Chapt 8&9 Flashcards
Are emotional state or prevailing frame of mind.
Mood state characterized by sadness or despair feelings of worthlessness and with drawl from othersloss of interest to normally enjoyed activities
Emotional symptoms and depression
Sadness and emptiness hopelessness worthlessness or low self-esteem. Feeling irritable or anxious and worried, is common
Cognitive symptoms and depression
Pessimistic self-critical believes, rumination,distractibility,difficulty concentrating and remembering things or making decisions . frustrated over inability to handle things and thoughts of suicide
Behavioral symptoms in depression
Fatigue, social withdrawal, and reduce motivation, either speaking in moving very slowly or appearing agitated and restless pacing. May cry for no reason or in reaction to sadness, frustration, or anger. May not care about grooming. Getting out of bed bathing and dressing or preparing for work or class may take immense effort and feel overwhelming
Physiological symptoms in depression
Appetite and weight changes sleep disturbance unexplained aches and pains and aversion to sexual activity
A milder form of mania involving increased levels of activity and cold directed behaviors combined with elevated mood expansive or irritable mood
Elevated mood
A mood state involving extreme confidence and exaggerated feelings of energy and well-being
Expanse mood
Person may feel extremely confident or self important and behave impulsively.
Mental state characterized by very exaggerated activity and emotions including euphoria excessive excitement, irritability, that result in impairment in social or occupational functioning
Exceptionally elevated mood exaggerated feeling of well-being
Condition involving lost contact with or distorted view of reality
Emotional symptoms of hypo mania /mania
Hypomania unusually high spirits for energy and enthusiasm or uncharacteristically irritable. low tolerance for frustration and overreacting with anger or hostility in response to environmental stimuli. People with mania exhibit unstable and rapidly changing emotions and mood or emotional lability. inappropriate use ofhumor, poor judgement in expressing opinions and grandiosity.
Emotional lability
Unstable and rapidly changing emotions and mood
And over evaluation of one significance or importance. Beliefs of being special, chosen or superior to others
Cognitive symptoms of hypo mania
Energize goal oriented behavior at home school or work. Seem to talk more than engaging one-sided conversations and demonstrate little concerned about giving others and opportunity to speak. Difficulty focusing attention for judgment can fail to recognize the inappropriate of their behavior
Cognitive symptoms of mania
More likely to appear disoriented cognitive difficulties. Impaired thinking maybe apparent from their speech sometimes referred to as pressured speech which may be rapid, loud and difficult to understand. Difficulty Maintaining focus and display a flight of ideas
Pressured speech
Rapid frenzied or loud disjointed communication.
Flight of ideas
Rapidly changing or disjointed not changing topics becoming distracted with new thoughts or making irrelavent or illogical comments
Behavioral symptoms of hypo mania/mania
Uninhibited, act impulsively, engaging in uncharacteristic behavior such as reckless driving excessive drinking illegal drug use, promiscuous behavior uncontrolled spending or making impulsive decisions such as changing jobs or plans to move to a new location. Difficulty delaying gratification.
Physiological symptoms of hypo mania/mania
Hi physiological arousal or, intense activity extreme restlessness or need to constantly be on the go. Increased libido, decreased need for sleep. May go for days without sleep and unplanned weight loss
Mixed features
Hey specifier when the mood disorder have symptoms from the Opposite pole
Depressive disorder’s
Major depressive disorder, persistent depressive disorder, and premenstrual dysphoric disorder
Major depressive disorder
Most day every day for two weeks depressed mood or loss of interest in previously enjoyed activities. Also at least four symptoms: weight gainor loss, changes in sleep, restlessness or slowing Activity,Fatigue or loss of energy, guilt or worthlessness, persistent difficulty with concentration ordecisions, suicidal behaviors. Must not have mania/mania
Major depressive episode
Severe depressive symptoms that have negatively affect the functioning most early every day for at least two weeks
Anxious distress
Many people experience during depressive episode. Persistent worry, motor tension,difficulty relaxing, feeling something catastrophic will occur. Associated with longer depressive episode and Heightened risk of suicide.
