Pelvis Flashcards
Anterior tilting
changes in degree of lumbar lordosis
Lateral tilting
changes in degree of hip abduction
Ischiofemoral Ligament
reinforces fibrous capsule posteriorly from ischial portion of acetabular rim to base of greater trochanter
-resists hyperextension
The lumbar plexus lies between:
-psoas major and quadratus lumborum, in psoas compartment
Iliacus origin
Upper 2/3 of iliac fossa of ilium, internal lip of iliac crest, lateral aspect of sacrum, ventral sacroiliac ligament, and lower portion of iliolumbar ligament
Iliacus insertion
lesser trochanter
Iliacus action
flex the torso and thigh with respect to each other
also external rotation
Iliacus innervation
muscular branch of femoral nerve
Psoas major and minor origin
Anterior surfaces and lower borders of transverse processes of L1 - L5 and bodies and discs of T12 - L5
Psoas major and minor insertion
lesser trochanter
Psoas major and minor action
flex the torso and thigh with respect to each other
also external rotation
Psoas major and minor innervation
direct fibers of L1-L3 lumbar plexus
Quadratus Lumborum origin
iliac crest posterior inner lip
Quadratus Lumborum insertinon
upper 4 lumbar vertebrae transverse processes, 12th rib lower border
Quadratus Lumborum action
lateral flexion (right performs right, left performs left)
Quadratus Lumborum innervation
ventral rami of 12th throacic and upper three or four lumbar spinal nerve
Gluteus max origin
Posterior aspect of dorsal ilium posterior to posterior gluteal line, posterior superior iliac crest, posterior inferior aspect of sacrum and coccyx, and sacrotuberous ligament
Gluteus max insertion
Primarily in fascia lata at the iliotibial band; also into the gluteal tuberosity on posterior femoral surface
Gluteus max action
Major extensor of hip joint, assists in laterally rotating the thigh; upper and middle third section of the muscle are abductors
Gluteus max innervation
inferior gluteal nerve
Gluteus med origin
dorsal ilium inferior to iliac crest
Gluteus med insertion
lateral and superior surfaces of greater trochanter
Gluteus med action
Major abductor of thigh; anterior fibers help to rotate hip medially; posterior fibers help to rotate hip laterally
Gluteus med innervation
superior gluteal nerve
Gluteus min. origin
Dorsal ilium between inferior and anterior gluteal lines; also from edge of greater sciatic notch
Gluteus min insertion
anterior surface of greater trochanter
Gluteus min action
abducts and medially rotates the hip joint
Gluteus min innveration
superior gluteal nerve
Piriformis origin
Anterior surface of lateral process of sacrum and gluteal surface of ilium at the margin of the greater sciatic notch
Piriformis insertion
superior border of greater trochanter
Piriformis action
Lateral rotator of the hip joint; also helps abduct the hip if it is flexed
Piriformis innervation
piriformis nerve
Superior Gemellus origin
ischial spine
Superior Gemellus insertion
medial surface of greater trochanter of femur, in common with obturator internus
Superior Gemellus action
rotates the thigh laterally, also helps abduct the flexed thigh
Superior Gemellus innervation
nerve to the obturator internus and superior gemellus
Inferior gemellus origin
Posterior portions of ischial tuberosity and lateral obturator ring
Inferior gemellus insertion
Medial surface of greater trochanter of femur, in common with obturator internus
Inferior gemellus action
Rotates the thigh laterally; also helps abduct the flexed thigh
Inferior gemellus innervation
Nerve to the obturator internus and inferior gemellus – a branch of the sacral plexus (L5, S1)
Obturator Internus origin
Internal surface of obturator membrane and posterior bony margins of obturator foramen
Obturator Internus insertion
Medial surface of greater trochanter of femur, in common with superior and inferior gemelli
Obturator internus action
Rotates the thigh laterally; also helps abduct the thigh when it is flexed
Obturator internus innervation
Nerve to the obturator internus and superior gemellus – a branch of the sacral plexus (L5, S1)
Quadratus Femoris origin
lateral margin of obturator ring above ischial tuberosity
Quadratus Femoris insertion
Quadrate tubercle and adjacent bone of intertrochanteric crest of proximal posterior femur
Quadratus femoris action
rotates the hip laterally; also helps adduct the hip
Quadratus femoris innervation
Quadratus femoris branch of nerve to the quadratus femoris and inferior gemellus (L5, S1)
Obturator externus origin
External surface of obturator membrane and anterior bony margins of obturator foramen
Obturator externus insertion
Posteromedial surface of greater trochanter of femur
Obturator externus action
Rotates the thigh laterally; also helps adduct thigh
Obturator externus innervation
Femoral triangle
SAIL s=sartorius a=adductor longus il=inguinal ligament NAVEL n=nerve a=artery v=vein e=empty space l=lymph nodes