Emergency Preparedness Flashcards
ABC’s (airway, breathing, circulation)
primary assessment in emergencies to determine whether the patient’s airway is open, breathing is occurring, and blood is appropriately circulating
open wound resulting in scraping off of skin layer(s) by trauma; may or may not produce bleeding
shock caused by a severe allergic reaction that results in respiratory distress and, in some instances, cardiac arrest
open wound caused by forceful tearing away of skin from bony structure by trauma, sometimes leaving a skin flap and causing excessive bleeding
tissue damage from exposure to heat, chemicals, or electricity
cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR)
a standardized approach to providing first aid in a situation in which the victim is not breathing and the heart may have stopped beating
contusion (bruise)
closed wound usually caused by blunt trauma
nose bleed
exposure-control plan
plan that describes personnel protective equipment (PPE) and other safety engineering devices and processes; it provides instructions of what an employee should do if an exposure occurs
first aid
the immediate care rendered in a medical emergency until definitive or advanced care is available
excessive bleeding that may result in hypovolemic shock
abnormally high blood glucose level
abnormally high body temperature (heat exhaustion and heat stroke)
abnormally low blood glucose level
abnormally low body temperature
straight or jagged cut into the body tissue
medical emergency
the occurrence of a sudden injury or illness that requires immediate medical intervention
pull, aim, squeeze, sweep; acronym for using a fire extinguisher
the injection, respiration, or ingestion of a toxic substance (may be natural or chemical)
rule of nines
formula used to determine extent of the body burned; each body part is considered 9% of the body; the affected parts are added to determine the percentage of body burned
seizure convulsion
generalized series of involuntary muscle contractions
life-threatening condition related to inadequate oxygen supply and often characterized by heavy blood loss; lowered blood pressure; weak, increased pulse; cool, clammy skin; increased respiratory rate; anxiety; and agitation
stretching or tearing of a ligament caused by a wrench or twist
stretching or tearing of a tendon or muscle
transient unconsciousness, usually caused by a sudden decrease in blood pressure or oxygen; also called fainting or swooning
a specific kind of dizziness and a symptom, not a condition
walking wounded
persons in a disaster who have been triaged at a command center of the community disaster, have minor injuries, and are capable of walking