Maternal and perinatal mortality Flashcards
How is maternal mortality defined?
Death of a woman while pregnant or within 42 days of termination of pregnancy irrespective of the duration and site of pregnancy from any cause related to or aggravated by the pregnancy, but not from accidental or incidental cause
What is maternal morbidity?
Severe health complications occurring in pregnancy and delivery not resulting in death
What percentage of global maternal mortality and morbidity is preventable?
Around 80%
What is the maternal mortality ratio?
Number of maternal deaths during a given time per period per 100000 livebirths during the same period
What is maternal mortality rate?
Number of maternal deaths in a given time period per 100000 women of reproductive age
What is lifetime risk of maternal death?
Probability of maternal death during a woman’s reproductive life
What is proportionate mortality ratio?
Maternal deaths as proportion of all female deaths of those of reproductive age in a given time period
How is maternal mortality ratio interpreted?
The risk associated with each pregnancy
How is maternal mortality rate interpreted?
Frequency of which women are exposed to obstetric risk
How is lifetime risk of maternal death interpreted?
Measure of women’s risk of becoming pregnant as well as risk of dying while pregnnat
What are facility based methods of measuring maternal deaths
Health information systems Registries Confidential enquiries Maternal death review Audit
What are direct maternal deaths?
Deaths related to obstetric complications during pregnancy, labour, or puerperium or resulting from any treatment recieved
What are major causes of maternal death?
Haemorrhage Sepsis Hypertensive disorders Obstructed labour Unsafe abortion
What are the 3 delays in the 3 delays model?
Delays in decision to seek care
Delay in reaching care
Delay in receiving care
Where does the majority of maternal death occur?
Africa and Afghanistan