PE - lungs Flashcards
pathway of air
nasal cavity / mouth => trachea => bronchi => bronchioles => alveoli (air sacs) => exhalation
- windpipe
- carries air from mouth to lungs
- kept open from stiff rings of stiff cartilage
- large spongy organs optimized for gaseous exchange
- carry air from trachea to the lungs
- carry air from bronchi to alveoli
- tiny air sacs
- allow rapid gaseous exchange
- tiny hairs
- cover inside of trachea
- traps dust
- red pigment found in red blood cells
- transport oxygen
haemoglobin + oxygen
- intake of air
- expulsion of air from the lungs
process of air
oxygen inhaled thru mouth and nose => travels thru the trachea => tiny hairs (cilia) trap dust particles => oxygen travels into the left and right lung thru the bronchus => travels down the bronchi and bronchioles into the alveoli => gaseous exchange takes place in the alveoli
features in alveoli
- good ventilation & circulation
- large surface area
- moist surface
- short diffusion distance
- concentration gradient
inspiration - process
increasing chest capacity
diaphragm and intercoastal muscles contract = > enlarges chest capacity => vol increases => pressure reduces => air is drawn into lungs => air goes form high to low
decreasing chest capacity
diaphragm and intercoastal muscles relax => reduces chest capacity => vol decreases => pressure increases => air is drawn out
- measures air capacity of human lungs
tidal vol
- vol of air breathed in / out during normal breath
inspiratory reserve vol
- additional air that can be forcibly inhaled after inspiration of a normal tidal vol
expiratory reserve vol
- additional air that can be forcibly inhaled after the expiration of a normal tidal vol
residual vol
- vol of air that remains in the lungs after a full expiration