Personality Disorders Flashcards
Personality Disorders
Characterized by personality traits that have become so rigid and maladaptive that they cause personal distress or interfere significantly with social, or occupational functioning.
Personality Disorders in DSM IV
3 clusters- Cluster A (odd or ecentric behaviors), Cluster B Dramatic, Emotional, or erractic behaviors), Cluster C (anxiety or fearfulness
PD Cluster A
Paranoid Personality Disorders, Schziod Personality Disorders, Schizotypal Personality Disorder
Paranoid Personality Disorder
Distrust and suspiciousness of others in that individuals believes that others intend to harm them.
Paranoid Personality Disorder - must have 4 symptoms
suspects others are exploiting or harming, unjustifiably doubtful that others are not trustworthy, reluctant to confide in others, thinks eery remark harmless or not is demeaning, holds grudges,overly susipiscious that spouse or partner is cheating.
Schizoid PD
Does not seem to care about interpersonal relationships AND has limited emotional expression in social interaction
Schizoid PD - must have four symptoms
Doesn’t care about close relationships; will usually choose a individual acitivity, not impacted by praise or criticism; lack of desire for sexual relationships; Limited pleasure found in activities, seems cold or detached.
Schizotypal Personality Disorder
Major inabilities to relate to others, extremely uncomfortable with close relationships AND strange thoughts, perceptions, or behaviors.
Schizotypal Personality Disorder - must have 5 or more symptoms
Ideas of reference, odd beliefs or magical thinking, body illsions an dother unusal percptions, odd thinking and speech, suspiciousness, inappropriate or constricted affect, strange behavior and appearance, social axiety
Cluster B PD
Antisocial Personalityh Disorder, Borderline Personality Disorder, Histrionic Personality Disorder, narcissistic personality disorder
Antisocial PD
Does not care about hte rights of others
Antisocial PD - must be
At least 18 and a diagnosis of conduct disorder prior to 15.
Histrionic PD
Dramatic emotions and attention seeking
Histrionic PD - 5 syptoms must be present
Uncomfortable not being the center of attention, Often interactions are sexual or seductive, always changing shallow emotions, excessively impressionistic speech lacking detail, exaggerated emotions, easily influenced, interprets realationships to be more intimate than they are.