Pathophysiology Test 3 Flashcards
chemical messenger
Circadian Rhythm
24hr cycle of the bodies normal rise and fall or hormones
TSH Levels
peak between 8pm-12am
Hypothalmus Hormones
CRH, TRH, GNRH, GnRH, Somatastatin `
corticotropin-releasing hormone
thyrotropin-releasing hormone
growth hormone releasing hormone
gonadatropin-releasing hormone
inhibits GH and TSH
- located in the brain
- Senses increase/decrease levels in hormones in the blood
- secretes releasing or inhibiting hormones
- releasing hormones signal release of pituitary hormones.
Pituitary gland
- below the hypothalmus
- 3 lobes (anterior, posterior, intermediate)
- release is stimulated by the hormones sent by the hypothalmus.
Anterior pituitary hormones
ACTH, TSH, GH, LH, FSH, Prolactin
Posterior pituitary hormones
ADH and oxytocin
- anterior pituitary
- target organ= thyroid
- activates t3 and t4
- affects almost every organ in the body
enlargement of the thyroid
toxic, the extra tissue produces thyroid hormones
non-toxic, the extra tissue does not produce thyroid hormones.
normal amount of thyroid hormones produced
Grave’s Disease
- autoimmune disorder
- seen in patients 20-40 Y/O
- 5x more likely in women
- S/Sx: all associated with hyperfunction plus dysphagia and choking
- exophthalmus(fluid behind the eyes)
- goiter
Treatment: radioactive iodine, surgical removal (thyroidectomy)
Hashimoto’s Disease
- autoimmune disorder: destroys the thyroid
- gender female to male (5:1)
- radiation exposure
- S/Sx: all associated with hypofunction
- fatigue, weakness
- weight gain, despite loss of appetite
- constipation, flatulence
- brittle hair, dry skin
- cold intolerances
- mental dullness, lethargy
treatment: hormone replacement
myexedema/ myxedematous coma
- life threatening complication of hypothyroidism
- S/Sx: same as hypothyroidism
- low body temperature (low 80’s)
- edemas/ pretibial edema w/ rash
- coma (collapse of arteries)
- pleural effusion and pericardial effusion (fluid shifting)
Treatment: replacement of thyroid hormones
Adrenocorticotropin hormone (ACTH)
- anterior pituitary
- target organ: adrenal glands
- activates release of hormones from the adrenal cortex
- adrenal gland sits atop each kidney
- cortex is the outer layer
- medulla is the inner space
- normally 2 kidneys
- size of the fist
- no blood=no urine
- urinary tract = kidneys, ureters, bladder, and urethra.
Functions of the Kidney
- filtration of blood
- isolate essential substances, such as water, potassium, and sodium
- selectively reabsorbs blood or urine as needed
- passes unwanted substances into the urine
- secretes renin from juxtaglomerular apparatus
- secretes erythropoietin
- helps maintain carbonic buffering system (H+ and bicarb)
too much water for urine
- each kidney has about a million
- blood through nephron= urine
- jobs of nephron
- filter waste form blood
- help control F&E of the body
- parts of the nephron
- glomerulus
- proximal convoluted tubule
- loop of henle
- distal convoluted tubule
- collecting duct
Glomerulus (Bowman’s Capsule)
filtration of toxins and waste from incoming blood
re-absorption or release of water and electrolytes as needed.
Blood supply to/from kidneys
- a single renal artery to each kidney from the aorta
- segmental and interlobular arteries within the kidney
- smaller and smaller arterial vessels end at the afferent arterioles
- renal vein returns blood to venous circulation
Healthy urine
- yellow, clear/transparent, no bacteria, no RBC or WBC
- occasional casts(bacterial WBC)
- pH: 4.6-8.0
a byproduct of muscle metabolism. Each day 1-2% of muscle creatine is converted to creatinine
BUN (blood urea nitrogen)
urea nitrogen is a byproduct of protein metabolism in the liver.
Glomerular filtration
occurs in the Bowman’s capsule, incoming blood is filtered, waste products removed, added to urine.
- if kidneys are healthy then the concentration of creatinine and urea nitrogen decrease and urine concentration increases.
Normal blood test for urine
BUN: 5-25mg
Creatinine: 0.6- 1.5mg
potassium: 3.5-5.5
Diagnostic studies for kidney function
- KUB: x-ray of the kidney, ureters, and bladder
- IVP(intravenous pyelogram): injection of dye; x-rays as the dye moves through the KUB
- renal arteriogram: assesment of blood flow through the kidneys.
- endoscopy: camera in the urethra to assess structures
- renal biopsy: dx of kidney cancer; needle enters the back and a sample is aspirated.
- ascending bacterial infection
- usually e.coli or pseudomonas
- usually in females
- catheterization: nonscomial or infection from the hospital.
- obstruction: from renal caliculi (stones)
- urine retention: incomplete bladder emptying, reflux, hurried voiding, enlarged prostate in males.
Types of UTI’s
- Cystitis: bladder infection
- typical cause is ascending bacteria
- less serious than pyelonephritis
- S/Sx: frequency, urgency, malodorous, cloudy urine, hematuria(blood in urine).
- Dx: urinalysis with C&S
- Tx: antibiotics 7-10 days, fluids
- Pyelonephritis: kidney infection
- typical cause: complication from untreated cystitis
- serious complication: scarring of kidney
- S/Sx: same as cystitis plus fever, chills, nausea, and flank pain, malaise.
- Dx: urinalysis and blood work (elevated WBC in blood urine, bactremia)
- antibiotics 10-14 days, fluids
24hr UOP of 100-400ml
24hr UOP of less than 100ml
Renal Caliculi or Kidney stones
- aka nephrolithiasis
- more common in men 20-55
- most kidney stones are made of calcium or oxalate (dairy, tofu, soy, spinach)
- risk factors: decreased fluid intake, elevated Ca, vegetarianism, family hx, sedentary lifestyle.
- S/Sx: Colicky pain, N/V, fever, chills, UTI
- Dx: KUB and IVP
- 90% pass spontaneously
- Tx: pain meds, fluid intake of 3000ml per day, lithotripsy, lthotomy.
Lithotripsy (electacorporeal shock wave therapy)
- non-invasive removal of stones; for stones less than 2cm
- uses shock to break stone and pass through urine
- sometimes done under water.