Minor Surgical Procedures Flashcards
outer layers of skin scraped off, resulting in a small amount of sanguineous or serosanguineous drainage, such as a “skinned” knee
bleeding below unbroken skin caused by blunt trauma; a bruise
a method of destroying tissue by freezing (cryogenics) using liquid nitrogen applied from a tank with a gauge and removable hand pieces, or other cryo materials requiring sample spray canisters
sharp or smooth spoon-shaped instruments used to scape tissue or other substances from a body orifice or organ; most common are ear and uterine
solid instruments used to stretch or widen the opening to an anatomic structure (uterine, urethral sounds)
a method of dissection or cauterization using an electric current directed to a specific anatomic area to cut, destroy, or coagulate
special instrument used to examine the interior of canals and hollow viscus; design and name are dependent on the organ; it usually contains fiber-optic technology allowing lighting, video transmission, and other technologic procedures
a two-handled instrument used to grasp, move, or crimp tissue
sometimes referred to as forceps, straight or curved instrument used to compress capillaries and other blood vessels to stop bleeding: (hemostasis) also referred to as a clamp or Crile
a smooth cut as in surgery or as made with a razor
a jagged traumatic cut resulting in irregular wound edges
laser surgery
a method using high concentrations of electromagnetic radiation in narrow beams for surgical and diagnostic applications
needle holder
a two-handled instrument that clasps a needle, allowing the physician to push and pull the needle with suture material through various anatomic structures
a straight instrument with ends of various shapes; used primarily to explore patency of ducts, canals, and other anatomic structures
a hole in the skin made by a sharp pointed object
instruments of various shapes used to hold back tissue and organs to facilitate exposure to the operative state
knives with various blade shapes and sizes, used to make surgical incisions
a straight or curved instrument used to explore body cavities for measurement of depth and presence of masses or foreign bodies
suture-removal scissors
scissors with a hook toward the distal end of one blade to get under sutures and safely snip during suture removal
suture scissors
straight-bladed scissors used to cut suture material during the suturing procedure and sometimes for suture removal
a long, two-handled instrument with pointed ends used to grasp tissue during surgery; a cervical tenaculum is commonly used in well-woman exams
time out
patient safety practice recommended by TJC; at the beginning of each surgical procedure, the team members pause to ensure the correct patient identity, correct surgical site, and correct procedure
towel clamps (clips)
small instruments of various shapes used to keep sterile towels used as drapes in place during surgery