Pediatric Acute Respiratory infections Flashcards
Vocal Apparatus of the larynx, consisting of the vocal folds of the mucous membrane investing the vocal ligament and vocal muscle on each side.
5Ps of History
Prodrome and onset Prior state of health Presence of Fever Precious Treatment Playing with small toys
Maximizes airway and use of accessory muscles (head leaning forward, neck extended, elbows on knees, mouth open, tongue out)
tripod position
tripod position indicates?
triad of Epiglotitis
Drooling, dyspnea, dysphagia
normal RR (<2 moths)
<60 rpm
normal RR (2-12 months)
<50 rpm
normal RR (1-5 years)
<40 rpm
normal RR (68 years)
<30 rpm
Most toxic infectious pathology of the supraglottic area
radiographic sign or epiglotitis
Thumb sign
Most benign infectious pathology of the RT
Viral laryngotraheobronchitis
Also called the wine bottle sign, Refers to the tapering of the upper trachea on a frontal chest radiograph
Steeple sign
Inflammation from the distal trachea to medium and large sized bronchi
Bronchitis (also called as tracheobronchitis)
<3 weeks - acute
>3 weeks - chronic
>4 episodes/year - recurent
Etiology of Acute bronchitis
Mostly Viral (adeno, Influ B, Parainflu type 3, TSV, rhinovirus)
Clinical manifestations of acute bronchitis
cough 3-4 days after URTI
rhonchi, wheezing
symptoms resolve withiin 3 weeks