Chapter 9&12 Flashcards
Suicide suicide
The direct, intentional direct and consious taking of one’s own life
Suicidal ideation
Thoughts about suicide
Psychological autopsy
The systemic examination of existing information after a persons death for the purpose of understanding and explaining the person’s behavior before death
Common characteristics of suicide
1) Believe that things will never change and suicide is the only solution 2)escape from psychological pain and thoughts 3)triggering events such as intense interpersonal conflicts and feelings of depression hopelessness guilt Anger or shame 4)perceived inability to make progress towards goals or solve problems and related feelings of failure worthlessness and hopelessness 5) ambivalence about suicide 6) communicating suicidal intent
Rates of suicide
1 million make an attempt this year and one in 25 succeed. Rate of completion of suicide is much higher for 15 to 24 years old.10th leading cause of death world eighth leading cause in US males third leading cause of death among young people 15 to 24 and the second leading cause of death among college students. Evidence shows the actual number of suicides is 25 to 30% higher than recorded
Percentage of adults that have serious thoughts of suicide
8.7 million or 3.8% of adults 18 and over his serious thoughts of suicide. Vast majority 88%do not attempt
How is suicide performed
50% with fire arms 70% of suicide attempts involve drug overdose hanging suffocation is another common method and has increased in recent years for all age groups especially 45 to 59. Told her I have a lessons try hanging jumping in firearms. Girls use drug or alcohol intoxication. Under 15 jumping from buildings are running in traffic younger children attempt suicide impulsively
Family and friends suicide effects
Guilt, attempts to understand and make meaning of it, development of risky behaviors, and change relationship with friends
Parents to lose a child to suicide
Rates of depression and Zaidi alcohol abuse and marital difficulties increase two years following this child suicide
Suicide of a parent
Lifelong effects. Children have increased risk for developing mental health problems and also an increased risk of suicide attempts themselves. Greatest risk if deceased parent was the mother. Children whose father is committed suicide increase likelihood of hospitalization for depression or anxiety.
Age of child one suicide occurred
Up to 12 years of age during early childhood in the reader suicidal at times requiring has rosacea steadily increase is over decades. Those whose parents committed suicide during their adolescence or early adulthood would had the highest risk hospitalization for suicide attempts during the first two years decline over time
Suicide prevention
Motivation to live is primary protective mechanism for individuals who are suicidal. Use a strength-based approach guided by questions such as factors that protects against suicide? How can I use this information to mobilize coping skills and social support?
For protective techniques effective in preventing suicide
1)reawaken desire to live 2)expanding perceptual outlet by reducing suicide myopia 3) enhance social connectedness 4)increase repertoire of coping skills
Using positive psychology techniques to prevent suicide
Gratitude, identifying personal strengths and using it for the next day or example
Suicide among children and adolescents
3rd cause of death 15 to 24 years old. 15.8% high school students seriously considered and 7.8 made an attempt in the last 12 months. Female students more frequently reported considering it
Reasons for teenage suicide
Gain control of life, Revenge, reunion fantasies with a loved one, relief from unbearable pain, escape from being a family scapegoat and acting out parents covert or over desire to be rid of them. Drug use is a factor associated with increased suicide risk among adolescents especially heroin meth and feta mean and steroids. Also bullying, copycat and decreased use of antidepressants
One third of teens are reported bullying at school. Victims of bullying are 2 to 9 times more likely to consider suicide, 50% of young people who commit suicide experienced bullying, at high risk for anxiety disorders and those who are both bullies and victims are at risk for depression, panicdisorder and suicidality
Most effective way to Curtail bullying
State that bullying is occurring in that it needs to stop
Copy-cat suicide
12 to 17 years old, personally knowing someone who committed suicide increases suicidal thoughts and attempts. Adults are vulnerable to suicide contagion but youth are much more vulnerable
Decrease in antidepressants
Gucci morning and label that SS our eyes increase suicide risk. Controversy
