Kidney, ureter and posterior abdominal wall Flashcards
What are the posterior abdominal wall muscles? (details)
Quadratus lumborum: iliac crest to 12th rib/ L1-4 TP
Psoas major: T12, L1-5 to the LT.
Iliacus: iliac fossa to LT. Femoral nerve
Transversus abdominis (more lateral)
When does the aorta branch?
Renal arteries?
Gonadal vessels?
L1 para aortically
IVC brnach occurs where?
L5 beneath the right common iliac artery
RCIA covers LCIV –> left leg varicose veins in preggers women
Kidney surface anatomy note peri (lat and ant) and para (behind) nephric fat
right kidney lower then the left (due to liver)
RK behind rib 12
LK behind rib 11 and 12
Ureters EXIT at L1 (TP plane)
Kidney anatomy (hila) NB kidney poles
- Hilum contains RA, RV and pelvis/ureter
- Pelvis/ ureter are posterior to the vessels
- RVs are anterior to the renal arteries
- arteries branch into ant. and post. before hilum
- Right RA (post to IVC) longer than left RA; Left RV longer then right RV (left RV ant to aorta but post to SMA)
leaves at L1
vertically down psoas in line with transverse processes
crosses common iliac bifurcation (ant SI joint)
towards ischial spine
enters bladder on inferior surface at trigone
What are the three constrictions of the ureter?
1- pelvi-ureteric junction (PUJ)
2- crossing of common iliac bifurcation / pelvic brim
3- enter bladder wall
sites of renal calculus obst.
Ureter BNL
Arterial: RA; Gonodal (testic); superior vesical artery
Venous: “
Nervous: renal plexus to hypogastric, pain referred to suprapubic
Transitonal epi; rugae
smooth muscle called detrusor msucle
sphincter of vesicae
Arterial: 2 times superior and inferior vesical arteries from ant branch of internal iliac
Venous: vesical plexus to int iliac
Nervous: inf hypogastric plexus (sacral splachnic S2-4 (L1-2 fibres) and pelvic splachnic)
Base of bladder where the two ureters and urethra leave
smooth part
between ureter openings is inter-ureteric crest (least mobile part of bladder)
Female: short and passes through deep and superficial perineal pouches
Male: pre prostatic; prostatic (wide); membranous (thinnest, throuh deep perineal pouch); spongy
PS: pelvic splachnic for sensation and detrusor muscle contraction
S: some sphincter in urethra, more related to sex
Somatic: pudendal nerve for external urethral sphincter
Lumbar plexus
ORDER: iliohypogastric; ilioingunal; genitofemoral ; lat. cut. of thigh; femoral; obturator
Iliohypogastric L1
S: lat gluteal and pubic skin
M: Transversus abdominis and internal oblique
C: over quad L. through TA
ilioinguinal L2
S: medial thigh/ root of penis and scrotum/ mons pubis/labia majora
M:TA and IO
C: over QL, through TA to IO through inguinal canal to spermatic cord
genitofemoral L1 and L2
two branches genital/femoral branches of the GF nerve
S: scrotum and upper ant thigh
M: cremasteric (genital branch)
C: ON PSOAS, joins spermatic cord (genital branch)/ under IL to thigh (femoral)
lat. cut. of thigh L2 and L3
S: anterior and lateral thigh
C: over iliacus, laterally (from lateral border of psoas) under the IL by the ASIS
Bernhardt Roth- compressed by IL
femoral big mama and L2-4
S: and thigh and med leg
M: pectineus, iliacus and ant thigh compartment
C: lower lateral psoas under IL
obturator L2-4
S: medial thigh
M: obturator externus and medial comp.
C: emerges medial to psoas behind common iliac, laterl to II and ureters, exits via obturator foramen