Perception Flashcards
Processing of basic info, through sensory receptors in the sensory organs and the brain.
A process focusing on organizing and interpreting sensory information.
Preferential looking technique
Method for research of the baby’s visual attention. In which becomes clear which pattern or object the baby prefers.
Visual acuity
Degree of discrimination
How clearly can they see
Contrast sensitivity
The ability to distinguish between light and dark areas in visual patterns.
Babies have low contrast sensitivity
Because the cones in the eyes are not well developed yet
Light-sensitive neurons. The cones of babies capture only 2% of the light, adults 65%
Visual scanning
Babies scan the environment for moving objects. These movements have to be slow
Perceptual constancy
Perceive a constant shape and size ook al veranderd de grote van het object.
Object segregation
Object segregation is the perception of boundaries between objects.
Optical expansion
Object comes closer and appears to gets bigger and bigger. Baby’s zijn hier op jonge leeftijd gevoelig voor.
Binocular inequality
The difference between the retinal image of an object in one eye and the retinal image of an object in the other eye. = twee verschillende signalen worden naar de heresenen verzonden.
The closer we are to the objects we view, the greater the inequality in location between the two images of both eyes.
When baby’s are between 6/7 months old they :
Become more sensitive to a variant of monocular depths/pictorial cues
Monocular depths cues
Perceptual depth cues, such as relative size, see-able with only one eye.
Stimulus properties worden verwerkt in de
Straite cortex
Via de ogen -> thalamus -> striate cortex
Spatial frequency
Zwart/wit strepen. Kinderen zien op jonge leeftijd alleen low spatial frequencies.
Kinderen met autisme
Letten meer op details HSF
Object segregation onderdelen
Border protection
Border protection
Waar een nieuw object begint
Alle onderdelen tot 1 object zien
Je ziet alle onderdelen tot 1 object en ziet ook dat dit verschilt van de achtergrond.
Gestalt principles
Object recognition
Specific areas for some objects:
- Fusiform face area
2: body area
3: parahippocamal place area
4: Loc things area
How fast are faces processed
Gaat sneller naar mate we ouder worden
Waar in het brein worden gezichten herkend
5-8 jaar zijn we nog niet heel gespecialiseerd in gezichten, dit wordt later wel beter.
Auditory localization
Hoofd draaien naar waar het geluid vandaan komt
Perceptual narrowing
Developing changes in which experience leads the baby to begin to lose the ability to make distinctions that she could make in earlier points in development.
Je raakt dus alleen gespecialiseerd in stimulus die belangrijk zijn voor jou omgeving
Intermodal perception
Combination of information gathered by two or more senses.