Personality Flashcards
Psychoanalytic or psychodynamic theories of personality
Have the assumption unconscious internal states that motivate the overt actions of individuals and determine personality
All the basic, primal, inborn urges to survive and reproduce. Functions according to pleasure principle
Pleasure prinicple
Aim is to achieve immediate gratification to relieve any pent up tension
Operates according to the reality principle which takes into account objective reality as it guides or inhibits the activity of the id or the id’s pleasure principle.
Relationship between ego and superego
Ego is responsible for moderating the desires of the superego
Personality’s perfectionist, judging our actions and responding with pride at our accomplishments and guilt at our failures.
3 main categories for id, ego and superego
Thoughts to which we have conscious access
Thoughts that we aren’t currently aware of (preconscious)
Thoughts that have been repressed (unconscious)
2 types of instincts according to Freuid
Life and death
Life: Promote quest for survival, thirst, hunger and sex
Death: Unconscious wish for death and destruction
8 defense mechanisms
Repression Suppression Regression Reaction formation Projection Rationalization Displacement Sublimation
Assumption of rorschach ink blot?
Person will project their unconscious feelings onto the shape.
Important Jungian archetypes
Persona: The aspect of our personality we present to the world
Anima: The man’s inner woman
Animus: The woman’s inner man
Shadow: Unpleasant and socially reprehensible thoughts, feelings and actions in our consciousness
Humanistic theorists
Focus on the value of individuals and take a more person-centered approach
Type A personality
Behavior that tends to be competitive and compuslive
Type B personality
Laid back and relaxed
Big five traits of personality
Openness Conscientiousness Extraversion Agreeableness Neuroticism
Pneumonic for Big 5
2 most well known behaviorists?
Skinner and Pavlov
Occurs when a child is overindulged or overly frustrated during a stage of development
5 stages of psychosexual developement
oral, anal, phallic, latent, and genital
Oral stage
Gratification is obtained primarily through putting objects in the mouth, biting, and sucking. Libido energy is centered on the
Anal stage
1 to 3 years
The libidoIs centered on the anusIn gratification is gainedThe elimination and retention of waste materials
Phallic or oedipal stage
(3-5) Centers on the resolution of the Oedipal conflict for male children for the analogous electra conflict for female children.
Latency stage
Once libido is sublimated, and then lasts until puberty
Genital stage
In Puberty and lasts through adulthood. Person starts to enter into heterosexual relationships
Self concept
Our own internal list of answers to the question who am i?
Self schema
The self-given labels that carry with it a set of qualities.
Gender Identity
Describes a person’s appraisal of him or herself on a scale of masculinity and femininity
Defined as the state of being simultaneously very masculine and very feminine
Low scores on both masculinity and femininity scales
Ethnic Identity
Refer’s to one’s ethnic group, in which members typically share a common ancestry, cultural heritage and language
Based on political borders. Based on result of shared history, media, cuisine, and national symbols, such as a flag.
Hierarchy of salience
The hierarchy to which our identities are organized such that we let the situation dictate which identity holds the most importance for us at any given moment
Actual self
The way we see ourselves as we currently are
Ideal self
The person we would like to be
Ought self
Our representation of the way others think we should be
Our belief in our ability to succeed
Learned helplessness
When one accepts their fate of helplessness because of prior experiences and does not try to change their situation
Locus of control
Refers to the way we characterize the influences in our lives.
Internal locus views themselves as controlling their own fate.
External locus feel that events in their lives are caused by outside influences