Intelligence Flashcards
Effectief denken en beredeneren
Adaptief omgaan met je omgeving
First attempt to measure intelligence
- erfelijkheid
- Sensory and perceptual skills (reaction speed)
- Size of the skull
Alfred Binet
- Assumed that mental abilities develop with age
- Chronological age VS mental age
- Developed the Binet Simon test
Binet Simon test
Taks of reasoning & problem solving
- verbal reasoning
- Quantitive reasoning
- Abstract reasoning
- Short term memory
Stanford-Binet Intelligence scales
- Fluid reasoning
- Knowledge
- Quantitative reasoning
- Visual spatial processing
- Working memory
Wechsler Scale
- Based on Carroll three stratum Theory
- WAIS for adults
- WISC for kids ouder dan 6 jaar
- WIPPSI voor kinderen 2 jaar en ouder
Ratio of mental age to chronological age multiplied by 100
- Now based on standardization, median is 100
Flynn effect
Gains in mean IQ for world regions
Factor analysis
Statistical method to identify clusters of variables that correlate highly with each other
Charles Spearman
-> factor analysis
Invented the G-Factor
G factor
- School grades in English and math correlate positively
- Tasks for the Stanford binet correlate postively
Critises Spearman
- the correlations between tasks are positive but ar not that high
- There are 7 mental abilities
Catell & Horn
Combined model for intelligence
- General intelligence contains- > fluid intelligence and crystallized intelligence
Crystallized intelligence
Keeps developing Fluid intelligence (prefrontal cortex) has a peak around age 20 and that slightly decreases
Carroll´s three stratum theory
General intelligence is influenced by fluid and crystallized intelligence and the 7 abilities
IQ is an important predictor is
- academic success
- occupational success
- economic success
- health behaviors and outcomes
- resilience
What influences intelligence
Genes and environment
As the child grow older the genes play a more important role
Active effects
The genotype of a child influences the environment a child chooses
Passive effects
The overlap of the genotype of the parents and the child’s genotype influences the environment the child grows up in.
Evocative effects
Behavior of the child will influence the reaction of others to the child
Biological factors intelligence
- metabolic disorders: PKU or Tay-Sachs disease
- chromosomal disorders: Down Syndrome
- Premature birth
Prenatal environment intelligence
- Rubella virus
- Drugs
- Fetal Alcohol syndrome
Maternal prenatal stress or anxiety
Schooling effect on intelligence
- Postive correlation between years of schooling and IQ independent of age
- Practice makes perfect-> brain connectivity
- Possibe explanation for Flynn effect
Poverty and intelligence
Consistent negative effect of poverty on intelligence and IQ scores
- Nutrition
- Reduced access to health services
- Household conflict
- Less intellectual stimulation
Pygmalion effect
If a teacher believes that a child has potential, the child will develop better cognitive skills
Promote academic achievement
Project head start
- Health promotion
- Nutrition
- Educational and school readiness
- Parental involvement
Parental involvement
Child parent-oriented motivation-> child engagement->child achievement
General intelligence
Cognitive processes that influence the ability to think and learn on all intellectual tasks.
Fluid intelligence
Involves the ability to think on the spot
- working memory functioning, speed of information processing, ability to control attention.
Betekenis crystallized intelligence
Is factual knowledge about the world: hoofdsteden, long term memory for prior experiences and is closely related to verbal ability.
Primary mental abilities
Word fluency Verbal meaning Reasoning Spatial visualization Numbering Rote memory Perceptual speed
Multiple intelligence theory
Gardners theory of intellect, based on the view that people possess at least eight types of intelligence
Theory of successful intelligence
Sternberg theory of intellect, based on the view that intelligence is the ability to achieve success in life.
the analytical, the practical, and the creative skills.
Phonemic awareness
Mogelijkheid om componentgeluiden in woorden te identificeren
Phonological recoding skills
Mogelijkheid om letters in klanken te vertalen en klanken in woorden te vermengen
Visually based retrieval
Rechtstreeks van de visuele vorm van een woord naar zijn betekenis gaan
Strategy choice process
Procedure voor het selecteren van alternatieve manieren om een probleem op te lossen (vanaf groep 3)
Mental model
Cognitieve processen gebruiken om een situatie of opeenvolging van gebeurtenissen weer te geven.
Comprehension monitoring
Proces van het bijhouden van iemands begrip van een verbale beschrijving of tekst.
Helpt goede en slechte lezers te onderscheiden.
Numerical magnitude representation
Mental models do the sizes of numbers, ordered along a less-to-more dimension
Kinderen met een grotere fonemische gewaardwording
Is gecorreleerd met de leesprestaties op latere leeftijd. Voorspeller van IQ
Which to areas in the brain are less active
- one area is involved in discriminating between phonemes
- other in integrating visual and auditory information
Interventions dyslexia
Increasing vocabulary
Teaching them general knowledge about the world
een opeenvolging van acties die worden gebruikt om herhaalde gebeurtenissen te organiseren en te interpreteren (zoals eten in een restaurant en het schrijven van een rapport)
Arithmetic equality
Values of one side of a sum must be equal to the other side of a sum by means of the = sign
Gesture discrepancy
Gebaren die kinderen maken, drukken een ander idee uit dan hun verbale verklaring
Influence IQ scores
- alertness
- knowledge of the test
- environmental factors
The correlation between individual alleles of genes and IQ are very small
Which shows that genetic influences on intelligence consist of all small contributions form many different genes and interactions between these genes.
Home measurement correlate positively with IQ scores
Environmental risk scale
Measures ten characteristics giving children a riks for a low IQ scores. The more characteristics are present, the more risk a child runs.
Risk of poverty-> can be compensated by a high quality education.n
Carlonina Abcedrarian Project
- Start early with intervention (6 month old)
- Caregivers must communicate in a positive and responsive manner with children
-> improvements due to self control and doorzettingsvermogen
Simple view of reading
Reading is determined by
The ability van ontcijferen and understanding of oral language
->Predictor of text comprehension