Brain Development Flashcards
Cells that specialize in sending and receiving information between the brain and all other body parts.
Sensory neurons
Exchange information from the sensors receptors of the environment or within the body itself.
Motor neurons
Exchange info between the brain and the muscles and limbs.
Exchange information between sensory neurons and motor neurons.
Neuron consist of
Cell body
Nucleus of the neuron, which keeps the neuron working.
Receive info from other neurons through the synapse and transmit them to the cell body.
Transmits info from the cell body to other neurons via synapses
Glial cells
Fulfill sorts of supportive functions. They ensure the formation of a myelin sheath around axons.
Myelin sheath
Is a greasy sheath that increases the speed and efficiency of information exchange.
Cerebral cortex
Gray matter, part of the brain.
- takes up 80% of the brain
- the large areas are called the lobes
Characterized by the general categories of behavior that each lobe specializes in.
Occipital lobe
Important for processing visual info
Temporal lobe
Memory, visual recognition, auditory information and the processing of emotions.
Parietal lobe
Specialized in non-verbal processing, sensory input integration and info about emotions.
Frontal lobe.
For planning ahead and organizing behavior
Cerebral hemispheres
The two halves of the cortex
Info in the cortex
Information coming in from the right side of the body is processed in the left hemisphere
Corpus callosum
Helps the two brain halves communicate
Proliferation of neurons by cell division.
Enormous increase in the size and complexities of the densities through growth, branching and the formation of spines.
Increase the capacity to form connections with other neurons.
Technique that measures the electrical activity generated by neurons using electrons on the skull.
Event- related potentials
Changes in electrical activity that arise from the presentation of a particular stimulus.
Detect magnetic field generated by electrical currents in the brain.
Functional magnetic resonance imaging
Technique in which fluctuations in cerebral blood flows are measured by means of an electromagnet, which is used to measure activity in brain areas.
Positron emission tomography
Measures brain activity by detecting metabolic processes
Near-infrared spectroscopy
Optical imaging technique in which metabolic changes are observed that lead to different absorption of infrared light.
Capacity of the brain that will be influences by experiences.
Experience- expectancy-plasticity
Process in which the brain forms as a result of contemporary experience in a normal environment.
Experience- dependent plasticity
Process in which neural connections are made and reorganizes as a result of individual experiences.
The environmental factors mainly influence
Secular trends, in which change in physical development in length over the years
Failure to thrive
Conditions in which babies become malnourished and do not grow or gain weight without a clear media al reason.
Excitatory transmitters
Increase de kans op doorgeven van neuronen
Inhibitory transmitters
Zorgen ervoor dat het signaal niet wordt doorgegeven
Synthesis de transmitters
Dieet dat de aanmaak van serotonine verhoogd
Presynaptic receptoren
Block the reuptake from serotonine, waardoor het langer in het lichaam actief blijft
Postsynaptic receptors
De serotonine bereiken niet het tweede neuron, waardoor het minder snel vergaat.
MAO blockers
Mao breekt serotonine af, de blokkers zorgen ervoor dat er minder MAO is en waardoor er minder serotonine wordt afgebroken.
Brain stem and cerebellum
Brain stem
Thalamus, hypothalamus, libris system and cerebral cortex
The process by which neurons from synapses with other neurons, resulting in trillions of connections.