Pelvic organ prolapse Flashcards
What is a prolapse?
Protrusion of an organ or structure beyond its normal anatomical confines
What is female pelvic organ prolapse?
Descent of pelvic organs towards or through the vagina
Are nulliparous or multiparous women more likely to get pelvic organ prolapse?
What is the pelvic floor?
The bottom surface of the pelvic cavity
What is the purpose of the pelvic floor?
Keeps pelvic viscera in position at rest and when there is increased intra-abdominal pressure
What are the 3 layers of the pelvic floor?
Endo-pelvic fascia
Pelvic diaphragm
Urogenital diaphragm
What is the endo-pelvic fascia?
Network of fibro-muscular connective tissue that has a hammock-like configuration and surrounds various visceral structures
What structures male up the endo-pelvic fascia?
Uterosacral ligaments
Pubocervical fascia
Rectovaginal fascia
What is the pelvic diaphragm?
Layer of striated muscles with fascial coverings
What structures make up the pelvic diaphragm?
Levator ani
What is the urogenital diaphragm?
Superficial and deep transverse perineal muscles with their fascial coverings
What is the anatomical position of the utero-sacral ligament?
Medial to the uterus, cervix, lateral vaginal fornices and pubocervical and rectovaginal fascia
Lateral to sacrum and fascia overlying piriformis muscle
How can the utero-sacral ligament be palpated?
Down traction on the cervix
What does the utero-sacral ligament provide?
Limited side-side movement of the cervix
Which part of the utero-sacral ligament tends to break?
Medial part