MDD with the seasonal pattern
Major depressive episodes occur seasonally more than nonseasonally at least two seasonal episodes of severe depression have occurred ending in a predictable time of the year
Persistent depressive disorder. Disthymia
Chronic depressive symptoms that are persistent most of the day for most days than not during the tour. No more than two months symptom-free. At least 2: hopelessness, low self-esteem, poor appetite or over eating, low energy or fatigue, difficulty concentrating or making decisions, or sleeping too much or too little
Pure dysthymia syndrome
Individual meets the criteria for persistent depressive disorder and has not had a major depressive episode in the previous two years. Maybe lifelong pervasive was long periods of depression and poor response to treatment. Associated with negative thinking patterns and a pessimistic outlook for the future
Premenstrual dysphoric disorder PMDD
Distressing and disruptive symptoms of depression, irritability, and tension that occurr the week before menstruation.requires five premenstrual symptoms: One must involve significantly depressed mood, swings, Anger, anxiety, tension, irritability, or increased interpersonal conflict. Other symptoms consider our difficulty concentrating ,social withdrawal, lack of energy ,food cravings or over eating, insomnia or excessive sleepiness, feeling overwhelmed ,or physical symptoms such as bloating weight gain or breast tenderness
Persistent complex breve meant disorder
Diagnostic category Undergoing study, proposed disorder involves persistent sorrow or preoccupation continuing a year after the death of a loved one. Continued longing for the deceased, preoccupation with the way they died,distress or anger overthe death,and difficulty accepting the death. Effect on interpersonal relationships or sense of identity 4.8%
Biological dimension of depression
Childhood depression usually environmental where as hereditary factors greater influence on adolescents and adulthood. Low-levels of certain neurotransmitters including serotonin norepinephrine and dopamine.
Treatment resistant depression
Depressive episode that is not improved despite now to put trial of antidepressant medication or other traditional forms of treatment. Dopamine deficiencies are implicated
Depression runs in families. Incidence is significantly higher among biological relatives compared to adopted family members. Chances of inheriting depression greatest for female twins suggesting gender differences in heritability. The short 5HTTL PR Jean increases risk of depression in those exposed to stress especially childhood trauma. This Jean X environment interaction is particularly evident in those with chronic depression. Chronic depression may also occur because of more cortisol.
Cortisol stress and depression
Dysregulation and overactivity of the HPA axis and overproduction of stress related hormones such as cortisol play an important role in development of depression and youth and adults. People with depression have higher blood levels of cortisol when interaction between childhood adversities and certain genes that increase cortisol.
Hippocampus in depression
Chronic stress and high cortisol can damage your rounds and hippo campus. People with depression him in Hibbett it birth of neurons or neurogenesis in the hippocampus. Excess cortisol can also deplete serotonin.
Functional and anatomical brain changes with depression
Neural imaging show the default mode network regions associated with wakeful resting state haveincreased conductivity. Antidepressant normalize connectivity in this region.people with short H TT L PR Leo and emotional neglect and child hood havestressinduced changes in the hippocampus. Depression is created with reduce neuralplasticity ,reduce neurogenesis in the hippocampus and in synapses. Pure dysthymic syndrome have abnormalities in neurological functioning including reduced activation of prefrontal cortex increased activity in the amygdaloid
Circadian rhythm disturbances in depression
Circadian rhythm is our internal biological rhythms maintained by the hormone melatonin and influence a number of our bodily processes including temperature and sleeping. Depression is associated with disruption in the system. Insomnia doubles the risk of developing depression and intensifies depressive symptoms. Also in postpartum dep. irregularities in rapid eye movement sleep of people with depression. Reduce R EM can improve depression
Behavioral explanations
Depression occurs when people receive insufficient social reinforcement. Risk of depression is increased when: person participates in few events or activities that can reinforce, fewreinforcements available in the environment, a person’s behavior and social skills result limited reinforcement.
Cognitive explanations of depression
Causedby the way people think, negative thoughts and errors in thinking result pessimism, damaging self-views and feelings of helplessness.
Beck’s theories
Individuals experience depression tend to have a negative self schema our way of looking at themselves negative thinking patterns may become so ingrained they consistently affect person’s emotional reactions. Exaggeration of personal limitations and minimization of accomplishments achievements and capabilitiesis common among those depressed
Back six types of faulty thinking
Arbitrary inference, personalization, overgeneralization, magnification and exaggeration, polarized thinking, selective abstraction
Rumination and Co. rumination
Repeatedly thinking about concerns or response rather than an active problem-solving and Co. rumination is the process of constantly talking over problems or negative events with others both increase the risk of depression. Particularly strong for girls
Attributional style
Characteristic way of explaining why a positive or negative event occurred. Can have powerful effects on our moods. Negative attributional style focuses on causes that are internal stable and global. Positive attributional style focuses on explanations that are external unstable and specific. Something bad occurs they may see it as a one time event resulting from circumstances beyond their control
Learned helplessness
Learn believe that one is helpless and unable to affect outcomes
Self contempt bias
Individuals with experienced a major depressive episode are more likely to have a self-contempt bias in there thinking i.e. a tendency to blame themselves rather than others. Shame and guilt or particularly prominent individuals with depressive episodes.
