A&P Chapter 12 Flashcards
Spinal Cord
- extends to 2nd lumbar vertebrae
- gives rise to 31 pairs of spinal nerves
- cervical enlargement: nerve fiber of upper limbs enter and exit (arm)
- lumbosacral enlargement: nerve fibers of lower limb exit and enter (leg).
connective tissue membranes
Dura mater
superficial and thickest membrane
arachnoid mater
next deeper meningeal membrane
Pia mater
deepest, bound to the spinal cord.
Forms filum terminale( anchors spinal cord to coccyx)
White matter
myelinated axons; schwanns cells
Gray matter
cell bodies, dendrites, and unmyelinated axons.
White matter of spinal cord
- each half divided into 3 columns
- ventral
- dorsal
- lateral
- each funiculi divide to tracts of fasciuli
- white commissure: connect halves together.
Gray matter of the spinal cord
- organized into horns
- posterior
- anterior
- lateral
- gray commissure: connects halves
- central canal: helps circulate cerebrospinal fluid.
Roots of spinal cord
each half has a dorsal root an da ventral root. roots join laterally to form spinal nerve.
Dorsal root
sensory neurons (sensory info)
Ventral root
Autonomic neurons; motor neurons. glands and muscles
basic structural unit of the nervous system
reflex arc
basic functional unit. ability to receive stimuli and produce response.
- Autonomic response
- some can be exaggerated (diff for everyone)
Consists of- sensory receptor
- sensory neruon
- interneuron
- motor neuron
- effector organ
Golgi tendon organs
- encapsulated nerved endings in tendons
- prevents excessive tension in tendons
Reciprocal innervation
- inhibitory signals sent to antagonist muscles
- reduces resistance to movement
cross extensor reflex
- stimulation of motor neurons in other leg
- aids in maintaining balance
surrounds the individual nerve fibers
surrounds groups of nerve fibers
bundle of fibers encased in perineurium