Pelvis Flashcards
What does the pelvic girdle comprise of?
Two hip bones and sacrum
Pelvic outlet and inlet
Orientation of the pelvic girdle
Joints and ligaments of the pelvic girdle
What are the walls and floor of the pelvic cavity?
One antero-inferior, two lateral, a posterior wall and a floor
What is contained within the Antero-inferior wall of the pelvic cavity?
Bodies and rami of the pubic bones
Pubic symphysis
Supports urinary bladder
What is contained within the lateral wall of the pelvic cavity?
Hip bones with the obturator foramen closed by the obturator membrane and obturator internus muscles covered with fascia over its upper inner surface
The internal pudendal vessels and pudendal nerve crosses the pelvic surface of the Obturator internus and are enclosed in a special canal—Alcock’s canal—formed by the obturator fascia
What is contained within the posterior pelvic wall of the pelvic cavity?
Piriformis muscles , anterior sacroiliac ligaments of the sacroiliac joint, sacrospinous and sacrotuberous ligaments, the sacral plexuses.
Medial to piriformis origin of sacral plexus.
Anterior surface of the piriformis – rectum, sacral plexus of nerves and branches of the internal iliac vessels
What is the Pudendal Canal?
The pudendal canal is formed by the fascia of theobturator internusmuscle, orobturator fascia.
It encloses the following:
Internal pudendal artery.
Internal pudendal veins.
Pudendal nerve.
These vessels and nerve cross the pelvic surface of theobturator internus.
What are the properties of a female pelvis?
Bones are lighter and thinner
False pelvis is shallow
Pelvic cavity is wide and shallow
Pelvic inlet round/oval
Pelvic outlet comparatively large
Subpubic angle large
Coccyx more flexible and straighter
Ischial tuberosities are more inverted
What are the properties of the male pelvis?
Bones are heavier and thicker
False pelvis is deeper
Pelvic cavity is narrow and deep
Pelvic inlet is heart shaped and smaller
Pelvic outlet is comparatively small
Subpubic angle is more acute
Coccyx is less flexible and more curved
Ischial tuberosities are longer and face more medially
What is the pelvic diaphragm?
Muscular sling or hammock in the funnel shaped – supports the abdominopelvic viscera, lies inside the true pelvis, separating the pelvis from the perineal viscera.
Resists increases in intra-abdominal pressure.
What are the 2 names that the pelvic diaphragm are split into?
the coccygeus and levator ani
What is the coccygeus?
Part of the pelvic diaphragm.
Lateral surface of sacrum and coccyx to the sacrospinous ligament
What is the levator ani?
Part of the pelvic diaphragm.
Board muscular sheet, various thickness, muscle subdivided into named portions according to their attachments; iliococcygeus & pubococcygeus. urogenital hiatus
What is the Pubococcygeus?
Pubococcygeus: arises from the anterior half of the tendinous arch of the obturator membrane and the posterior surface of the pubic bones. Puborectal sling; It forms a U-shaped muscular sling predominantely from the muscle fibers arising anteriorly that run posterior to the anorectal junction and the external anal sphincter. Most medial fibers go around the urethra and insert on the perineal body bounding the urogenital hiatus. In males it merges with the prostatic tissue and in females forms the Pubovaginalis.
What is the Iliococcygeus?
Iliococcygeus: arises from the posterior part of the tendinous arch and pelvic surface of the ischial spine, overlaps the coccygeus muscle and is inserted on the side of coccyx and the anococcygeal body.
What are the Peritoneal layers and the Pelvic Fascia?
Supravesical fossa
Rectouterine pouch & Rectouterine folds, As the peritoneum passes up and over the uterus in the middle of the pelvic cavity, a double peritoneal fold, the broad ligament of the uterus, extends between the uterus and the lateral pelvic wall on each side, forming a partition that separates the paravesical fossae and pararectal fossae of each side. The uterine tubes, ovaries, ligaments of the ovaries, and round ligaments of the uterus are enclosed within the broad ligaments
The pararectal fossae
Rectovesical pouch
Pelvic Fascia
Parietal pelvic fascia is a membranous layer of variable thickness that lines the inner (deep or pelvic) aspect of the muscles forming the walls and floor of the pelvis—the obturator internus, piriformis, coccygeus, levator ani, and part of the urethral sphincter muscles.
Visceral pelvic fascia includes the membranous fascia that directly ensheathes the pelvic organs, forming the adventitial layer of each organ.
What is an important anatomical landmark for chronic endometriosis?
The vesico-uterine pouch
As it is the furthest point of the abdominopelvic cavity in women, it is a site where infection and fluids typically collect. What is it called?
Rectouterine fold
What are the names of the pelvic arteries?
Internal iliac artery- divides into an Anterior internal iliac artery and Posterior internal iliac arteries at the upper margin of greater sciatic notch.
Anterior internal iliac is largely visceral and supplies Rectum, Urinary bladder and the reproductive organs.
Posterior internal iliac branches are – Iliolumbar, lateral sacral and the superior gluteal artery
Where are the ovarian arteries located?
Ovarian arteries - arises from the abdominal aorta and the renal artery. It then runs medially, dividing into an ovarian branch and a tubal branch, which supply the ovary and uterine tube.
Where is median sacral artery?
is a small unpaired artery - vessel runs anterior to the bodies of the last one or two lumbar vertebrae, the sacrum, and the coccyx, its terminal branches participating in a series of anastomotic loops
What is the Superior rectal artery?
Superior rectal artery is the direct continuation of the inferior mesenteric artery