ANATOMY- cerebrum (frontal lobe) Flashcards
what is the brain composed of? (3 parts)
what part of the brain is orange, blue and purple?
orange= cerebrum
blue= cerebellum
purple= brain stem
what part of brain is beige, purple, pink and green?
beige= cerebrum
purple= diencephalon
pink= cerebellum
green= brainstem (including midbrain, pons and medulla oblangata)
what is the largest part of the brain?
the cerebrum
what seperates the left and right cerebral hemispheres?
It is divided into two anatomically symmetrical hemispheres by the longitudinal fissure (a major sulcus that runs in the median sagittal plane) and the flax cerebri fills this
what is the internal part of the cerebrum comprised of?
grey and white matter
Role of grey matter in the cerebrum?
-it forms the surface of each cerebral hemisphere (known as the cerebral cortex)
-associated with processing and cognition
Role of white matter in the cerebrum?
-forms most of the deeper part of the brain
-consists of glial cells and myelinated axons that connect the gray matter areas
what are the groove and ridges/ elevation in the brain?
grooves= sulcus
ridges= girus
what type of matter is the corpus collusum made up of?
white matter
what connects the two cerebral hemispheres?
the corpus collosum
what are the main sulci?
-Central sulcus
-Lateral sulcus
-Parieto occipital sulcus
-Longitudinal fissure
name the blue, green and red sulcus
blue= central sulcus
green= parieto occipital sulcus
red= lateral sulcus
what does the central sulcus seperate?
the frontal and parietal lobes
what does the lateral sulcus seperate?
the parietal and the frontal lobe from temporal lobe
what does the parieto occipital sulcus seperate?
the parietal lobe and the occipital lobe
what are the main giry?
-precentral gyrus
-post central gyrus
-superior temporal gyrus
what are the yellow, blue and green gyrus?
blue= precentral
yellow= postcentral
green= superior temporal
in which gyrus is the primary motor cortex found?
in the precentral gyrus in the frontal lobe
in which gyrus is the primary somatosensory cortex found?
in the postcentral gyrus in the parietal lobe
what is the superior temporal gyrus responsible for?
-reception and processing of sound
what lobes are there in the cerebrum?
what lobes are there in the cerebrum?
what seperates the frontal lobe of the cerebrum from the rest of it?
it is separated from the parietal lobe by the central sulcus and is separated from the temporal lobe by the lateral sulcus
overall function of frontal lobe?
movement, higher intellect, personality, mood, social conduct and language
what arteries innervate the frontal lobe?
lateral frontal lobe- MCA
medial frontal lobe- ACA
what is highlighted red, blue, yellow, green and purple
red= primary motor cortex
blue= premotor/ supplementary motor cortex
yellow= frontal eye fields
green= prefrontal cortex
purple= Broca’s area
role of the prefrontal cortex?
memory/learning, motor planning, personality/behaviour
what part of the brain connects extensively to the cortices, basal ganglia, limbic system, thalamus and hippocampus?
prefrontal cortex
what are the 3 parts of the prefrontal cortex?
-dorsolateral prefrontal cortex
-ventrolateral prefrontal cortex
-orbitolateral prefrontal cortex
what part of the brain is responsible for response of primitive stimuli (hunger, thirst, sexual function)?
Orbitolateral prefrontal cortex
role of dorsolateral prefrontal cortex?
-responsible for external stimuli (executing work responsibilities, working memory, planning , various cognitive tasks)
where is the primary motor cortex located?
-located on the precentral gyrus
function of primary motor cortex?
voluntary motor movements (more the coordination of movements whereas premotor cortex/supplementary motor cortex is involved in the planning of these)
what part of the brain is involved in the corticospinal and corticobulbar tract?
primary motor cortex
what nerves are involved in the corticobulbar tract?
where is the motor homonuculus found?
in the primary motor cortex (located on the precentral gyrus in the frontal lobe)
what is the significance of the size of the body parts of the homonculus in terms of motor control?
larger body part= more motor units= more fine motor control
function of the premotor cortex/ supplementary motor cortex?
planning voluntary movements
role of frontal eyefields?
-voluntary, rapid eye movements
role of Broca’s area?
B- blurt out
W- what should I say?
Wernicke’s area makes sure speech makes sense and then Broca’s area takes the info from this and produces speech
presentation of damaged Broca’s area?
motor dysphasia
-patient will really struggle to speak and some will not speak at all
signs of frontal lobe dysfunction?
· Personality dysfunction
· Paraperesis
· Paratonia
· Grasp Reflex
· Frontal gait dysfunction (magnetic gait)
· Corticol hand
· Seizures
· Incontinence
· Visual field defects (anterior visual pathway including optic chiasms are beneath frontal lobe)
· Expressive dysphasia (Broca’s area is in the dominant frontal lobe)
Anosmia (olfactory pathway is beneath frontal lobe)
what is the tencephalon?
cerebrum can be further subdivided into the Tencephalon and the diencephalon
Tencephalon is made up from the cortex, subcortical fibres and basal nucleus (cerebral hemispheres)
what is the diencephalon?
cerebrum can be further subdivided into the Tencephalon and the diencephalon
Diencephalon is made up of the thalamus and hypothalamus