Searching suicides in military over last few years. Military creates a culture that tends to Christmas and stigmatize mental health issues. Other stressors, separation from family excess alcohol drugs last conference PTSD financial or personal problems and Trumatic brain injury. Greater number of brain injuries greater suicide risk. Only 45% had mental health just order. Suicide remains high even after they leave the service
College students
Over 50% of undergraduate and graduate students reported suicidal thoughts, 18% of undergrads and 15% had seriously considered suicide, among those who considered it in last year 92% of undergraduates and 90% had a specific plan, 14% of undergrads an 8% of graduates made an attempt. 80% who died by suicide do not seek help. 45% never tell anyone. Emotional or physical pain first then problems with romantic relations second factors contributing to suicidal thoughts
Baby boomers
Generation has consistently higher suicide rate earlier or subsequent generations. Characteristics that may increase suicide risk including youth oriented perspective and believe in a limitless future. May account for increased suicide rate from 1999 to 2010 of 28% men and women ages 35 to 64
Stresses and challenges of middle age
Economic pressure to caregiver responsibilities children and aging parents, and age related changes in health
Suicide among elderly
Highest for any age group. Elderly European Americans committed almost 18% of all suicides. Asian American women between 65 and 84 highest suicide rate of any other racial ethnic group
Stresses of aging
Unwelcome physical changes illness diminishing strength, a succession of life changes including friends and relatives dying social isolation increasing difficulty to live on a fixed income and the prospect of death becoming more real. Makes depression one of the most common psychiatric issues for aging and adultsuicide is more likely to accompany depression among the elderly. Health issues, physical limitations, loss of independence, policeman, and serious financial relationship problems in older adults have increased risk of suicide
Five steps to help you cope with suicidal thoughts
Self promise you will do nothing right now, avoid alcohol or drugs, make your environment safe bye avoid being alone thinking about things that make you worse, remember there is always hope with time situation will improve, don’t keep suicidal feelings to yourself
Mental health issues associated with suicide
Depression anxiety mood swings facts of drugs and alcohol PTSD schizophrenia
If someone else is considering suicide what should you do
Start a conversation so they can share their thoughts and feelings, listen calmly empathetically and without judgment, and seek help.
Five hydroxy in dole acetic acid 5-HIAA, Chemical produced by body when metabolize serotonin. . Low levels found in those who died from suicide or use the more violent method. The low serotonin associated with suicide Decrease serotonin linked with increased aggression and impulsivity characteristics mean pre-suicidality. Suicide not simply the result of depression. Some individuals have low levels of HIAA who are suicidal but do not have a history of depression
The type of neurotransmitter involved in emotional regulation. The difference in neuropeptide levels found in people who attempt or complete suicide.
Genetics and suicidal behavior
Multiple genes involved in each contribute only small facts. Suicidal risk increase whenspecific genes interact with stressful life events. And phenotypes associated with suicide include early onset major depression, elevated cortisol reactivity, serotonin dysfunction, and traits such as aggressive impulsive tendencies and impaired decision making
Biological siblings of adoptees committed suicide
Suicide behavior significantly higher than other group supports presence of genetic risk factors
Epigenetic changes
Epigenetic changes involving unique DNA alteration hippo campus
Other biological processes involved in suicide
Sleep difficulties including nightmares in trouble falling asleep and staying asleep are strong predictor of suicide ideation attempts.disaffect present even in absence of depression. Alcohol use is also implicated. Alcohol reduces inhibitory control of prefrontal cortex races or pain threshold and affects brain regions such as limbic system responsible for emotions and mood
Alcohol raises dopamine and decrease the serotonin
Here in associated with poor impulse control and aggression
Psychological factors and depression
History of mental illness especially depression bipolar schizophrenia eating disorder some anxiety disorders some personality disorders and substance abuse. Schizophrenia who commit suicide often experiencing concurrent depression suicide methods violent. Personality problems usually emotionally immature and low frustration tolerance
Psychological pain associated with Mal treatment and childhood
Particularly sexual abuse and emotional abuse is a consistent 50 for suicide and adolescents and adults. Men and women experiencing physical abuse in childhood five times more likely to have suicidal ideation.
