Pelvic contents Flashcards
What is the greater and lesser sciatic notch?
In terms of an ‘os conxa’ bend posteriorly between the ilium and the ischium
lesser sciatic notch: between ischial spine and ishcial tuberosity
What are parts of the sacrum?
Wings or ala superiorly on each side
4 ant./post. sacral foramen either side
sacral canal
inferiorly and post is sacral hiatus for caudal nerve blocks
What forms the pelvic inlet? (true vs false pelvis)
sacral promontory, sacral alae, arcuate line, pectineal line, pubic crest, pubic tubercles, PS
True is below this line
What is the pelvic tilt? (NB sacrum has 40 degree backwards tilt)
The 60degree anterior tilt the pelvis has, such that the ASIS is is line with the pubic tubercles/symphysis
What are the pelvic boundaries?
pelvic inlet
posteriorly bony (sacrum, coccyx, piriformis)
anteriorly: pubic boines
floor: muscular diaphragm
What is the difference between a male and female pelvis?
Male: sub pubic angle < 90 degrees; heart shaped inlet; small pelvic oulet
female: sub pubic angle > 90 degrees; circular inlet and outlet
What two pelvic ligaments must we know
sacrotuberous (sacrum to ischial tuberosity)
Sacrospinous ( sacrum tio ischial spine)
Form greater and lesser sciatic foramen
Muscles of the pelvic wall and where do they travel
Obturator internus (LSF) and piriformis (through greater sciatic foramen)
What are the vessel pasages?
GSF: (above or below piriormis)
LSF: (
-above piriformis: superior gluteal n. and a
-below piriformis: inferior gluteal n. and a. ; sciatic nerve (L4-S3) ; post. cutaneous nerve of the thigh (S1-3);
LSF: these have left the greater sciatic foramen and come back into the pelvis
- internal pudendal a. and pudendal nerve (S2-S4)
- n. to obturator internus
What are the branches of the internal iliac artery?
Ant and posterior divisions
vesicular: Umbilical (fibrous), superior vesical 2/3 branches (bladder) and inferior vesical to prostatic (uterine in F to vaginal)
Visceral: Uterine, vaginal, middle rectal
Parietal: Obturator, internal pudendal, inferior gluteal
Posterior: superior gluteal
What is the venous drainage?
All veins drain to the internal iliac vein
EXCEPT deep dorsal vein of penis/ clitoris;
-drains into prostatic/ vesicular plexi through ant. deficiency in perineal membrane.
Note that rest of perineum drains drains back with internal pudendal vein
Lumbosacral plexus nerve roots
out of ant. sciatic foramina
Gluteal nevres
Sup. Gluteal: L4-S1 Gl. medius and minimus
Inf. Gluteal: L5-S2
Sciatic nerve
tibial nerve always below piriformis, CP changes
Nerve to levator ani and coccygeus
At risk of being compressed by things in pelvis