Severe acute stress
Often precedes the onset of major depression and is more likely to cause a first depressive episode then is chronic stress. After initial episode of depression less severestressors can trigger further depression
Parental depression
Individuals who fail to develop secure attachments and trusting relationship with caregivers early in life have increased volatility to depression when confronted with stressful life events. Depression and either parent but especially the mother increases likelihood of childhood depression even when the children are not biologically related to the depressed parent. Fewer positive and more negative parent-child interactions
Social rejection and targeted rejection
Social Rejection increases risk of depression. Targeted rejection or active intentional social exclusion or rejection as a particularly strongly with crest of symptoms. Stress increases risk of depression while depression can increase social stress.
Stress generation
Engaging in behaviors that lead to stressful events. Individuals with depression are more likely to generate stressors that are with in their control such as initiating arguments.
Higher rates of depression and women compared to man
Real differences rather than an artifact of self-report surprises. Variations and hormones the beginning puberty and continue to menopause appeared on Florence gender differences in depression. Girls who experience early physical maturity or at high-risk of depression. 13% of women experiencing mood changes associated with pregnancy including depression. Menopause is another occasion when women are vulnerable to severe depression
Brain differences between boys and girls and depression
Children who have experienced trauma both boys and girls show alterations in connectivity in the fear circuitry of the brain less connectivity between the hippocampus and prefrontal cortex. However girl showed additional irregularities reduced conductivity between the amygdala and Hippocampus-less inhibition of fear and increased emotional reactivity
Medication for depression
Three classes tricyclics monoamine oxidase in Hibbett her’s and serotonin norepinephrine reuptake inhibitor’s SM are eyes. A typical antidepressants that affect other neurotransmitters including dopamine. Evidence for efficacy is weak. Effectiveness is particularly limited with mild depression the Siebel serve justice affective. Antidepressant somewhat more effective for those with severe depression
Omega-3’s and moderate too intense daily exercise
Exercise can significantly reduce residual symptoms of depression. Omega-3 supplements can reduce depressive symptoms is particularly those without Concurrent anxiety
Circadian related treatments
A night of sleep deprivation, followed by night of sleep recovery. White simulation work as well as light therapy with antidepressants.
Brain stimulation therapy’s
Electoconvulsive therapy, and trans cranial magnetic stimulation, Vagus nerve stimulation.
Psychological and behavioral treatments for depressive disorder’s
Psychotherapy appear to have longer lasting affects whereas medication produces relief only during active treatment.
Behavioral activation therapy
Based on operant conditioning focuses on helping those were depressed to increase the participation in enjoyable activities and social interactions. Based on the idea of the depression results from diminished reinforcement. Involves identifying and rating different activities in terms of pleasure performing some of the selectedactivities, identifying day-to-day problems and using behavioral techniques to deal with them, and improving social and assertiveness skills
Interpersonal psychotherapy
Evidence-based focused on current interpersonal problems therapy focuses on the relationship issues
Cognitive behavioral therapy
Focuses on altering the negative thought patterns and distorted thinking associated with depression. How does teach clients to identify thoughts to proceed upsetting emotions, distance themselves from those thoughts, and examine the accuracy of their believes. CBT are less likely to relapse after treatment has stopped compared to individuals taking antidepressants
Mindfulness-based cognitive therapy
Involves, awareness of one’s present experience thoughts and feelings, and promotes an attitude of acceptance rather than judgment of valuation or rumination this breakscycle of negative thinking by directing attention to the present. Is effective in treatment-resistant depression and reduces the risk of recurrence of depressive symptoms
Cognitive bias modification
A guided self-help intervention aimed at minimizing rumination and overgeneralization in enhancing specific problem-solving skills. Individuals tend to ruminate if shown an increase in depressive symptoms when using self directed workbooks
Bipolar disorders vs depression
Very strong genetic and strong evidence of physiological overlap between bipolar disorder and schizophrenia. People with bipolar responded medications that have little effect with the price of the sorters peak of onset someone earlier for bipolar than depressive bipolar disorders occur much less frequently than depressive disorder’s
Bipolar one disorder
At least one week long manic episode impairs functioning, mixed features or depressed episodes are, but not required possible psychotic features equal with men and women although depressive episodes of rapid cycling in mixed features are more common in females
Bipolar to disorder
At least one major depressive episode, at least one hypomanic episode, and no history of mania
Cyclothymic disorder
Yeah. Involving mild or hypomanic symptoms alternating with mild or depression for at least two years with no more than two months symptoms free. Symptoms have never met the criteria for a hypo manic manic or major depressive episode
DSM-V criteria for a hypo manic manic episode
Specific period in which there is a definite observable change in behavior going most of the day and early every day during the episode the behavior change involves a consistently elevated expensive or irritable mood and unusual increases in energy or goal directed activity and at least three of the following symptoms:grandiosity, decreased need for sleep, and usually talkative or pressured to talking, racing thoughts are freaking change of topics, distractibility, increase social or work related goal directed activity sexual activity or physical restlessness, impulsive involvement in activities that may have a negative consequences.