Other psychological factors contributing to suicide
Shame, discouragement, just stress over academic or social pressures, and life stressors. Psychological state most strongly associated with suicide or depression and hopelessness
Intolerable pain created from an absence of joy strongly associated with suicidal ideation even more so than depression or hopelessness. A term created to describe the unbearable psychological her pain and anguish associated with suicide.
Mild depression in adolescence
Three times more suicidal thoughts compared to those without depression, those are clinically depressed at nine times more suicidal thoughts
Would prevent suicide in severe depression
Limited energy associated with severe depression makes suicide less likely. Danger. Comes with the depression starts to lift
Men and women who are hospitalized for psychiatric issue and suicide
Men with disposition of anger especially those with background of child sexual abuse, and women with physiological arousal and a history of child sexual abuse most likely to make a suicide attempt in one year after release. Hopelessness or negative expectations about future is the major catalyst to suicide possibly even more important factor than depression and other moods
Alcohol consumption
Most consistently reported correlates of suicide behavior is alcohol consumption. 70% good time to drink alcohol before the act. Biological effects include decreasing judgment, psychological effects such as lowering in a business related to fear of death. Binge drinking heavy alcohol seems to Jeep and feelings of remorse during dry. Increasing risk when sober.
Alcohol induced myopia
Other explanation for alcohols effect on depression , the strength of the relationship between alcohol and suicide due to the construction of cognitive and perceptual processes. Alcohol may increase personal distressed by focusing peoples thoughts on negative aspects of their personal situation
Social dimensions of suicide
Many suicides are intra-personal in nature and occur following relationship conflicts. Factors that separate people or make them less connected the families friends religion or communities can increase susceptibility. Unhappiness over a broken relationship marital discord disputes with parents and recent bereavements all include suicide risk.
Social dimension in children
Family and stability stress and a chaotic family atmosphere or factors and suicide attempts by younger children. Children who consider suicide more likely to experience the views unpredictable Trumatic events and loss of significant parenting figure before 12
Interpersonal psychological theory of suicide by Thomas Joiner
Effort to integrate many factors associated with suicide. Propose to social factors are strongly associated with suicide one is perceived burdensomeness two is thwarted belongingness or feelings of alienation and left of a meaningful connection. Unique third condition is a choir capacity for suicide such as reduction in fear of taking their own life. Canhappen with repeated exposure to Traumatic life events. People who attempt to report higher levels of fearlessness and pain and sensitivity as well as greater frequency of painful life events. Suicide of a friend family member or acquaintance me also relate to concept of aquired capacity
Marital status and suicide
Suicide higher in the four separated or without. Stable marriage make suicide less likely. For women having children decreases suicide risk. Death of a spouse associated with 50% higher risk for suicide for Man and divorcement have a 39% higher risk compared to married men
Emile Durkheim
First socio-cultural explanation of suicide. Suicide results from an inability to integrate oneself with society. Failing to maintain close ties with the community to pray for the person to support systems that are necessary for adaptive functioning making the person isolated and alienated from other people
Professional who studies the manifestation, dynamics, and prevention of suicide. They blame modern mobile and technological society which increases suicide by decreasing importance of family and community
Suicide in lesbian Gay bisexual and transgender youth
Hi for falling due to cross gender appearance or traits and for those who experience strong feelings of isolation and low family support
Ethnic and cultural variables
American Indian and European American males highest rates of completed suicide. Lower rates among African-Americans his Bannick’s and Asian-American males. Females lower rates and pattern of F neck is similar to that scene with men
American Indian Alaska native adolescents and young adults
Rate is 2 1/2 times higher than the national average for same .age group
Gender and suicide
Females higher rates of suicidal thoughts into times but death from suicide occurs much more frequently among males the person and 79% of all US suicides. Rate of completed suicide four times higher for man compared to women but gap is closing meant she was more lethal including firearms and hanging. Drug overdose poisoning most common for women. Male gender role combine with the fence that threaten the mask and I jail search his job lots of broken relationships may personally explain high suicide rate for Man. When under stress or experiencing loss men avoid of seeking help or confiding in another about problems and instead respond with anger and violence or alcohol use
Unemployed adults
Twice as likely to have serious thoughts of suicide four times more likely to make plans or attempt compare to fully employed adults.
