symptoms of large fibre motor loss?
symptoms of large fibre sensory damage?
symptoms of small fibre nerve damage
symptoms of autonomic nerve damage
-dizziness (postural hypotension)
-nausea and vomiting (gastroperesis)
-absence of sinus arrythmia
what is the power, sensation and reflexes like for large fibre motor nerve damage?
power- reduced
sensation- normal
reflexes- absent
what is the power, sensation and reflexes like for large fibre sensory nerve damage?
power- normal
sensation- vibration and JPS reduced, pin prick and temperature reduced
reflexes- absent
what is the power, sensation and reflexes like for small fibre nerve damage?
power- normal
sensation- pin prick and temperature reduced
reflexes- present
what is the power, sensation and reflexes like for autonomic nerve damage?
power- normal
reflexes- present
what in the nerve must be damaged for plexopathy?
plexus of nerve
what in the nerve must be damaged radiculopathy/ ganglionopathy?
what nerve damage does this suggest
median nerve damage (carpal tunnel)
-wasting of thenar eminence
damage to what nerves cause wrist drop and foot drop
wrist drop- radial
foot drop- common peroneal
common causes of axonal neuropathies?
common causes of peripheral demyelenation damage to nerves?
usually acute but can also be chronic
Guillain-Barre syndrome (acute)
CIDP (chronic inflammatory demyelinating polyradiculopathy)
how to tell the difference between axonal and demyelenation damage to nerves?
Do electrical studies (sensory and motor)
-demyelenation will take longer to due damage to myelin sheath
example of acute demyelinating neuropathy?
-Guillaine Barre syndrome
example of chronic demyelinating neuropathy?
-CIPD (chronic inflammatory demyelinating polyradiculopathy)
-Hereditary sensory motor neuropathy (charcot marie tooth disease)
treatment of axonal peripheral neuropathy?
-treat cause (ie clear hepatitis C)
-symptomatic relief (physio, orthotics, neuropathic pain relief)
treatment of axonal (vasculitic) peripheral neuropathy?
Pulsed IV methylprednisolone + cyclophosphamide
treatment of demyelinating (inflammatory neuropathy) peripheral neuropathy?
-IVIg (pooled immunoglobulin from donors)
-azathioprine, mycophenalate, cyclophosphamide