Abnormal Labour and post partum care Flashcards
Approximately how many pregnancies need induced labour?
1 in 5
What are indications for induction of labour?
7 days + past due date
Maternal health problems necessitates delivery - treatment for DVT
Fetal reasons - Growth concerns, oligohydraminos
What is involved in induction of labour?
Attempts are made to ‘ripen’ the cervix using medications or devices followed by artificial rupture of membranes
What is the Bishop’s score?
Score to clinically assess the cervix, the higher the score the more progressive change there is in the cervix and the more likely induction is to be successful
What are the 5 components of Bishop’s score?
Dilatation (cm) Length of cervix - effacement Position Consistency Station
What is station in Bishop’s score?
The position of the fetal head in relation to the pelvic bones
How is dilatation scored in Bishop’s score?
0cm - 0
1-2cm - 1
3-4 cm - 2
5+cm - 3
How is effacement scored in Bishop’s score?
3cm - 0
2cm - 1
1cm - 2
0cm - 3
How is position scored in Bishop’s score?
Posterior - 0
Mid - 1
Anterior 2
How is consistency scored in Bishop’s score?
Firm - 0
Medium - 1
Soft - 2
How is station scored in Bishop’s score?
-3cm - 0
-2cm - 1
-1-0cm - 2
+1-+2cm - 3
What is used to ripen the cervix if Bishop’s score is low?
Vaginal prostaglandin pessaries
Cook balloon
What Bishop’s score is favourable of an amniotomy?
7 or more
What is an amniotomy?
Artificial rupture of the fetal membranes usually using a sharp device
What is used to ahieve contractions after amniotomy?
IV oxytocin