the opportunity for children to learn socially appropriate behavior or value people as socially and reinforcing. Parental separation her absence and inconsistent parenting are associated with APD. Lee children to believe there is a little satisfaction in meaningful relationships and explains why those with APD miss perceive motives in behaviors of others and have difficulty being empathic. Dysfunction increases when adults exhibit antisocial behavior or when subjected to neglect Hostility mal treatment or abuse. Children in poverty twice as likely to develop a PD
Gender in APD
Men more likely. Women with APD report childhood emotional neglect sexual abuse and parental use of substances more so than men with APD. Aggression in males is excepted or encouraged aggression and females is discouraged gender role training may explain the difference.
Relational aggression
Women with APD express themselves in an indirect passive manner like spreading rumors or false gossip and rejecting others from their social group. Men more likely to have job problems violence in traffic offenses, women or relationship and occupational problems engaging in forgery and harassing or threatening others
Treatment of antisocial personality disorder
Feel little anxiety and have a little motivation to change or seek treatment. May try to manipulate or con there therapist. Traditional treatment approaches requiring cooperation of clients is in effective. Treatment is most effective in structured setting which behavior can be observed or control. Behavior modification programs with focus on decreasing deviant activities combine with opportunities to learn appropriate behavior and social skills has been used. use of material rewards has been fairly effective in changing antisocial behavior under control conditions. Once they leave the structure the volume of the revert back to antisocial unless families and peers help them. Cognitive approaches are also used. APD are often influenced by dysfunctional believes about themselves the world in the future and may have difficulty objectively anticipating possible negative outcomes. Therapist build rapport and attempt to guy clients away from sinking in terms of self interest and immediately gratification and towards higher levels of thinking, such as recognizing the effects of one’s behavior of others and developing a sense of responsibility. This approach assumes antisocial behaviors are learned.APD the ministers with age emphasis is placed on an intervention with antisocial youth. My response to intervention programs that provide physical or mental stimulation they need. A meditation class of pain and atypical antipsychotic can reduce impulsive and violent behaviors and a small sample of man with APD in a hospital setting
Issues with diagnosing personality psychopathology
Poor interrater reliability for personality disorder categories. Her size type a personality disorder is not agreed-upon by diagnosticians. There are overlapping symptoms between disorders. Comorbidity is high with personality disorders which also reduces diagnostic accuracy. Those with obsessive-compulsive disorder 52% have a personality disorder 40% social phobia 47% with panic disorder with Agoura phobia or generalized in Zaidi and 35% of those with PTSD
Why use the dimensional personality assessment in the DSM-V alternative personality model
Categorical diagnoses are based an arbitrary diagnostic thresholds and use an all or nothing method of classification and do not take into account the continuous nature of personality traits.
The dimensional personality assessment
Looks at personality traits on a continuum. Personality disorder diagnosis would occur if a person with maladaptive and pathological personality traits displayed a certain degree of impairment in personality functioning. Consider significant deviations from normal on five key personality dimensions: extroversion, agreeableness, neuroticism, conscientiousness, and openness to experience. The degree to which a client possess a specific traits rather than deciding whether or not the client meets the diagnostic criteria for a specific order in question as required in the categorical diagnosis. Diagnosis of person I disorder can be made through two different routes:1) evidence the clients pattern of personality traits matches characteristics from one of six specific personality types or 2)evidence of at least moderate impairment in two Key domains of personality functioning ;these areas are identity self-direction empathy or intimacy, Combined with certain pathological personality traits.
Number of personality disorders in the dimensional matter.
Removed four of the more problematic personality disorders paranoid schizo it histrionic independent justification the space that an absence of research excessive cooccurrence with other personality disorders and highly questionable reliability and validity of these four categories
Trait domains pathological personality traits
Negative affect Tiffany, detachment, antagonism, dissent addition, cicada system.