Pediatric Developmental Delays Flashcards
What are examples of positive factors that influence development
warm and secure relationships
enriching learning opportunities
proper nutrition
exercise and rest
What are negative factors that can influence child development
unstable housing
parental stress
household dysfunction
alcohol exposure and SUD
violence and or trauma
what is a developmental delay
a child who has not gained the developmental skills expected for him or her, compared to other of the same age.
Why is developmental screening done?
allows earlier detection
determines whether further assessments are needed
What does IDEA stand for and mandate?
Individuals with Disabilities Education Act
mandates early ID of and intervention for developmental disabilities
requires provider refers children with suspected dleays in timely manner to appropriate eraly intervention system
Who is the best person/s to note changes in child’s physical and behavioral development?
What are the benefits of early diagnosis and treatment of developmental delays?
more likely to: graduate high school. hold jobs, live independently
Less likely to: become pregnant/father children, have delinquencies, violent crimes
When is developmental screening done?
9 months, 18 months
24 months, 30 months
What are the developmental scales?
denver developmental (??)
ASQ-3 (ages and stages questionnaire)
M-CHAT (18 and 24 months)
temperament and atypical behavior scale
child behavioral checklist
What are developmental delay risk factors
prenatal conditions
child abuse / neglect
maternal or parental stress
neglect, trauma, abuse
chornic disease: CV, hearing, vision
what are absolute indications for immediate eval with language milestones
- no babbling, pointing or gesturing by 12 months
- no single words by 16 months
- no two-word spontaneous phrases by 24 months
- any regression in language or social skills at any age
What are Autistic Spectral Disorders (ASD)
a group of developmental disabilites causing major social, communication and behavioral challenges with symtpoms typically present before age of 3
What is the average age of ASD diagnosis
54 months but may be getting younger
what are characteristics of ASD
impaired socail interactions
impaired verbal + non-verbal communication
restriced +/- repetitive behaviors
What is SEED
Study to Explore Early Development
-largest known study to attempt to idenity factors that put kids at risk for autism and other developmental delays
What are ASD characteristic in the first year of life
little interest in being held
no comforted by physical closeness with parents
limitations in social smiling, eye contact, vocalization, social play
what are ASD characteristics in the second year of life
fails to orient to own name
impairement in joint attention skills
doesnt notice when parents/siblings leave/enter the room
little to no eyecontact; “hearing problem”
speech fails to develop as expected
lack of pretend play skills, repetitive play, lacks creativity, rough-housing
what are interventions for ASD
25-40 hours of service/week; education, speach, OT/sensory integreation
behavioral and communication
biomedical and dietary approached
complementary approaches
what are characteristics of asperger’s
mild or limited speech delays, or atypical speech
difficulty sustaining converstation initiated by another
inability to make friends
diagnosed later,preschool or school aged