Patient Exams Flashcards
radiographic visualization of blood vessels and blood flow by injecting radiopaque material through a subcutaneous catheter
obtaining assessment measurements; comprises signs, functions, and capacities that can be objectively determined by the senses (sight, hearing smell) or by specific equipment or tests
radiographic visualization of a joint by injection of contrast media
a hearing test using an audiometer with earphones that measures the patient’s response to tones; it is recorded in decibels (db) and frequencies
use of an instrument, usually a stethoscope, to listen to internal body sounds for abnormalities
body mass index (BMI)
a health risk assessment tool for adults and children to estimate the percentage of body fat by using a formula based on the individual’s height and weight
cardiac catheterization
passing a thin flexible tube (catheter) into the heart, using the femoral or radial artery and direct x-ray for visualization to diagnose or treat certain heart ailments
chief complaint
a summary of the patient’s words explaining why he or she is seeking health care
radiographic visualization of the bile ducts using contrast media
radiographic visualization of the gallbladder structure and function
computed tomography (CT)
radiographic visualization of body structures in thin cross sections or layers
an ultrasonic device used to locate, audibly transmit, and sometimes record pulses
impedance audiometry
a hearing test using an audiometer and an ear probe that measures tympanic membrane mobility of the middle ear system and neural transmission
intravenous pyelography (IVP)
radiographic visualization of the kidney, ureters, and bladder by injection of contrast media through a vein
Ishihara color vision test
used to determine color vision deficiencies (color blindness); consists of a series of pages or plates with imbedded numbers of various colors; depending on the degree of the deficiency, the person would not see the number or would see it in a different color
kidney, ureter, and bladder (KUB)
flat late (x-ray) of the abdomen
Korotkoff sounds
sounds heard through the stethoscope during the measurement of blood pressure; there are five phases
magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)
film visualization of internal structures, including soft tissue, by using a magnetic field with radiation
radiographic examination of breasts (usually female) with specialized x-ray
passive movement of body joints to determine the extent of movement
measurement of height or length and weight
radiographic visualization of the spinal cord and nerve roots by injection of contrast media into the subarachnoid space
visual review of the body, inspecting for symmetry, abnormalities, and skin color and conditions
ophthalmoscope (funduscope)
an instrument that reflects light throughout the pupil to determine the health of the interior of the eye
orthostatic pressure
comparative blood pressures taken in the supine, sitting, and standing positions
an instrument to examine the auditory canal and eardrum
use of fingertips and hands to feel for sizes and positions of specific organs, masses, or other abnormalities; texture and firmness; skin temperature and moisture; and flexibility of joints
peak flow meter
a handheld device used to measure the peak expiratory flow rate (PEFR) to monitor asthmatics
process of determining density of specific internal structures by the sound produced by external tapping, usually with fingers or with a percussion hammer for testing neurologic reflexes
pupils equal, round, reactive to light and accommodation; abbreviation used to describe the normal pupil of the eye
positron emission tomogroaphy (PET)
used to diagnose and measure the severity of lung problems by evaluating how well the lungs work: the amount of air the lungs can hold and how quickly the lungs move air in and out: measurements also include the efficiency of oxygenating the blood and removing carbon dioxide
pulse oximetry
a test using a pulse oximeter to measure the percentage of oxygen in the blood
the study and use of radioactive substances to visualize an internal structure
a substance or structure that x-rays will penetrate
substance or structure that is not penetrated by x-rays
retrograde pyelography
radiographic visualization of the kidney, ureters, and bladder by administration of contrast media through a urinary catheter
Snellen chart
poster with letters in rows of graduated sizes used to measure how well a person can see at specified distances
instrument used to measure blood pressure: the instrument is composed of a cuff for the arm, thigh, wrist, or finger and a measurement device
the most common lung function test; measures how much and how quickly air is moved in and out of the lungs by breathing into a mouthpiece attached to a recording device (spirometer); a graph with the results (spirogram) is produced
an instrument used to listen (auscultate) the action of a person’s heart or lungs, and to take an apical pulse or blood pressure; typically having a small disk-shaped device to place against the chest and two tubes connected to ear pieces
subjective descriptions of altered health indicators ( nausea, headache); complaints that cannot be seen or measured
a test using an instrument (tonometer) to measure the intraocular pressure of the eye to diagnose glaucoma
tuning fork
used for gross measurement for hearing and sound conduction; the instrument is activated by striking it with the hand and is then placed on top of a patient’s head, beside each ear, and on each side of the patient’s mastoid bone
a test that uses a tympanometer, which uses air pressure to measure tympanic membrane mobility
ultrasonography (ultrasound)
use of high-frequency ultrasonic waves to produce an image and identify and measure deep body structures and abnormalities
vital signs
measurements of body emperature, pulse, respirations (TPR), and blood pressure (BP)
an image produced on a radiosensitive surface or a radiation beam passed through an object