Muscles Flashcards
Trapezius proximal attachment
- medial 1/3 of superior nuchal line
- external occpital protuberance
- ligamentum nuchae
- spines and supraspinous ligaments from C7 to T12
Trapezius distal attachment
- poster border of lateral 1/3 of clavicle
- acromion
- scapular spine
Trapezius innervation
spinal accessory nerve
ventral rami C3, C4
Trapezius function
upward rotation (lower)
Latissimus Dorsi proximal attachment
- spinous process of T7-T12
- thoracoumbar fascia
- posterior part of iliac crest
- inferior 3-4 ribs
Latissimus Dorsi distal attachment
-intertubercal groove
Latissium Dorsi innervation
thoracodorsal nerve (C6,C7, C8)
Latissium Dorsi function
internal rotation, shoulder extension, some adduction
Levator scapulae proximal attachment
-transverse processes of C1-C4
Levator scapulae distal attachment
-medial scapular border between superior angle and end of scapular spine
Levator scapulae innervation
dorsal scapular (C5) and cervical (C3,C4)
Levator scapulae function
downward rotation
Rhomboid minor proximal attachment
- lower ligament nuchae
- spines of C7 and T1
Rhomboid minor distal attachment
medial end of spine of scapula
Rhomboid minor innervation
dorsal scapular (C4,C5)
Rhomboid major proximal attachment
spines of T2-T5 vertebrae
Rhomboid major distal attachment
-medial border of scapula from spine to inferior angle
Rhomboid major innervation
dorsal scapular (C4,C5)
Rhomboid function
adduction or retration, downward rotation
Deltoid proximal attachment
- lateral 1/3 clavicle
- acromion
- spine of scapula
Deltoid distal attachment
-deltoid tuberosity
Deltoid innervation
axillary nerve (C5,C6)
Deltoid function
anterior: flexion and some abduction, horizontal abduction, internal rotation
posterior: horizontal abduction, extension, external rotation
middle: major abductor of shoulder joint
Teres Major proximal attachment
-inferior scapular angle
Teres Major distal attachment
-medial lip of intertubercular groove
Teres Major innvervation
lower subscapular nerve (C5, C6)
Teres Major function
internal rotation, adduction, extension
Supraspinous proximal attachment
-suprascapular fossa
Supraspinous distal attachment
-superior facet of greater tubercle of humerus
Supraspinous innervation
suprascapular nerve (C4,C5,C6)
Supraspinous function:
stabilize, pull head of humerus towards glenoid fossa & allows for some slight abduction
Infraspinatus proximal attachment
inferior scapular fossa
Infraspinatus distal attachment
medial facet of greater tubercle of humerus
Infraspinatus innervation
suprascapular nerve (C5,C6)
Infraspinatus function:
external rotation, assist with abduction (pulling head of the joint up)
Teres Minor proximal attachment
-upper 2/3 of lateral border of scapula
Teres Minor distal attachment
-inferior facet of greater tubercle of humerus
Teres Minor innervation
axillary nerve (C5,C6)
Teres Minor function
external rotation, adduction
Subscapularis proximal attachment
-subscapular fossa
Subscapularis distal attachment
-lesser tubercle of humerus
Subscapularis innervation
-upper and lower subscapular nerves (C5,C6,C7)
Subscapularis function
internal rotation, adduction, horizontal adduction
Pectoralis Major proximal attachment
- medial half of clavicle
- sternum
- upper six costal cartilages
Pectoralis Major distal attachment
-lateral lip of intertubercular sulcus
Pectoralis Major innervation
medial and lateral pectoral nerves (C5,C6:clavicular, C6, C7,C8,T1-sternal)
Pectoralis Major function
downward rotation, protraction
Pectoralis Minor proximal attachment
-ribs 3-5
Pectoralis Minor distal attachment
-coracoid process
Pectoralis Minor innervation
-medial pectoral nerves (C5,C6,C7,C8,T10
Pectoralis Minor function
- protraction scapula
- depress scapula
Subclavius proximal attachment
-rib 1
Subclavius distal attachment
inferior clavicle
subclavius innervation
nerve to subclavius (C5,C6)
Subclavius function
depression of clavicle
Serratus anterior proximal attachment
-lateral regions of ribs 1-8
Serratus anterior distal attachment
-anterior surface if medial border of scapula
Serratus anterior innervation
-long thoracic nerve (C5,C6,C7)
Serratus anterior function
What are the upward rotators of the scapula?
- serratus anterior
- upper trapezius
What are the downward rotators of the scapula?
- pec minor
- rhomboids
- levator scapulae
What are the elevators of the scapula?
levator scapulae
What are the depressors of the scapula?
- pec minor
- Lats
What are the protractors of the scapula?
Pec minor
serratus anterior
What are the retractors of the scapula?
middle traps