PE Flashcards
monday revision
Three key skills of a successful sports leader
- Communication 2. Organisation of equipment 3. Knowledge
Types of communication
- Verbal - communication using words - e.g. giving technical instructions.
- Non-verbal - communication without words - e.g. facial expressions and
bodily gestures. - Listening - e.g. after asking a question and requesting a response
Four advanced skills of a
successful sports leader
- Activity structure 2. Target setting 3. Use of language 4. Evaluation
How to structure a sports
- Warm up 2. Main component / activity 3. Cool down 4. Feedback / debrief
Aims and objectives
Aims = what you want to achieve in your session Objectives = how you are going to achieve your aims in the session
Three key qualities of a
successful sports leader
- Appearance 2. Enthusiasm 3. Confidence
Four additional qualities of
a successful sports leader
- Leadership style 2. Motivation 3. Humour 4. Personality
Leader makes all the decisions, and tells sports performers what to do and
how to do it.
Autocratic leader
Leader involves sports performers in the decision making process, but makes
the final decision on what is to be delivered in the session.
Democratic leader
Sports performers make the decisions. Sports leader is used as a mentor and
helps the performers when appropriate.
Laissez-faire leader
Main aim of a sports
To encourage participation and ensure that sports sessions are safe and well
Motivated by the pleasure of the activity and the satisfaction or sense of
accomplishment from participating
Intrinsic motivation
The influence of things outside the athlete or activity. The desire to achieve
something. Motivated by external factors such as recognition, a medal, prize
or trophy.
Extrinsic motivation
Individuals who get bored quickly and are often poor at tasks that require a
great deal of concentration. Constantly seek stimulation and excitement
Three core responsibilities
of a successful sports
- Professional conduct 2. Equality 3. Health and safety
Treating everyone fairly.
Social disparity, e.g. inequality between the rich and poor
Intolerance of or dislike of people based on, for example race, religion, sexual
orientation, age or disability.
Five wider responsibilities
of a successful sports
- Insurance 2. Child protection 3. Legal obligations 4. Rules and regulations
- Ethics and values