Hypomanic episode
Those symptoms for four days. Symptoms not due to physiological effects of a medical condition to prescribe medication or drugs or alcohol use
Manic episode
Continuation of symptoms for at least one week, something severe enough to require hospitalization or result in impairment in social work functioning, psychotic symptoms may be present. Not due to medical condition prescribe medication or drug or alcohol use.
Bipolar 1
At least one manic episode it is impaired social or occupational functioning the person may or may not experience depression or psychotic symptoms. Must be present in your every day for one week
Bipolar I I disorder
At least one major depressive episode lasting at least two weeks and at least one hypomanic episode lasting at least four days. Depression is the most pronounced feature of bipolar two almost 3/4 of those with bipolar to reporting severe impairment while depressed
Primary distinction between bipolar one and bipolar too
Severity of the symptoms during the energized episodes.
Cyclothymic disorder
Involves mild or hypomanic symptoms that are consistently interspersed with mild or depressed moods for at least two years. Depressive mood is not reach the level of a major depressive episode in the energize symptoms that’s not meet the criteria for a hypomania or mania episode.
Mixed features
Concurrent hypomanic/manic and depressive symptoms
Rapid cycling
The occurrence of four or more mood episodes per year
Diagnostic bipolar category undergoing research
Depressive episodes with short ration hypomania which includes individuals with had a major depressive episode at least two hypomanic. So at least at least 2 to 3 days
Features and conditions associated with bipolar
One third exhibit both mixed features and we are up at cycling. When hypo manic manic symptoms occur with depressive symptoms the risk of impulsive behaviors such as suicidal actions or substance-abuse increases.
Call more of a concurrent disorders
Panic attacks, attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder, and substance use disorder. Three fourths of those with bipolar also have an anxiety disorder. Manic and depressive symptoms are more severe when accompanied by anxiety. Men with bipolar increased likelihood of substance-abuse, women with bipolar frequently have eating disorders
Increased risks with bipolar disorder
Increased physical illnesses such as hypertension, cardiovascular disease and diabetes. Increased rates of Jeff from suicide. 20 to 30 times greater risk of completed suicide compared to the general population
Gender differences in bipolar
Bipolar one no gender differences. My poor too, depressed and mixed features and rapid cycling occur more frequently and women and women awesome have a higher risk of symptoms will require
Genetic factors of bipolar
If twin diagnosed chances are 72% for identical twins compared to 14% for fraternal twins. Appears to have a complex genetic basis involving interactions among multiple genes including several genes influence by lithium. Circadian rhythm abnormalities,
Neurological abnormalities in bipolar
Irregularities in the way the brain processes in response to stimuli associated with reward
Dysregulation model of bipolar disorder
Individuals with bipolar disorder’s may show hypo manic manic symptoms after reaching the goal they also have a tendency to show anger and irritability in response to obstructed goals. High sensitivity to rewards and mania Kendaville do too overly ambitious pursuit of goals and excessive brain activation and increased energy output goals r attained
Neurotransmitters in bipolar
Serotonin norepinephrine or dopamine also hormonal influences distractions and stress circuitry glutamate neurotransmission is elevated
Brain structure in bipolar one disorder
Irregularities in regions the brain involved with emotional regulation to curly limbic system and the amygdala. Reduce gray matter in the crease brand activation in regions associated with experiencing and regulating emotions