Gate keeper training
Does it need to be within the system such as schools are the military learn about suicide message for screening and high-risk and then give them a couple assessment and intervention if results are suggesting suicide. Three-step process valving knowing which factors increase suicide determining whether there’s high moderate or low probability that they will act on it and implementing appropriate actions
Risk and protective factors and suicide assessment and intervention
Previous intent or attempts or talking about suicide, substance-abuse chronic pain or physical illness insomnia and mental disorders, hopelessness shame humiliation despare anxiety panic self-loathing impulsive or aggressive tendencies, recent loss or traumatic event in relationship, bereavement unemployment, relational conflict,loneliness, socially isolation seeking out easy access lethal methods specially guns, family turmoil history of physical or sexual abuse, family members peers or celebrities have died from suicide
Protective factors
Good emotional regulation problem-solving a car for resolution skills, willingness to talk about problems, cultural and religious believes, open to seeking mental health treatment, social support, connection or responsibility for children, restricted access to lethal means.
Person with a suicide plan
Amount of detail in the suicide plan is clue to potential seriousness of situation person who has specific details much more risk than one with no plan
Indirect clues of suicide
With drawl restlessness change in sleep patterns, reckless behavior, increased drinking or drug use, giving away possessions, or prolonged unexpected farewell
Division of warning signs into two categories
Early signs such as depression expressions of guilt remorse tension or anxiety, insomnia or loss of appetite and critical sign such a sudden changes in behavior unexplained risk-taking or calmness after. Anxiety or depression unusual unexpected contact with friends or family, saying goodbye giving away belongings putting affairs in order direct or in direct threats and the actual attempts
Steps used in suicide prevention centers
1)establish a relationship 2)teen necessary information such as name and address demographics 3)evaluate suicidal potential using the Lethality rating scales 4)clarifying the nature of the callers distress, including helping them recognize that they’re not thinking clearly and that there are other solutions5)assess strengths and resources and work out a crisis plan 6) recommending in initiating an action plan
To enhancing the success of suicide prevention efforts
Availability of mental health services during and immediately after a crisis
No harm agreement
Refer to is a no suicide contract for suicide prevention contract typically a written agreement develop between suicidal person and therapist involved in the crisis intervention. Involves commitment at the suicidal person will not engage in self harm for a designated period of time also includes a plan in the event that suicidal impulses continue
Treatment for those with attempted suicide
Both medications which varies depending on the underlying mental disorder and psychotherapy. Proven psychotherapy techniques include CBT and dialectical behavior therapy. CBT reduce his repeat offense by 50% compared to traditional follow-up treatment
CBT therapy
Focuses on Connor abilities associated with suicide such as feelings of hopelessness social isolation poor impulse control for problem-solving and difficulty refuting thoughts and images and believes associated with suicide
DBT therapy
Help clients except current lives in the emotional anguish. Learning to regulate and tolerate emotions rather than allowing the motions to overwhelm them. Also reduce suicide attempts and adults by 50%
Cognitive behavioral therapy for suicide prevention
An innovative program for adolescents combines features of both CBT and DVT. Risk factors and stressors including emotional, cognitive behavioral and interpersonal processesthat occurred just before and after the suicide attempt or suicidal crisis are discussed
Chain analysis
Teen describes All events,stress or thoughts,interpersonal conflicts and other factors such as drug use that led to a suicide attempt. This info allows the mental health professional took the visor specific treatment plan based on the teens unique circumstances
Suicidal behavior disorder
In the DSM-V it is a condition for further study propose criteria include a suicide attempt with in the previous 24 months and the individual must have had at least some intent to die. Excludes those in nonsuicidal self injury excludes those were suicidal behaviors result of delirium confusion or political or religious goals.
Durkheim project
Use the sophisticated linguistic face prediction models to analyze post things on social media to estimate an individual suicide risk. Analyzes the social media data from many veterans and active-duty military members who have chosen to participate in the program. The goal is to text messages suggesting so she relation interpersonal conflicts or extreme emotional distress that might indicate a high risk for suicide